ANA board members in attendance: Tom Alagna, Sarah Broich, Kelly Falsani, Jeff Forss, Denis Houle,
Nikki Lindberg, Betsen Philip, and Keith Swanson.

Others in attendance: Tina Erazmus, ANA staff member; Matt Perry, NEHBA; Jen Swanson (and crowd of 24 neighbors).

Armatage Neighborhood Association Meeting

Called to order at 6:33 by Betsen Philip

Park update — Betsen Philip

Jerry Peterson has been promoted to lead north Minneapolis parks . Chris H taking over as director of Armatage park. July 23 at 6:30 for soccer sign-up (flyers in the lobby).

Ice Cream Social — Please join us for an evening of ice cream and support our small business owners during the Penn Avenue construction at 54th and Penn, 6:30-8:00, Wednesday July 17th.

City Council Update  — Jen Swanson, Aide to Besty Hodges

Reminder to register for NNO (free through July 23rd). Penn Avenue allowed to have a party this year. Bike registration with the city via 311 or online (to help in recovery of stolen/lost bikes). Nice Ride station requested for Armatage. Voter Ambassador training available for those interested in helping voter registration and educating about voter registration. *** Utility amendment – public hearings via contract ending with Excel. Penn Ave. construction is on schedule. Bridge decking on 22nd. (link via city project site)

Treasurer Update

Updated finances passed around.

New Business

  • August 12th ANA Festival, political candidate tables. From feedback from Linden Hills Festival,  looking to limit activity and put some limits on their interactions by selling a table and asking them to stay close to their table. Issue with a particular candidate or in general issue. Could have candidates that just show up to mingle. Seems like the general feel is to let candidates be accessible and if they are bothering festival goers, they are doing the wrong kind of campaigning. Alternative idea – send letter that states out intent to allow candidates to attend (no tables, area, keep respectful to attendees): motion made. Which candidates? If we still offer tables, we need to cover the cost out of the ANA budget.  Seconded with city council and mayoral candidates to be notified. We have the addresses for these candidates. Amendment to include option to purchase a table if candidate chooses. (can attend, can purchase table, but please respectfully interact with festival goers). Motion passes.
  • Lance Custer is seeking to fill our open board seat (vacated by Jim Steele). Moved to Mpls in 2003 from Omaha. 2.5 & 4 yr old kids, medical device sales, burglary, and fire — really loves the neighborhood and wants to be a part of helping keeping it safe and the great place it is (lives at 55th & Thomas ) Motion passes.
  • Matt ­— (biz assoc) highlighted new brochure (7,000 stickers and 1,500 handed out at Pride). Partnering with ANA for ice cream social. New grant to promote bike and walk to shop local. Have their own coordinator in biz assoc to help members during construction (like on Penn)
    Fair Skies Presentation — We are proud to welcome Kevin Terrell from Fair Skies.  The evening will include a presentation and question and answer period.  Fair Skies is a grassroots coalition working to make sure that residents are informed and have a say regarding airport issues.

Coordinator Update — Tina Erazmus

Festival — The planning for this year’s festival is going well.  I am working on getting the volunteer forms filled out.  I am sure you can see where this is going.  I am using the sheet from last year.  If something has changed, please let me know.Set-Up:  4:30-6:00 me, Nikki, and Denis

  • Balloon Filler: Steve and Mary Johnson
  • Tear Down:  Need 4 people
  • ANA info Table: Betsen and 2 more people
  • Trash Station: Need 3 people
  • Silent Auction: looks like I need a chairperson + me and 3 people to help
  • Cashiers: me, Nikki, need 2 more people
  • Food Servers: Betsen, Kelly, Tom and 10 people to help
  • Ticket Booth: Alisha and 1 person to help
  • Car Show: Tom

Also, if you could ask 2-3 neighbors or friends to help, that would be great.  There are a total of 75 volunteers on Jen’s list from last year.  Please let me know if you can help anywhere else and hours you are available.  Welcome Packets — I will start here with an apology.  During the transition of emails between Jen and I, something happened and my email was dropped.  With all that is happening in the neighborhood right now, it slipped through the cracks.  Keith will be helping me out and fixing the issue.  I will have the welcome packets handed out for the last few months done by the end of the month.  I will send along the specific number then, as we do not have an Aug, meeting.  I will send along a festival flyer in these packets and will be all caught up going into Aug.

Website — Currently, our website is down.  I have been working on this with both Fatcow and Joomla.  If you, or anyone you know is familiar with Joomla, please let me know.  I will keep you posted as I learn more and what the options will be.

Meeting adjourned at 7:09 p.m.

Armatage Neighborhood Association