ANA Meeting Minutes
6 p.m. – Quarterly Safety Meeting
6:30 p.m. President Dan Sweeney brought the meeting to order.
Board members in attendance: Sweeney, Johnson, Alagna, Erazmus, Swanson, Steely, Schuchman
City Council Update – Council Member Betsy Hodges
- Monthly Ward Breakfast is now Quarterly Ward Breakfast – July 21st is the next one
- Will be singing at the festival with Armatageous
- If the neighborhood has ideas for places that need beautification, the Streetworks Youth Employment program is available – please let me know if you have suggestions
- Fire Inspections program administration (4+ units) has been transferred to Regulatory Services. Was going to be in perpetuity but will now be for a two year trial period. We will audit the way it’s going and work to build capacity for management of that program in the Fire Department
- 60th and Xerxes stop light – Ben and Betsy did a drivethrough of the ward and looked at it today. No staff updates, but we have it on the radar. We are working on that
- No current plans for Nice Ride outlets to come this far south
- What happens if the outlets are full? Unknown
Armatage NRP Phase II Balance Update
- City Council will approve all Phase II NRP plans at 100%; report with increased funds distributed
- We could use NRP money for additional newsletter?
- Grant for newsletter could also be used for printing of small batches and mailing
- Could it be used for web site or other communications?
- Jen will check on options
- Could it be used for web site or other communications?
- Administration (Jen’s salary)
- We need to do a plan modification to pay administrative costs
- $26k in phase 1 Park improvement strategy is still available
- Can be moved to cover
- Noah made a motion to move the $25,000 from the Park Improvement strategy to the Administrative strategy
- Keith seconded
- Approved on a voice vote
- Noah made a motion to move the $25,000 from the Park Improvement strategy to the Administrative strategy
- Can be moved to cover
Matching Business Grant Update
- Two applications came in on the same day
- Fred Linehan for Pizza place fencing
- BP for north entrance concrete
Summer Festival: Volunteer Opportunities
- Every board member has a section of the festival for which to recruit volunteers
- Keep info and also call to remind – also pass along information to Jen for the master list/check in
- Car show – Tom and Jake
- Will also need volunteers – 1 or 2
- 9-10 cars already planning to be there
- Have a meeting scheduled for June 22 at 6 to discuss the Car Show
- We have two sponsors (possibly a third) – cash sponsorships and possible silent auction items – trophies and awards
- BP/Mobil confirmed
- Lerum Auto confirmed
- Possibly Linehan
- Possibly Carquest Auto parts
Treasurer Report
- Paid a couple of bills
- Looks about the same
New Business
- Tara Carson – What if any communication do you have with block captains related to the block party?
- Emerald Ash Borer – do we need to talk to the community and Park Board to get some info on the website?
- The City forester gave a map of ash trees in the neighborhood – there are a lot, specifically on Upton
- The tree canopy is really important – so Tara thinks it’s important for blocks to try to work together to try to stave this off
- The only reason this is a problem is that there is firewood being brought in
- Tom suggested allocating money for new trees through the City’s tree program
- Park Board has stopped allocating money toward ash trees
- City Forester – Ralph Sievert – at the August meeting?
- Post something online or have a table at the fair?
- Dan can post an article or links on the website if someone submits
- Came across a great website today on ten simple ways to go green with the block party
- Dan will put on the website
- Emerald Ash Borer – do we need to talk to the community and Park Board to get some info on the website?
Meeting Adjourned.
Secretary for this meeting: Noah Schuchman