ANA Meeting Minutes

ANA board members in attendance: Tom Alagna, Tina Erazmus, Denis Houle, Steve Johnson, Nikki Lindberg, Noah Schuchman, Jim Steely, Alisha Strowbridge, Jen Swanson, Keith Swanson

Others in attendance: Amy Lavender, Lt. Jack Kelly, Ben Hecker, Benjamin Court

Safety Meeting started at 6:10 p.m.

Amy Lavender presented an overview of crime for the past 3 months, and things look relatively quiet in Armatage. Burglary is up this year, and they do have juvenile suspects in the Super USA robbery. Auto and garage thefts are the most common problem in our area. Downtown has seen a sharp rise in these crimes (especially near the new Twins’ stadium) and will be having a “Keep you junk in your trunk,” campaign. There is going to be an identity theft workshop in March. More information to come.

Lt. Jack Kelly is the new Middle Watch Supervisor for Precinct 5 (4:30 p.m. -2:30 a.m.). He came to introduce himself and to help reinforce the importance of the community in the success of the police department. A key to keeping our neighborhood safe is awareness (of our neighbors, what is going on around us, etc.).

Chris Dixon from the City Attorney’s office is interested in coming to one of our safety meetings.

ANA Meeting

Vice-President Alicia Stowbridge called the Neighborhood Meeting to order at 6:40 p.m.

Welcome & Introductions

City Council Update – Ben Hecker

The stop sign at 55th/Upton request (to do our recommended option) has been accepted, and the change should happen soon.

Budget update mostly focused on the 4.7% property tax increase (will come with your spring assessment). Also much discussion was had around the cuts to the NRP money (including $79,000 from the ANA).

A question was raised about our snow removal, and it was confirmed that outer areas of the city (like Armatage) are the last areas to get plowed (and part of why we have some of our snow issues).

Community Participation Program 2011 – Jen Swanson

As part of the new NCEC for funding of neighborhood associations, we have an opportunity to submit a budget request for approx. $20,000 by January 14, 2011 (for their January 25 meeting).

A motion was made to move this discussion to a Budget Committee meeting where a budget proposal will be drafted for full board approval before the January 14, 2011 deadline: motion carries.

ANA Communication – Jen Swanson

The ANA email list is having consistent problems reaching certain residents. Options to consider: returning to Google Groups (free and worked) or switch to a pay service such as Constant Contact ($30-35/month).

A motion was made to have the ANA switch back to using Google Groups: motion carries

Park Update – Jen Swanson for Jerry Peterson

An American Red Cross Blood Drive is being held Thursday, December 30 at Armatage Park from 2:00-7:00 p.m. ( 651-291-4685. When you donate, you will be entered for a chance to win a $50 Maude gift certificate.

56th/Richmond Curve – Keith Swanson

Keith presented a request to have the sign at 56th and Richmond Curve switched from just a “No Parking” to a “No Parking/Stopping” sign to help improve safety for the pedestrian traffic in that area (from school and the church).

A motion was made to send of letter of support for this request to the City Council office: motion carries

Secretary Report – Nikki Lindberg

November meeting minutes approved/no corrections.

Treasurer Report – Jim Steely

Recent deposit from NRP funds. Overall we have some budget, but things are quiet on the financial end of things.

New Business

Annual meeting and quarterly safety meeting speaker suggestion: Chris Dixon and Lt Kelly

Meeting adjourned at 7:32 p.m.

Armatage Neighborhood Association