If you have a neighborhood project or idea you’ve always wanted to explore, apply now through February 29 for up to $1,000 from the ANA to support that dream.

Any resident or organization connected to Armatage is eligible and some funding restrictions apply. Learn more at armatage.org/mini-grants and catch us at our last Info Session​ to workshop your project ideas and get all your questions answered:

Mini Grants Info Session
Tuesday, February 11 • 7:00pm 

Armatage Rec Center
2500 West 57th St

Join your neighbors for an Organics Recycling CONFIDENT(ial) workshop on Wednesday, February 26 at 7:00pm at Armatage Park!  Whether you are already recycling organics and ready to up your game or still thinking about taking the plunge and getting started, we will cover examples, tips, tricks, and ideas for home set-ups to help make organics recycling a breeze.

Free to attend. Light refreshments and FREE compostable bags provided.  Questions or ideas? Email us at anacoordinator@armatage.org

District 61 Town Hall Meeting

Saturday, February 8
T Plaza Dining Rom
MCTC (1501 Hennepin Ave S)

Visit face-to-face with Rep. Jamie Long, Rep. Frank Hornstein, Sen. Scott Dibble, and your Senate District 61 neighbors this Saturday at Minneapolis Community and Technical College.

The format will be community conversations, where you’ll both get a chance to talk to your legislators and share your legislative priorities with neighbors in smaller breakout groups. See more details (including parking info) and RSVP on the Facebook event here, and share with your friends, neighbors, and relatives.

Join the Green Team on Thursday, February 7 to 7:00pm to plan this year’s neighborhood organics recycling outreach and upcoming free community workshop! All are welcome, whether you’ve attended team meetings in the past or would like to get started.

The Green Team is shifting its meetings to the second Thursday of each month at 7:00pm and will rotate between neighbors’ homes. Email us at anacoordinator@armatage.org or call us at 612.466.0296 to get the address of this month’s meeting location.

Photo courtesy of Creative Commons.

Celebrate Black History Month

Honor Black History Month this February and year-round with community events, exhibitions, tours and movie nights.  The ANA will continue to add to this list throughout the month and we invite you to send us community events we’re missing to share with neighbors.

City of Minneapolis: Celebrate with ongoing events organized by the Minneapolis Black Employee Network. All events will be held on Thursdays from 12:00-1:00pm in the City Hall Rotunda, 350 S. Fifth St.

Minneapolis Institute of Arts: Celebrate the exceptional historical and creative cultural contributions made by African American artists with exhibitions, events, tours, and more this February at the MIA.

Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board and Green Central School  will partner to host movie nights every Thursday evening in February to honor Black History Month. Each movie will be culturally based, with a focus on achievement and overcoming.


School Registration and CDD Survey Deadlines: Friday, February 7

For those with school age children in Minneapolis Public Schools, the deadline to submit your school choice card is tomorrow, February 7! Learn more about High Five, Elementary, Middle and High School options and enroll at https://schoolrequest.mpls.k12.mn.us/.

Minneapolis Public Schools is also in the midst of its Comprehensive District Design process, which aims to increase equity, close student achievement gaps in MPS, and reduce transportation costs. MPS released a plan with five proposed school models in English, Spanish, Hmong and Somali and is wrapping up Community Listening Sessions this month.

Community members can submit feedback online through tomorrow, February 7. If passed by the school board later this spring, proposed changes would begin to take effect in Fall 2021.  Learn more about the Comprehensive District Design process here.

Elections and Voter Services 980 E Hennepin Ave map and building entrance images

Early Voting Information

Any voter can vote early through March 2; no explanation is required. Unlike with other elections, voters in the presidential primary need to choose which party’s ballot they want to vote on. The party they choose is not public information, though it will be available to each party.

Vote early in person:

Vote by mail at vote.minneapolismn.gov/voters/absentee (request your absentee ballot at least 7 days before March 3).

Voter Registration

Register, change your registration, or check if you’re registered at mnvotes.org. Registering online only takes a couple minutes, and the application is mobile-friendly. You can also register at the polls on election day.


Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office Launches Repair Voucher Program

Starting today, the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office will no longer be issuing fix-it tickets for broken headlights, taillights, brake lights, or turn signals. Instead, deputies will be handing out vouchers to have these issues fixed at a participating auto service provider.

The Lights On! program is a partnership between law enforcement agencies and MicroGrants, a Minneapolis non-profit focused on helping low-income people break the cycle of poverty. Fixing minor issues such as a broken brake light can go a long way towards breaking the cycle of poverty – individuals who ignore a fix-it ticket are at risk of having their license suspended.

Last Weekend for Art Shanty Projects

Saturdays and Sundays | 10am-4pm
Ends February 9

Bde Unma / Lake Harriet

Check out this year’s Art Shanty Projects at artshantyprojects.org/. Suggested donation $10-20. No one turned away.

Spring Break Day Camps

Armatage Community Education is offering several great day camps during MPS Spring Break. Each day camp runs from 10:00am-2:00pm. Click on the links to below to learn more and register your student:

Armatage Neighborhood Association