Armatage Neighborhood Association Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 6:30 by Board President, Betsen Philip

ANA board members in attendance: Sarah Broich, Kelly Falsani, Denis Houle, Steve Johnson, Bri Keeney, Nikki Lindberg, Betsen Philip, and Keith Swanson.

Others in attendance: Tina Erazmus, ANA staff member; Matt Perry, NEHBA; and David DeNamur.

Park Update by Nikki Friederich, Park Director

The movie in the park was a big success, with over 200 people in attendance. Our park is participating in the Community Connects Creek Series taking place in July (info and registration online at Fall programing is comin together, but she is always looking for more class leaders. Football registration is open, and soccer registration will open in July.

Coordinator Update by Tina Erazmus

  • Garage sales went well. Kenny neighborhood had over 30 registered sales, and we had only 10. We may want to think about ways to improve involvement. (Tina also mentioned the great success of the garage sale held for the charity, Gracie’s Room, which raised $5,000 to help create spaces for healing for kids facing life-threatening illnesses.)
  • The annual meeting went well. Food is still a good draw, but may just pick up something at Sam’s club in the future. Wagners also seemed pleased with how things went and the traffic we drew in for shopping.
    The home loan program which we originally thought would be best moved to CEE, because of changes in the costs to manage/process each loan, would be better held through GHMC. A motion to move the funds to this program was made and carried. Details for the loan program will then be able to get pulled together once the funds are moved.
  • Summer Festival flyer will be distributed through the SW Journal to both Kenny and Armatage neighborhoods, at an additional cost, but much greater coverage of homes getting the information. Tina will look into the cost of getting additional signage made to help promote the festival. She has confirmed with City Church for the ice cream, the face painter, magician, food donations and initial reservation on the bounce house, etc. In an effort to broaden our event appeal, we will add a 1-on-1 basketball game along with two hamster balls. Jooners has been updated for volunteer recruitment. Following the lead of some of the other area festivals, we will offer tables for $25 to local businesses, in the hopes of creating a little marketplace area. We will also contact a couple of other food vendors which can offer more variety for people attending, including a vegetarian option. Music hasn’t been finalized, but one option could be a band featuring one of the neighborhood boys.

Board Elections

Motion was made to elect Denis Houle, President; Kelly Falsani, Vice President; Lance Custer, Treasurer; and Sarah Broich, Secretary. Motion carried.

New Business

  • Matt Perry announced that the 70/30 amendment will be on the ballot in November.
  • Denis also noted that he was elected President of the NCEC for the next 2 years.

Meeting adjourned at 7:19 p.m.

Armatage Neighborhood Association