ANA Meeting Minutes

ANA board members in attendance: Tom Alagna, Steve Johnson, Nikki Lindberg, Betsen Philip, Noah Schuchman, Alicia Strowbridge, Jim Steely, Keith Swanson. ANA staff member: Jen Swanson.

Others in attendance: David DeNamur, Jeff Forss, Amy Lavender, Brad Bourn

Safety Meeting – Amy Lavender began the meeting at 6:00

Amy reviewed the past several months, and there has been very little crime in Armatage. She again encouraged vacation calls, and reminded people to use U-locks for bikes (not cables). We also congratulated her on being able to keep her job for now. A question was raised about some questionable material being sold out of the Super USA. Amy suggested calling 311 to inquire about business licensing. The people involved with the discharge of a firearm at 60th and Penn have been charged and are currently in jail.

ANA Meeting

Welcome – Alicia Strowbridge called the meeting to order at 6:27

Secretary Report – Nikki Lindberg

A motion was made and seconded to approve the November minutes. Motion carried.

Minneapolis Park & Rec Board Commissioner – Brad Bourn (, commissioner for District 6, presented an overview of what has happened recently and upcoming plans.

The recent restructuring of the Park & Rec Board focused on creating a sustainable administrative framework. Next they are creating a new structure to oversee recreation efforts and hope to have something in place by this spring. One goal is to have at least one 7-day a week facility in each district. Other goals are to better coordinate with school realease days.

Some recent program success for the Park Board include the re-installation of swim docks, the easing of some beach and water play rules, continued support of the adaptive sailing program on Lake Harriet, and a pilot on Lake Calhoun of open swim areas.

Some upcoming plans include the first dog park in southwest Minneapolis will be at the Lyndale Farmstead park and the Mississippi riverfront development plans. There are also some plans in the works to create a version of “knothole” games in the parks this summer. The Board is also hoping to bring back a conservation corps to build up a support structure of youth involved in the Park & Rec system.

A question was raised about the Grand Rounds, and if it is fully connected. It isn’t, but there is a hope of completing it within 4 to 8 years. A question was also raised about the opening of the 35W Memorial Park, which Brad believed happened, but may currently be closed due to LRT construction staging.

2012 CPP Budget Extension

Motion was made by Noah to approve the following budget allotments for the January-June 2012 CPP budget. The motion was second by Tom. Motion carried.
Staff: $7,000; Occupancy: $170; Communications/Outreach: $2,000; Supplies/Materials: $1,067.57; Festivals/Events: $1,000; and Food/Refreshments: $200

2012 ANA Meeting Calendar – Jen Swanson

Meeting will continue to be held in the Armatage Park building on the third Tuesday of the month with quarterly safety meetings. The only exception is the change of the ANA Festival, reflected below.

January 17 at 6:30
February 21 at 6:30
March 20 Safety Meeting at 6:00, ANA Annual Meeting at 6:30
April 17 at 6:30
May 15 at 6:30
June 19 Safety Meeting at 6:00, ANA Meeting at 6:30
July 17 at 6:30
Monday, August 13 – ANA Festival
September 18 Safety Meeting at 6:00, ANA Meeting at 6:30
October 16 at 6:30
November 20 at 6:30
December 18 Safety Meeting at 6:00, ANA Meeting at 6:30

The board moved to approve as stated. Motion carried.

Annual Report Draft

Jen took ideas and suggestions for what to include in the Annual Report. There will be an update for review in January. Submit ideas to Jen.

2012 Coordinator Contract

Motion was made to increase Jen’s hourly rate from $25 to $27. A substitue motion was made to make it $27.50. The substitute motion carried.

Treasurer Report – Tom Alagna

Activity report submitted for review. Motion to approve report carried.

New Business

Julie Scherber applied for a grant to finish the Armatage Montessori School courtyard. She asked for the ANA’s support in recruiting volunteers and asked if she could offer courtyard tours during the ANA festival. Both requested seemed reasonable and would be supported by the ANA.

A question was raised regarding the movie night at the park this summer, and if it would be the same night as the ANA festival or a different night. No decision has been made, and the scheduling will be left to Jerry.

Meeting adjourned at 7:38 p.m.


Armatage Neighborhood Association