September 21, 2021 Agenda

Community members are encouraged to join the ANA Monthly Meeting from 6:30-8:30pm outside the front door of the Armatage Community Center. Please bring a chair if you are able and dress warmly (the area is well lit at night). In case of rain, the meeting will switch to Zoom: register at

  • Welcome and Introductions (6:30pm)
  • Park Update – Jordan Nelson, Armatage Park Director (6:35pm)
  • Edits and Approval of City Funding Applications & New ANA Policies (6:40pm):
    • Neighborhood Network Fund Application
    • Equitable Engagement Fund Application
    • Required City Policies
  • 2022 Draft Budget (7:15pm)
  • Hybrid Meeting Options (7:25pm)
  • President’s Report (7:35pm)
  • Coordinator Report (7:45pm):
    • Bylaws & Funding Plan Modification
    • Halloween Decoration Tour
    • Fundraising
  • Committee 3 Minute Updates (8:00pm):
    • Safety, Equity & Outreach
    • Community Engagement
    • Green Team
  • New Business (8:15pm)

Meet Your Community Helpers Event

Saturday, September 25

Meet the helpers that serve our community at Armatage Park on Saturday, September 25! Get your pressing recycling questions answered, learn about fire safety, talk with our MPD 5th Precinct staff about community safety, explore the inside of a USPS mail truck or an ambulance, share what equity in Armatage means to you, get an All Are Welcome Here lawn sign, weigh in on the neighborhood Bylaws & Funding Plan, learn about the proposed charter amendments, and lots more. Plus, Sparrow Cafe and Thumbs Cookies will both be on-site with treats!

Please plan to wear a mask at the event. See more COVID safety and event details at

School Supply Drive

Check out Armatage Elementary’s school supply wish list here and bring items to donate to get entered to win a Ring doorbell or three day emergency kit!

Weigh in on the Draft Bylaws & Funding Plan Through Oct 15

This fall, the Armatage Neighborhood Association needs your help!  The ANA will update its governing bylaws in order to comply with the City of Minneapolis’s new funding program. The ANA has ALSO drafted a neighborhood funding plan (called a Plan Modification) to shift more funds to long-term community engagement and staffing budgets to enable the ANA to operate as long as possible. We hope to have as many community members vote on both during the public comment period, which runs through October 15.

Click here to learn more and weigh in by October 15. Thank you for making your voice heard!

Minneapolis American Rescue Plan Act Funding Survey

The City of Minneapolis is seeking feedback from residents, businesses, and community organizations as it considers funding priorities for the second round of American Rescue Plan Act funding awarded to the City to address economic and public health impacts from the pandemic.

The survey will be open through Friday, September 24. Results will assist City leaders as they determine funding priorities for the remaining federal funding awarded to the City. Take the survey to rank funding priorities here.

Neighborhood Funding

Base funding for neighborhood organizations like the Armatage Neighborhood Association will drop to $15,000/year in 2022 and just $10,000/year in 2023. When taking the survey, please consider asking for more neighborhood funding. Crunched for time? A sample comment for the survey is included below:

Neighborhood organizations play a key role in our city through their community work, communications and advocacy. They will no longer be able to do that without increased investment in their basic operating budgets. Please use the American Rescue Plan Act Funding to ensure neighborhoods are funded at a base minimum of $25,000 per year. Their work benefits our communities and the entire city of Minneapolis and together they help meet the goals of the stated priorities in this survey.

Upcoming Candidate Forums

We’ve teamed up with our neighboring communities to host non-partisan City Council and Park Board candidate forums as well as an educational series on the proposed charter amendments to help you get ready for Election Day on November 2!

Jim Crow of the North Free Screening & Discussion

Thursday, October 7

The Armatage Safety, Equity and Outreach Committee is hosting a FREE community screening and discussion of the TPT documentary, Jim Crow of the North, on the history of redlining in the Twin Cities on Thursday, October 7 from 6:30-8:00pm outside the Armatage Rec Center. Dress for the weather and plan to distance. Free hot cocoa and popcorn provided.

Learn more and sign up at

Fall Neighborhood Clean-up

Saturday, October 2

Join the Armatage Green Team for our annual Fall Clean-up on Saturday, October 2 from 9:00-11:00am! This is a great opportunity for kids, teens and adults to show neighborhood pride and keep trash and recycling out of our waterways. The ANA will provide supplies and you provide the volunteer power!  Sign-up at

Playground Reopening Celebration Thank You!

The ANA would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who came to last week’s Playground Reopening Celebration!  Learn more about the playground planning at and read how neighborhood funds were used to complete this project at

Special thanks to…

  • Minneapolis Parks Superintendent Al Bangoura, Commissioner Londel French, Park Designer Fransisca Pass, and Park Director Jordan Nelson;
  • Armatage Elementary Principal Steve Searl;
  • Armatage Neighborhood Association President Joel Federer, Coordinator Lauren Anderson, and Board Members Adriana Dobrzycka, Ethan Komoroski, Janhel Leandre.

Early Voting Opens Friday, Sep 17

The Minneapolis Early Vote Center at 980 E. Hennepin Ave. opens at 8:00am this Friday, September 17 for voters who wish to cast their ballot early and in person. Also September 17, Minneapolis Elections & Voter Services begins mailing ballots to voters who have requested to vote early by mail. Learn more at  And see what’s on the ballot at

Minneapolis voters will use ranked choice voting this fall! Ranked choice voting is a way of voting that eliminates the need for separate primary elections. Voters rank up to three candidates for each office. The ballot has three columns, and choices are made from left to right in those columns. Ranked choice voting in Minneapolis is used only for municipal elections. Learn more at

Sign up for the Halloween Tour

Get ready to enjoy the sights and frights around Armatage for our second annual Halloween Decoration Tour!

Sign up for the tour by October 18 and be a bright spot in the neighborhood this season! Learn more and register at

Free Minneapolis Home Energy Squad Visits

For a limited time, the City of Minneapolis Sustainability Division is offering FREE Home Energy Squad visits for residents living in 1-4 unit homes, including renters. A team of energy experts will evaluate energy saving opportunities in your home and install materials to help you start saving on the spot. These upgrades can include door weather stripping, high-efficiency water fixtures, LED bulbs and a programmable or smart thermostat.

If the Home Energy Squad recommends insulation or air sealing, you will receive a personalized quote and an opportunity to schedule the work with a qualified contractor. Minneapolis residents also have special access to 0% APR financing to complete insulation and air sealing work, or to upgrade to heat pump electric water heaters, air source heat pumps, or solar. Sign up at or call 651-328-6220 to schedule.

All Are Welcome Here Lawn Signs

Get your All Are Welcome Here lawn sign and proudly display to spread the message that ALL are Welcome in Armatage! The ANA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit so your donation is tax deductible and eligible for employer matching contributions.

Signs + stakes are $20 each and your donation goes toward supporting the ANA’s work in our community. Order online at and, if you’re in the neighborhood, we’ll deliver your sign to your front yard. You can also find signs at the Meet Your Community Helpers event on September 25 from 2:00-5:00pm at Armatage Park.

Armatage Neighborhood Association