ANA Board Meeting Minutes
Keith Swanson, Noah Schuchman, Steve Johnson, Jerry Peterson, Scott Silver, Jen Swanson, Dan Sweeney, Amy Lavendar
Committee for Park & Community Life – update from Peggy
- Plan to meet Thursday, February 4
- Focus on the park building as the hub – Tina
- Possibility of soccer moving to Kenny? – Jerry
- Fields are essentially overused
- MPRB looking at scheduling things at different parks – Kenny soccer, Armatage something else, etc.
- Scheduling would be the same
- Combine the boards? – Already do everything together anyway
- Trying to figure out the right way to do that
- Don’t want people to think that either ACC or Kenny is going away
- Fields are widely used by multiple users
- Received a grant for upgrades/irrigation – unknown install date
- Tennis courts will be re-surfaced and fixed in the spring
- Focus on ID banners and light pole banners
- Portraits of Maude Armatage and the Armatage Park area will be going up in the lounge area
Variance for 5440 Penn Avenue South – church tower
- Concerns about noise from bell tower – is there a plan for when the bells would ring?
- No vote because there was no requested action by the applicant
ANA Annual Meeting Agenda/Ballot/Speaker
- March 16 Annual meeting
- Jen will email out ballot information/list of board members up for re-election
- Jen will work on a mailer once we have confirmation from speakers
2010 Armatage Treasure program
- Will be announced in the new newsletter
- Would need to order some reward/award and frame
- The idea is that we’ve had this program but it hasn’t gone anywhere…
- At the end of the year, volunteers/the board would work on the awards for the nominees – to be recognized at the beginning of the annual meeting
- Work on ideas for rewards
- Boundary sign version
- Framed newsletter article/certificate
- Window cling
- Logo mugs
- Noah moved approval of recognizing the nominees at the annual meeting.
- Keith seconded
- Approved on a voice vote
Amy Lavendar – Safety Committee Update
- Neighborhood policing plans
- Precinct/neighborhood-wide crime maps were distributed
- Burglaries happening during the day
- There is a potential suspect who has a warrant out – hope is that when he is picked up, the burglaries will stop
- Guy who stole Tom’s trailer will be having a first hearing on February 4th
- Amy hopes to know more about her job situation soon, but if she is bumped out Chelsea and Tom will cover for her
Summer Festival – same Tuesday
- Steve will talk to the band again
- Any other ideas?
- Expand the time?
- Car show?
- Looked into a company that runs all the games for you
New business
- Bylaws need to be changed to reflect the changed boundaries – will be voted on at Annual Meeting and will be noticed in the neighborhood
Adjourned at 7:26 p.m.
Dan Sweeney Noah Schuchman
President Secretary