ANA Meeting Minutes

ANA board members in attendance: Tom Alagna, Denis Houle, Nikki Lindberg, Betsen Philip, Noah Schuchman, Alisha Strowbridge and Keith Swanson. ANA staff member: Jen Swanson.

Others in attendance: David DeNamur, Jeff Forss, Ben Hecker, Steve Hirsch, Krista Medlin, Mark Noble, Matt Perry and Colin Rabinowitz.

Welcome – Alisha Strowbridge called the meeting to order at 6:34

City Council Update – Ben Hecker on behalf of Betsy Hodges

  • Penn Avenue has been slated for reconstruction. Plans are underway for specifics relating to the scope of the project, but it is estimated to be a 2-year project that will be underway in 2013. This will be a reconfiguration of Penn Avenue, and parking as well as lane widths may be altered.
  • Street resurfacing will take place this summer from 54th to 58th Streets and Penn to Xerxes  Avenues. An update for residents will be held at Armatage Community Center May 8 at 6:30pm.
  • The 2011 budget close-out is underway. The city is looking to have a little more money than the original forecast, but certainly has no shortage of needs that can be addressed.
  • A question was raised about the stadium proposal/s. Betsy is not in favor of public dollars, so is not updated on current ideas, but Ben believe the 1/3 split proposal (with a convention center tax) is still one of main ideas under consideration.
  • The topic of single sort recycling was raised. There are currently neighborhoods involved in a pilot program, and although no definitive plan has been made, it is believed that within the next two years, Minneapolis will move to single sort recycling. It was asked if Armatage could be considered for the growing composting program, and Ben said he would add us to the list of interested neighborhoods.

Community Engagement Commission – Matt Perry

CPP Guidelines are still in the process of being written, and should be available in April. Currently they have  “extra” money and there is discussion of how to distribute to neighborhoods. Matt prefers to keep either an emergency fund (for things such as the tornados in North Minneapolis last summer), or to figure out a way to keep funding to neighborhoods more even/steady (instead of a sudden bump) as it might be misleading for neighborhoods and their funding assumptions. The  NRP policy board is having their first meeting tonight.

Annual Meeting Speaker Update

No requests have been accepted. Jen and Noah will continue to follow-up with the ideas generated at our last meeting.

Safety Update – Keith Swanson

Another quiet month in Armatage with a couple break-ins and one mobile drug solicitation on Penn Ave.

2011 Annual Report – Final – Jen Swanson

Jen presented a color final printout of the Annual Report. Final comments requested. Should be mailed by early March along with our annual meeting notice.

Armatage 365 Photo Book Discussion

  • Discussion has taken place through email about the cost of printing an Armatage 365 photo book. There are several options for how this can be distributed, including pre-orders, orders by individuals, and order some to sell or distribute. The idea of using advertising in the book was suggested as a way to bring down the cost of the books, and to possibly help cover the cost of the copies the ANA wishes to give to the photographers. If we do include ads, it was requested that they be placed at either end of the book so as to no disturb the flow of the images. Could see if any local businesses are interested or willing to sell copies of the book.
  • It was suggested to layout each 2-page spread as one week, with 6 images on one page and 1 image highlighted on the other.
  • We could show the book in May, with order information at the park and the summer festival. Will announce at annual meeting the plans for book sales, and will see if there is interest for further participation (by photographers as well as a site administrator).

Matching Grant Facade Program

Jen meets with city representative tomorrow regarding the Facade Grant program. Armatage qualified for up to $25,000 in matching business grants, which can be used by any business in one of our two nodes on Penn Ave. Each address has a maximum of $5,000 available. We have 2-years to use the grant monies once the contract is signed, and we already of businesses interested in applying for these grant funds.

Secretary Report – Nikki Lindberg

A motion was made and seconded to approve the January minutes. Motion carried.

Treasurer Report – Tom Alagna

Activity report submitted for review. Motion to approve report carried.

New Business

Matt Perry added that currently neighborhood association newsletters can’t include any advertising. With the changing times (and budgets) he hopes the NRP will roll back that rule, to help neighborhoods continue to have enough money to support newsletters to their residents.

Jen and Nikki attended the first city conference for neighborhoods. It was inspiring and informational, including a particularly good workshop on zero waste events. They both hope we can use some of those learnings at our summer festival this year.

Meeting adjourned at 7:12 p.m.

Armatage Neighborhood Association