Meeting was called to order at 6:40 pm by board president Denis Houle

ANA board members in attendance: Denis Houle, Sarah Broich, Kelly Falsani, Jeff Forss, Bri Keeney, Steve Johnson, Lance Custer

Others in attendance: Nikki Lindberg- ANA Coordinator, Councilmember Linea Palmisano- Ward 13 City Council, Matt Perry- SWBA, 4 interested neighbors

City Council Update:

Linea Palmisano was present to give some updates, including:

  • Passage of preliminary design plans for Southwest Light Rail Transit (SWLR)
  • Involved in freight rail safety planning
  • Minneapolis’ resolution to protect pollinators-passed
  • The Mayor’s proposed budget and property tax levy- budget process in process
  • Proposing 3.4% property tax increase, 13 million to affordable housing, small increase in audit dept., $400,000 to do conversion of city street lights, increase for police dept.
  • 28 budget subcommittee hearings will now happen
  • An update on the City’s street light conversion to energy and cost-saving LED bulbs
  • The city-wide organics program. 30% of city opted in. 33% of Armatage residents have opted in to the program. We also continue to have an organics drop-off site at the park.
  • The proposed Working Families Agenda (i.e. earned sick time and fair scheduling)- there is a website on this issue
  • Discussion of a citywide plastic bag ban
  • Airport noise- has improved for some parts of ward 13; sent newsletter this week about the issue

There were questions to clarify the property tax increase and LRT vote. Answer about question from last month asking about when Upton will be repaved (answer: it is on the city’s 5 year plan). Answer about curb question from last month: Public Works decided to go with 6 inch curbs.

Park Update:

No update; Park Director unable to attend

Committee Updates:

Safety Update

Only 16 blocks with no leaders
No new info was reported from Jennifer Waisanen (Crime Prevention Specialist)
Nextdoor website has some bicycle theft and scrapper reports

Community Engagement Update

Question posed to board to gather ideas about how to engage neighbors. Those in attendance generated the following list of ideas:

  • Game nights
  • Park has interest in expanding programming to seniors
  • Invite youth to join board
  • Outreach to schools or scout troops
  • Informational mass mailing
  • Meet the board social event
  • ANA trivia night
  • Food
  • Scavenger hunt
  • National Night Out event in spring
  • ANA winter event
  • More partnering with park
  • Volleyball night (using the gym)
  • Dance/Band

Committee is currently working on updating/revamping the welcome packet for new neighbors

Summer Festival Update

2 neighbors told Nikki they have interest in summer festival committee. A committee will convene to discuss and plan next year’s festival. We made $1300 this year.

Coordinator Update

  • Fix it loan- no change since last month
  • Newsletter- next one will go out in October- submit ideas to Nikki. Changing the name to “Armatage News” in 2016.
  • There is a board development opportunity- a 90 minute training. ANA board members are interested in this- Nikki will send out a doodle survey to find a time

Treasurer Report

$3,804.84 in main account
$17,381.64 in NRP account
Nikki distributed budget breakdown for board to review

Secretary Report

July minutes were approved over email

New Business

  • Discussion with potential new board members. Current members described duties of board. Interest in joining the board was expressed and there was a motion by Kelly to elect Sara Emmenecker, Laurel Luxenberg, and Tara Brown to the board. The motion was seconded by Jeff and passed unanimously.
  • Micro Grants discussion: Denis distributed a handout describing the Fulton Micro Grants program and board discussed starting a similar program in Armatage.
  • Nikki presented communication from Kwan’s restaurant requesting support for their on-sale application. Nikki agreed to look at what board wrote in the past for the other neighborhood restaurants, and there was agreement expressed that our response should be the same.
  • Solar Gardens: A company called NRG (CEE is collaborating with them) is trying to get households to sign up for solar garden membership. An idea was presented that ANA could have an environmental/energy committee. There was a suggestion to bring in a connection we have in the Fulton neighborhood to discuss this more before we pursue this particular option with NRG
  • Matt Perry requested to add SW brochure to welcome packet and said he will present a new Smartphone app at an upcoming meeting.
  • Matt Perry commented on the Working Families agenda at the city and how it might lead to hardship for small businesses (i.e. fair schedule might cause hardship to some small businesses like restaurants.) He is working with businesses and communicating with the city about this and will also be working on alternative suggestions to the plastic bag ban.
  • Matt Perry announced a new name for what used to be NEBA; now it is the “Southwest Business Association” (SWBA) and covers 10 different neighborhoods in SW Mpls.

There was a motion to adjourn at 7:55 pm. Motion was seconded and carried.


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Armatage Neighborhood Association