ANA Meeting Minutes
7/19/22 / 6:30 PM / Armatage Park, next to the wading pool
Vikisha Goberdhan, Ethan Komoroski, Nikki Lindberg, Sharla McIntosh-Ziegler, Kevin Ross
NOT IN ATTENDANCE: Eli Johnson, Judy Vecere, Charlie Wolfe
Tara Brown, Kim Herring, Sarah Komoroski, Park directors, past Jordan and new Dillon, Sheila Dingels, Clare (bookkeeper), Eva Schwartz
Clare – introductions. Helps to get all the $ info in the system for reporting, 990s, processes city reimbursements requests, etc.
Updated financials were sent via email.
6:40 Welcome and Introductions (Kevin Ross)
6:43 Comments from Community
- Concerns about community garden at 61st and Washburn on a city designated plot were sent to the board. Green team will try to reach out to those organizing this effort to learn more. Looks like a work in progress. Was noted that there was a firepit, and questions were raised over the rules and regulations around this in a community garden setting.
6:49 Ward 13 Update (Council Vice President Linea Palmisano)
- Linea addressed a recent letter written by our Green Team and submitted to SW Voices. The letter was written in response to her comments during an event. It was noted that the Green Team’s response was based on the SW Voices article, and no members attended this event. What was expressed was a frustration by the members of the Green Team about mischaracterizing their efforts. While the team is proud of the work they have done and the incredible support they have achieved through grant writing, they know that these local-level activities, while important for our neighborhood, are not solutions for the bigger issues of climate change. Those impacts can be much more effectively handled at systemic levels, such as the city, state and national levels. Linea was frustrated for also being mischaracterized, as the event wasn’t as she expected, and had little time to answer questions, so gave easier to digest answers in the limited format, but does know the significance of having to act, and in her role with the city is involved in committees working to address change (such as noise and air pollution from the airport). The Green Team hopes that her actions and future policy votes reflect this more strongly in the future than they believe has been demonstrated in the past. Linea also mentioned her plans for a climate discussion this fall, and
- Overall, Linea requested that we feel free to submit questions ahead of meetings so she can be prepared to talk about topics the neighborhood is interested in.
- A question was raised regarding the recent comments by City Councilmember Rainville. Linea had not made any formal comment about this situation (in print) but has spoken out at various community meetings condemning his comments, and seeing this as an opportunity to learn and do better. Rainville has apologized, and has spoken with members of the Somali community. It was suggested that as VP on the Council, a written statement would have been appropriate, perhaps in her newsletter.
7:15 Park Update (Interim Park Director, Dillon Clements)
- Dillon has been at Corcoran for about 5 years. Fall registration is open. He has submitted the food permit for the Summer Jam event. Currently he feels they are fairly well staffed, but the broader parks programming is still looking for people.
7:19 ANA Events & Program Debrief
- Recommendations for upcoming events/programs
- Tool swap will happen again – consider bundling with board election
- Gardening programming could bundle with school efforts
- Would like to find ways to better partner with the school
7:25 Fall Fun at the Washburn Tot Lot
- Budget for treats
- Motion to approve up to $100. Second. Motion carries.
- Renter engagement with Green Team outreach regarding garden installation
- Partners: LWV, Homeline info (multi-lingual biz cards), first-time homebuyer opportunities (still contacting). Other ideas:
- Move Minneapolis (bus passes) – Tara Brown
- Edina Realty (Spanish)
7:38 Approval of Minutes & Financials
- Motion to approve the June minutes and financials. Seconded. Carries.
7:39 President’s Report
- New board member: Kim Herring
- Has lived in Minneapolis a long time (moved back after a short stint out of the city during Covid) and has lots of experience as a volunteer (at risk youth, etc.), fundraising, organizing events, and more. Enjoys bringing the community together.
- Vote to approve Kim as a new board. Approved. (Kim will join Community Engagement Committee)
- In response to the Green Team letter, the board will create a policy and guidelines for external communications
- Issues around protocol and maintaining good relationships to help us continue to be able to have constructive discussions
- Anything coming from a part of our group (committee) is seen as coming from the entire group (board), thus all of the group members should be made aware of these types of communications.
- Public letters, while may be related to a person, can reach the broader community. In this instance, the Green Team was hoping to share pro-climate voices.
- Protocol for expressing strong feelings about topics (including time frame, contingency ideas, and disclaimer language will be drafted)
8:06 Coordinator Report
- August meeting (8/16) will instead be an informal gathering at Nikki’s house (bring something to share)
- Mail: the ANA had some of its mail missing for a couple months this spring and early summer. We’re still experiencing delays and will work with park staff to hopefully install a locked outdoor mailbox.
8:05 ANA Committee Updates
- Community Engagement
- Summer Jam: 5 food trucks, band, face painting, Magic by Bruce, lawn games, $950 in sponsorships
- Meeting schedule – Book Club patio for some future meetings (Sept 1 at 6pm)
- Welcome bags – finding people at home is still a challenge. Still looking for more content.
- October senior event has been canceled
- Green Team
- Rain garden program
- Low income seniors and renters working really well and connecting
- Rain garden program
- Community Engagement
- 3 additional low-income applications, and are asking for an additional $600 to help support these additional rain gardens (to create a total of 5 scholarships, 2 full and 3 partial). Seconded. Carries
- Washburn Tot Lot garden (engagement at September meeting)
- 2 zero waste volunteers at the Summer Jam
- October 1 fall cleanup
- Tech Dump Sept 24 (Mayflower)
8:21 New Business
- SEO committee members will be working on creating an equity rubric/policy/guidelines
Meeting adjourned at 8:20
- Aug 6 – Armatage Summer Jam (4:00–6:00pm, Armatage Park)
- Aug 11 – Green Team Meeting (7:00-8:30pm, GT Member Backyard TBD)
- Aug 16 – casual board meeting at Nikki’s
- Sept 1 – Community Engagement Committee (6:00-7:00pm, Book Club Patio)
- Sep 8 – Green Team Meeting (7:00-8:30pm, GT Member Backyard TBD)
- Sep 17 – Fall Fun at the Washburn Tot Lot (10:00-11:30am, 5825 Washburn Ave S)
- Sept 20 – Monthly Meeting (6:30-8:30pm, Outdoors at Armatage Park)