February 16 Meeting Recap
Chef Daniel del Prado of Colita and consultant Geri Wolf shared plans for a second Café Ceres location to open at 5401 Penn Ave S later this spring. The proposed cafe will focus on breakfast and lunch service, include an application to the City of Minneapolis for an on-sale liquor license for specialty events, and offer some outdoor patio seating. Community members in attendance asked questions regarding the menu and hours of operation (~7:00am-3:00pm) and shared their feedback. A motion of support passed unanimously and will be shared with the City.
The ANA also elected Nikki Lindberg as Secretary and approved funding for website technical support, communications software, and door prizes for an upcoming Green Team solar workshop. Attendees broke into small groups and outlined initial goals, meeting plans for two new Armatage Committees, Community Engagement and Safety, Equity & Outreach. See below for more on how to join. Neighbors are encouraged to register to attend a monthly board or committee meeting at http://bit.ly/ANAmtgs
Palmisano Presents: Public Safety Update (Virtual)
Wednesday, February 24th
Join Ward 13 Council Member Linea Palmisano for a forum on public safety with new MPD 5th Precinct Inspector Katie Blackwell.
To register, please email josie.vautrin@minneapolismn.gov. All are welcome, RSVPs are for event capacity planning purposes.

Public Hearing on Rent Stabilization: February 24
An online public hearing is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, February 24 on proposed rent stabilization charter amendments during the City Council’s Policy & Government Oversight Committee meeting.
The proposed amendments would allow either the City Council, or the people of Minneapolis by a petition process, to adopt a rent stabilization law. If passed, these charter amendments will not, on their own, create a rent stabilization policy. Rather, they will give future City Councils and the people of Minneapolis all possible options to adopt a rent stabilization policy through the methods allowed under current state law. Learn how to participate in online public hearings and sign up to speak here.
Get Involved on an Armatage Committee
The ANA is excited to announce that we are launching two NEW Armatage Committees! Neighbors are encouraged to join and get involved. Currently, all meetings are held on Zoom. Click on each group’s link below to learn more. Register to attend at https://bit.ly/ANAmtgs
Community Engagement will meet on Thursday, March 4 from 5:30-6:30pm.
Safety, Equity & Outreach will meet on Saturday, March 6 from 10:00-11:00am.
The Green Team will meet on Thursday, March 11 from 7:00-8:15pm.
March Special Election
We’re holding a special election for one open board seat on March 16! Learn more about the duties and register to run at https://armatage.org/march-2021-special-election/
Second Reading Circle
Join the Armatage Green Team for a monthly reading circle on All We Can Save – Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis. The next circle is Thursday, March 4 at 7:00pm on Zoom to discuss Chapter 2: Advocate. Register at armatage.org/reading-circle/
If buying a book is a financial hardship, we can help: email anacoordinator@armatage.org for a copy.
Armatage Play Area Plan Approved
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) approved the concept plan for a new playground at Armatage Park, which includes replacing the equipment and surfacing of the park’s existing play areas. The new play areas are designed for universal accessibility so they can be accessed, understood, enjoyed, and used to the greatest extent possible by all children regardless of size, ability, or disability.
In addition to an ADA-accessible swing, belt swing and two infant swings, the approved plan includes a tire swing, based on requests from the community and an MPRB commissioner.
Next Steps
It is anticipated that construction will occur this summer and the new play areas will be complete during the summer or early fall. Actual dates will be announced once a construction contract is approved. Sign up for updates at https://bit.ly/armatagepark

Hennepin County Climate Action Plan
Hennepin County release its draft Climate Action Plan, which was created through feedback from many stakeholders, and sets goals tto mitigate the damaging impacts of climate change and better prepare the county to be more resilient as climate change presents new challenges to the region.
Submit your feedback here by Wednesday, March 3.
Minneapolis Black History Month Online Events
In celebration of Black History Month, the Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights is honoring several community leaders as part of the History Makers at Home series. Whether “home” is defined as a city, region or state, this program is intended to honor changemakers identified by the community as working to create a lasting impact for future generations.
The final event in the series is this Thursday, February 25 from 12:00-1:00pm: Grateful and Rooted
Celebrate Black History Month with the MIA
Celebrate the exceptional historical and creative cultural contributions made by African American artists with exhibitions, virtual events, videos, stories, and more. For links to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts’ free offerings, visit https://new.artsmia.org/black-history-month

Free Fun on the Run for Youth & Teens
Got a kid or teen who needs more time outside this winter? Check out the parks’ staffed Winter Fun on the Run for free outdoor recreation and activities. No registration is necessary: all youth and teens are welcome to drop by between 3:30 pm and 5:30 pm for fun and games at a safe – and social! – distance. In Southwest, staff will be at Linden Hills Park on Mondays and at Lyndale Farmstead Park on Wednesdays (apologies that we had this reversed in previous emails!).
MPRB staff sanitize equipment after each use and help ensure participants follow social distancing guidelines. Distanced activities include sledding, kick sledding, snow soccer, snow fort building, snowman building, snow corn hole and more. Learn more including helpful hints before you go here.
Statewide Vaccine Finder
The State of Minnesota has a statewide vaccine finder to better connect Minnesotans to vaccination opportunities in communities near where they live. Learn more about the State’s vaccine distribution plan here.
New Salt Mini Course
The City of Minneapolis has launched a new educational program, the Minneapolis Salt Mini Course, and would love for you to be a part of it! The mini course is self-guided and consists of reading through a few lessons and watching videos.
Take the course and you will learn about the consequences of over salting and what you can do to help protect our waters! Upon completion, you can pledge to practice salt stewardship in your community and request a salt decal to show your commitment. Will you join us in doing your part to keep our waters clean?