November 16, 2010 Minutes

ANA Meeting Minutes

ANA board members in attendance: Denis Houle, Steve Johnson, Nikki Lindberg, Peggy Rasmussen, Noah Schuchman, Alisha Strowbridge, Jen Swanson, Keith Swanson, and Dan Sweeney

Others in attendance: Jerry Peterson, David DeNamur, and Shevvy Crowley

President Dan Sweeney called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.

Secretary Report – Nikki Lindberg

October meeting minutes approved with small spelling corrections.

Treasurer Report – (none)

Park Update – Jerry Peterson

Starting December 6th, all winter programs at Minneapolis parks will be using ActiveNet for registration.

You can register as an individual, family or group for activities, facilities, sports and special events, including swimming and sailing lessons, adult sports, the Minneapolis Bike Tour, and more.

The annual Halloween party was a big success (500 hotdogs were gone in less in an hour!), and drew crowds of people from beyond our neighborhood.

Safety Committee Update – Keith Swanson

There have been several break-ins through an unsecured door (typically garages) in the past month. It is important for residents to call 911 to report garage and auto break-ins in order for the police to be aware of an increase in incidents. This will also help increase patrols in our area when crime is more of an issue.

Keith attended the Policing Plan meeting with our associated neighborhoods (Lyndale & Windom). Unlikely that we will begin implementing some of their safety measures as our neighborhood needs are different.

We do, however need to increase our number of block leaders. Suggested that we flyer blocks that are currently unorganized in an attempt to recruit volunteers. We can help support this effort by asking Amy Lavendar to do a training at the Armatage Community Center (and possible provide food).

Park & Community Committee Update – Jen Swanson

Welcome packet was share, showing current contents (about ANA, neighborhood, etc.). We would still like some menus from our area restaurants. Could include the new magnets.

Motion to order 100 reusable bags (green bag with white ANA logo and vote passes

2011 Coordinator Contract

Motion to retain Jen Swanson at current wage (450 hours/year max) for 1 year. Passes

New Business

Denis mentioned that the NRP vote is Thursday evening. The committee felt confident in Denis voting for the candidate of his choosing.

Armatage Treasure award sample was shared. Requested that we use the color logo. Alicia asked if there was interest in creating a neighborhood slogan/tagline.

150 print copies of the most recent ANA newsletter were made. 14 residents requested a paper copy (Jen delivered them). Several copies were left at the school, park, and businesses. Good to ask businesses if people seem interested in picking up the newsletter. We could also look into boxes for holding/displaying the newsletter at these drop locations.

Noah brought up the idea of having coasters printed with the ANA logo to give to our restaurants to use. Dan wants to develop an email group for our neighborhood businesses, so ideas such as these can be quickly shared and feedback received.

Ideas for our March meeting special guest speaker were discussed. Current priority is to try for either of our state Senators or the Mayor of Minneapolis. Noah will let us know if we have any luck.

Follow up to the bus stop/stop sign issue at 55th/Upton: within one week of sending our letter of recommendation and support for a stop sign change, the bus stop was moved to 56th/Upton.

Meeting adjourned at 7:26 p.m.