ANA Meeting Minutes
ANA board members in attendance: Tina Erazmus, Steve Johnson, Nikki Lindberg, Peggy Rasmussen, Jim Steely, Alisha Stowbridge, Jen Swanson, Keith Swanson
Others in attendance: Jake Weyer, John Finlayson, David Rubedor, David DeNamer, Betsy Hodges
Vice President Alisha Stowbridge called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m.
City Council Update – Betsy Hodges
Update on current status regarding pension votes. Next Ward breakfast on July 21, 8:00 a.m. at Pearson’s.
Over 50 people in attendance for the Development Summit. Goal to prepare for upcoming Ward projects including proposed projects such as: light rail, South Lyndale, 50th/Bryant, 43rd/Upton, 44th/France. Website in development. Email list available for specific projects (contact Betsy if interested in updates).
Mayor Rybak has appointed Velma Korbel as Civic Rights Coordinator.
Questions have been raised about the former Xerxes Market site. No license has been submitted. A public hearing, will be held in neighborhood after that happens.
Neighorhood & Community Relations (NCR) – John Finlayson & David Rubedor
With the phase ou of NRP, the NCR is soliciting input from neighborhood associations throughout the city. They are gathering input, will present that back to the neighborhoods before presentation to the City Council. To that point they are asking the following questions (abbreviated input listed):
1) What are the future goals and plans of the neighborhood organization?
community garden; continued protection of NRP investments (support park participation/success of magnet school; housing vitality; new residents outreach; business support; crime & safety (block leader network); neighborhood networking; keeping people engaged; continued support of paid staff; realtionships with Parks & Rec Board
2) How could city resources such as a new community participation funding program, city staff resources, partnerships with other organizations, etc. be used to meet these goals and plans?
police presence; more citywide shared resources to promote neighborhood efforts (National Night Out, 411, etc.); support of 1 or 2 issues/year of ANA newsletter to help balance & use of technology; document processing services; shop/eat/etc local promotion
3) How detailed should the allocation of funds be? (Consider a continuum from all neighborhoods getting the same amount annually to each neighborhood has its own formula that could change regularly based on different variables.)?
NRP was need based – could continue to do it on a need base; divide it evenly (flat system); provide support with other things than $ (grant writing); consider stewardship; use a shorter time period for phases (3 years instead of 10); easier/quicker implementation process
4) Are there ways that a new program could help neighborhood organizations be more effective at what they do?
shorter timeframe of funds allocation; shorter planning and approval processes; maintain/expand knowledge base (website access as well as other people with experience)
5) Are there other things that we should consider when developing the new program?
support summer festivals; like to support other neighborhood events (or reinstitute old events such as a winter festival)
Crime & Safety Committee Update – Keith Swanson
Not much to report. General safety reminders: lock bikes, cars, child safety
Attended Block Leader training and found it interesting
Question raised: Does Amy Lavendar have access to Nixle (a Twitter-like web program for crime)?
Community & Park Committee Update- Tina Erazmus
Has not met. Still in process on welcome packets/bags. Should know more soon about the combining of the ACC with KPAC (Armatage and Kenny park associations for sports leagues).
Neighborhood Garage Sales 5/29/10
Registration deadline is Monday 5/24. Maps will be available.
Armatage Community School Picnic 5/21/10
Commemorative event to honor the 57 year community school that is closing at the end of this school year.
Summer Festival 7/20/10 – Jen Swanson
Volunteer sheets will be available at the June meeting. Many components have been confirmed, including the facepainters, magician, band, sponsors (for jumper and ice cream).
Treasurer’s Report – Tom Steely/Tom Alagna
No report
ANA Board Votes Between Meetings
- Voted to continue BLEND participation
- Voted to extend the Matching Business Grant Program (neighborhood businesses were notified; 4 have responsed with interest)
- Voted to not participate in the CEE program
New Business
John Finlayson mention his involvement in several areas related to other city issues, and is willing to answer questions and be a resource if we need him.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.