ANA board members in attendance: Tom Alagna, Sarah Broich, Kelly Falsani, Jeff Forss, Denis Houle,
Steve Johnson, Nikki Lindberg, Betsen Philip, Alisha Strowbridge, and Keith Swanson.
Others in attendance: Tina Erazmus, ANA staff member; Matt Perry, NEHBA; David DeNamur, Amy Lavender, and Neil D.
Armatage Neighborhood Association
Safety Meeting — Amy Lavender & Keith Swanson
Amy distributed an updated map of recent crimes. There have been no additional reports of luring and the police have no suspects. There has been several reports of plant theft (an alert was sent out today). With summer upon us, Amy reminded everyone to install window stops (which cost about $1.25 per window) to help prevent window break-ins. (Note: they should be set to allow the window to open only 4-6 inches. Most have a feature to allow you open the window fully when you want.) As construction continues, and traffic patterns change, be sure to let Amy know if you see traffic issues on your street. (Note: If you can give a time frame when you see increased issues this will help them send patrols when it might be most effective). There will be flyers for National Night Out (NNO) at our Festival. It was suggested to have a posted list of blocks that need leaders at Festival.
Neighborhood Meeting
Called to order at 6:30 by Betsen Philip
54th and Penn Business Node update – Matt Perry & Steve Hersh
The initial phase focused on Penn from 55th to 60th, and now 60th to 62nd are closed. At 60th, Wagners closed until they have Penn access again (have a temporary location in Bloomington); the gas stations are hoping to just ride it out (with one planning to do some remodeling during this time). From July 1-12, 54th with be either closed or partially closed. It was decided that after this area is open again, we would like to support the businesses by helping host an ice cream social. Other ideas included seeing if Maude’s would have music outside; if Settergrens might want to grill something; we could have tote bags available (with business flyers included) for those that come to the social; we could try to organize a flash mob for shopping and dining; be nice to have some sort of children’s activity. We can promote through our website, Facebook, and with our mailing for the Festival. This will be in mid July (date to be set next week).
It was also suggested that when the entire project is done this fall, that we help host a grand opening celebration. Ideas included having a trolley going up and down Penn (maybe from 60th to 50th). This would be sometime in October.
The Business Association will be asking the Kenny neighborhood, as well as for support from affected businesses, to help fund these events and their promotion. It was asked if different road signs were available to let people know that you could get back in (maybe even road open). The building owners have been working with tenants affected by the construction with rent reductions, etc. It was also suggested that we try to do a press release in the hopes of gaining some local media attention for our business and our event/s. A motion was made and seconded for the ANA to support these efforts with $250 from our NRP funds. An additional motion was made and seconded to have the ANA cover the cost of ice cream from our general funds. Both motions passed.
Keep up to date with Penn Avenue construction at
Park Update – Jerry Peterson
The Summer Rec Plus program (for kids ages 6-12) is in full swing. Currently 48 are enrolled, with an average of 32 kids each day. They try to have lots of different activities both at the park facilities and with field trips. Have the food program for the 3rd year. Averaging about 35 kids (14 from the Rec Plus program, 21 from the neighborhood). Parents can apply through the nutrition center for a discount card. Inner City Tennis started this morning (kids can show up at anytime to register for the program held each morning at 10am). The movie at Armatage Park will be Indiana Jones on Aug 1st. The city is currently doing a skateboard survey. They are looking for input from the kids that use the parks, as the city looks to build a 3rd tier level park (Armatage has already gotten 47 surveys back). The “Slow Down” signs do seem to be effective, and many neighbors, including from Kenny, have been posting them. We need to deliver more to the park for distribution.
Support of City of Lakes Community Land Trust (CLCLT) vote
The CLCLT requested a letter of support. A motion was made and seconded to send this letter. It was asked who is behind this group, and from the experience of some on the board, other similar groups have been successful in their mission, which often is supportive of low income housing. Motion passed
Coordinator Update – Tina Erazmus
City Council Update — Tina will be meeting next week with various people from the city to firm up dates related to the Penn Ave construction to help in planning the Ice Cream Social and eventually the grand opening celebration. A street lighting proposal (which has the city paying for the pedestrian lighting) passed so the Penn Ave project will get the lighting. A request has been made to get a Nice Ride station in the Armatage neighborhood.
Creek Project Update — Seeking neighborhood input for creek usage through the chalk talk board located down by creek. After the comments are gathered, the board is repainted for use in a different location.
Neighborhood Survey Update — Currently, our top two topics of interest are safety and the airport noise. We will do the final survey piece at the Festival. Might find a fun way to vote (gumballs in bowls, etc.) at the Festival.
Fair Skies Update — Videos have been added to their website (, and they are still working at neighborhood outreach. Can have a presentation at one of our meetings. Recommended we do this for our July meeting.
July Postcard — We have a budget for a postcard to announce festival. We could use the other side to promote having Fair Skies at our July meeting and the July Ice Cream Social. It was asked if we can get something in the Southwest Journal and the Ward 13 newsletter.
Summer Festival Update — We have secured the Showmobile, and have the park and gym reserved. Confirmations have also been made with the hot dog guy, City Church for ice cream, Elmer the Elm Tree, car show, and magician. Ryan will do the skateboard contest again. Castle Remodelling offered to pay for a bounce castle. Betsen will contact his neighbor about having the photo booth again. He also might have a band willing to donate their time (we would need to help rent some equipment). Exhibitors include MSP Fair Skies and Castle Remodeling. We are in touch with Project Girl MN and will invite the neighborhood businesses. Would also like to see if we can get a fire truck to make an appearance.
It was noted that our new Police Chief will be coming to our September safety meeting. Also, it was requested that the coordinator regularly report the number of “welcome” packets that were distributed to new Armatage residents since the previous board meeting.
Treasurer Update
Updated finances passed around.
Secretary Update
Minutes accepted with no changes.
New Business
- It was asked if the garage sale weekend could be changed. We partner with Kenny, which has many more sales than Armatage, so we’d have to talk to them about doing it a different weekend (rather than the Saturday of Memorial weekend).
- With all the construction in south Minneapolis, Edina has been asked to monitor the traffic at 60th and Xerxes. The hope is that at least temporarily they will allow 2 lanes of traffic in both direction to ease congestion on Xerxes.
- Tina has a neighbor interested in joining the board. This would fill the open position currently available. He was traveling in June, but hopes to be able to attend in July, at which time we should be able to vote him into his board position
Meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m.