ANA Meeting Minutes

President Dan Sweeney brought the meeting to order.

Lola’s Pizzeria

Property Owner Fred Linehan and the prospective Owner of Lola’s Pizzeria shared their plans to open a new artisan pizzeria in the old Xerxes Market space at 55th and Xerxes. The restaurant will offer pizza and a limited menu including appetizers. The restaurant plans to offer beer and wine and hopes to be open in the fall. The Board will vote on whether to write a letter of support for this establishment prior to their permit/license application.

Treasurer’s Report

Tom Alagna provided the Treasurer’s Report.

Secretary’s Report

The Secretary’s Report was reviewed without comment/objection.

Community & Park Committee Update

Board Member Tina Erazmus provided an update of the committee’s efforts. Plans/activities include: the placement of seasonal banners along Penn Avenue; the possibility of having ACC and KPAC combine to form one Board (each program would maintain its own identity); the development of new welcome packets to distribute to new Armatage residents; the creation of an intergenerational community garden.

City Council Update

Council Member Betsy Hodges provided an overview of city activities including a response to Governor Pawlenty’s recent proposed budget cuts. CPS Amy Lavender’s position was saved and she will continue to represent Precinct 5.

Safety Committee Update

Safety Representative and Board Member Keith Swanson reminded the Board and residents to lock their homes and cars and to not leave valuables in plain site.

ANA Email List Policy

A hand out regarding the ANA’s email policies was distributed for Board review. The policy was developed as a standard to ensure that we do not use email functions inappropriately. A motion was made to accept the policy as written. The motion passed.

ANA Annual Meeting Agenda

The proposed Annual Meeting Agenda was distributed for review. Council Member Hodges, Brian Elliot (on behalf of Congressman Keith Ellison) and Representative Paul Thissen will speak. ANA Board Elections will be held. A postcard reminder will be distributed to all Armatage residents.

Meeting Adjourned.

Community & Park Committee

First Committee Meeting – February 4, 2010 – 6:30 p.m.

Tina Erazmus                        Noah Schuchman
Jerry Peterson                    Jen Swanson
Peggy Rasmussen             Dan Sweeney
Mission statement

To serve all families and members of the Armatage community, to be good stewards of NRP dollars with sustainable projects and honor Maude Armatage’s vision of a strong community.

Total Phase II Plan Appropriation available to contract: $37,622
Approved strategies:
Pedestrian scale lighting and Neighborhood Identity Banners
Know your neighbor program: welcome packets/other materials, block grants

Neighborhood Identity

Banner over Penn to announce summer festival

  • Tina will talk to Lisa Domagala about signage and branding
  • Jen will call Pat Grant of Public Works about costs and get sign bid

Welcome packet bag – to give out to all new residents – Keith Swanson will provide Armatage home sale information and give out welcome packets? Packet to include:

  • welcome letter from ANA – Dan
  • calendar of events at Park – Jerry
  • key phone numbers – Jen
  • neighborhood information – Jen
  • ACC information from Robin – Jen to request
  • Neighborhood businesses letter/list – Noah (Jen to send list to Noah)
  • Reusable shopping bag with ANA logo with information in it – Tina to contact Kendra about bags

Banners with logo & welcome to Armatage all down Penn – city to put up – Jen: also ask Pat Grant

Park programs

ACC & KPAC merger – may be ready to announce at February meeting – Jerry will let us know

Community garden – Jerry will ask about tot lot location feasibility

Committee to give update on action items at February 16 neighborhood meeting

Armatage Neighborhood Association