ANA Meeting Minutes
ANA board members in attendance: Tom Alagna, Kelly Falsani, Steve Johnson, Nikki Lindberg, Betsen Philip, Noah Schuchman and Keith Swanson. ANA staff member: Jen Swanson.
Others in attendance: Jeff Winter, David DeNamur, Jeff Forss, Matt Perry, Wade Holmbers, Betty Swanson and Mark Swanson.
Welcome – Tom Alagna called the meeting to order at 6:33
Secretary Report – Nikki Lindberg
A motion was made and seconded to approve the December minutes. Motion carried.
Safety Update – Keith Swanson
Keith mentioned the break-in at the Holiday store (where lottery scratch-off tickets were stolen). Other than a few other auto and garage break-ins, the Armatage neighborhood has been pretty quiet.
People for Parks Presenation – Jeff Winter (
Since 19 and 77, People for Parks has donated money and volunteers in support of our parks with the goal to enhance (not add to) our parks. Some of the projects they have done include plantings, structure improvements (paint, roofing, etc.), and events/programing. The average donation per person to People for Parks is $40-50, and they keep administrative costs to .10 of every dollar donated, relying heavily on volunteers to fulfill their goals.
Currently they are meeting at parks across city to learn about specific needs and to help educate neighborhood organizations about them and how they can support local efforts. The scope of their projects tend to be attainable within one-year. They are also willing to be a facilitator for things like memorials, etc. They are holding their annual meeting at Armatage on January 18, pubic welcome.
2011 Annual Report Draft – Jen Swanson
Jen presented a more flushed out version of the annual report. It was requested that we get printing quotes for both doing it b/w or color.
Treasurer Report – Tom Alagna
Activity report submitted for review. Motion to approve report carried.
New Business
Matt Perry (Community Engagement Commission) provided a brief update about recent elections to the to NRP policy board. They are working on guideline updates, which they hope to have available by April, including a possible way to include limited food expenses in neighborhood budgets.
Noah moved to formally acknowledge and thank Tina Erazmus, who resigned from the ANA board today, for her past 4 years of service. The motion carried.
Suggestions were made for possible March speakers (for the annual meeting). Keith suggested Ted Mondale or another Sports Facility Commission representative. Noah will also reach out to Rep. Klobuchar’s and Rep. Franken’s offices to see if either of them have availability to speak. Jen also mentioned that resurfacing questions will be able to be addressed at the annual meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 7:11 p.m.