Celebrate Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Today!

State of MN Virtual Celebration Premieres at 10:30 am

Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan will host the 35th Annual State of Minnesota Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration!

Come together to honor Dr. King’s vision of a Beloved Community. Discuss how Dr. King fought for justice and love, worked to end racism and poverty, and what this means today.


We’re excited Matthew A. Cherry is the keynote! He’s an award-winning director, writer, and producer. His animated short film and book, Hair Love, follows the relationship between Zuri, her natural hair, and her father. It’s a powerful story about family, love, and loving ourselves. Check out Hair Love before or after the celebration!

This virtual event is not to be missed and is geared towards students and youth. Learn more and access activity and discussion guides here.

Minneapolis Parks Annual Celebration

The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) is taking their annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration virtual! Broadcast of the  Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration will be today, January 18 from 6:30-7:30 pm.

Information and links as to how to view the event are available at www.minneapolisparks.org/MLK .

The celebration will be emceed by Chad Jackson, Manager, Corporate Partner Sales, with the Minnesota Twins. Devean George, Former NBA Player and Founder and Executive Director of Building Blocks Non-Profit, will be the keynote speaker.  Mary Merrill, MPRB Superintendent Emeritus and MLK Legacy Council member, will be a guest speaker. Performances that evening will feature local singer/songwriter/producer Lawrence Miles and local teacher, writer and award-winning spoken word and hip-hop artist, Desdamona.

Vote in the Special Election

We’re putting in one last plug for the Armatage Special Election for one open board seat. All residents (aged 18 and over) and designated neighborhood business or institution representatives are eligible to vote.

Armatage Neighborhood Association