ANA Safety Meeting 

6 p.m. 11 in attendance

Lots of handouts from Crime Prevention Specialist Amy Lavender Burglaries still going on Car theft still an issue Record serial # make & model Pawn shop tracking if serial # recorded Burglaries in Armatage= 10 this year since 3/11 Police have suspect in mind Burglaries occurring while homeowners are at work Block leader training April 27 by Amy Lavender and Chelsea Adams

ANA Annual Meeting

6:30 p.m. 24 in attendance

Welcome and introductions

Election ballot passed out; after new board candidate introductions, ballot approved unanimously

  • Tina Erazmus; Noah Schuchman; Jim Steely; Dan Sweeney and Alisha Strowbridge

Bylaw discussion re: census track passed; amendment passed unanimously

Ben Hecker for Council Member Betsy Hodges

  • budget cuts not sure how they will handle
  • Fire 50th& Bryant: city working with businesses, city resources not sure if bldg will need to be torn down
  • Potholes will be permanently filled now; call 311 for filling
  • 60th Xerxes: unique intersection with 3 jurisdictions not a simple fix; once qualified for lights but not anymore
  • Plowing complaints a lot of discussion about streets huge needs in street system
  • Resident concern about Target center deal

Brian Elliott district director for Congressman Keith Ellison

  • lots of calls about healthcare bill; telephone town hall scheduled about senate hc bill
  • Ellison believes we need to pass hc reform bill
  • Census very important – 1,100 people shy of keeping all 8 congressional seats

Amy Lavender: Safety tips

  • ID theft
  • Home security survey 1 hour call Amy
  • Block leader training
  • Dear John letters for mobile drug dealing
  • New sector lieutenant don’t know yet
  • 58XX Xerxes and Washburn residents expressed concern about mobile drug dealing on bikes and crime problems from rental properties on Washburn. Amy reinforced importance of calling 911 and her to report all suspicious behavior and crime. She needs to know when residents see problems.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Armatage Neighborhood Association