4th of July Fun at Armatage Park
For 2021 the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) is planning a series of Fourth of July events at neighborhood parks and regional parks around the city, including at Armatage!
Between 11:00am and 1:00pm on July 4, stop by Armatage Park for a free creation from on-site balloon artists. See the full list of events at https://www.minneapolisparks.org/activities__events/events/red_white_and_boom/
Tangletown 4th of July
Our friends at the Tangletown Neighborhood Association are also holding their annual 4th of July Celebration from 11:00am – 2:00pm at Fuller Park (4800 Grand Ave S) with live music from the Roe Family Singers and food trucks including Finer Meats & Eats, Cafe Ena, Cairo Cafe, and 9-Yum-Yum Ice Cream Truck! Local businesses will be present with activities, giveaways, and more. Bring your lawn chairs and picnic blankets, pick up some food from one of our vendors, and enjoy live music. Learn more at https://tangletown.org/4th/
All Are Welcome Here Lawn Signs
Get your All Are Welcome Here lawn sign and proudly display to spread the message that ALL are Welcome in Armatage. The ANA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit so your donation is tax deductible and eligible for employer matching contributions.
Signs + stakes are $20 each and your donation goes toward supporting the ANA’s work in our community. Order online at armatage.org/allarewelcomehere/ and, if you’re in the neighborhood, we’ll deliver your sign to your front yard. You can also find us at an upcoming in-person sale date at Armatage Park (weather permitting):
- Saturday, July 10 from 10:00-11:00am at our Safety Equity & Outreach meeting
- Tuesday, July 20 from 6:00-8:00pm at our Monthly Meeting
Be Safe with Fireworks and Keep 911 Open for Emergencies
Fourth of July fireworks are part of Independence Day celebrations, and the noise complaints and safety issues they can generate lead to high call volumes at 911 call centers across the country.
Minneapolis Fireworks Rules
- Your fireworks must be nonexplosive. Examples of approved fireworks include sparklers, cones, and snakes
- Use your fireworks on your own property.
- Do not use your fireworks on public property, including roads, alleys, schools, parks
When to Call 911
For fireworks-related issues that pose life safety threats or fire hazards, residents should call 911 for police, fire or medical help. Call 911 if a person is injured by fireworks, airborne fireworks land on a building or wood area posing a fire risk, or the size of a fireworks gathering and unruly behavior beginning to pose a threat to others.
Make Noise Reports Online or Through 311
Reducing the number of noise complaints to 911 will allow emergency calls to be answered as quickly as possible. Instead of calling 911 for Fourth of July noise reports, people are asked to make noise reports online, leave a message at 311 or use the 311 app. You can also text “fireworks” to 311898 to enter a fireworks complaint on the City’s website. Learn more at https://www.minneapolismn.gov/report-an-issue/fireworks-complaint/
Armatage Playground Construction Update
Construction has begun and things are sure looking different at Armatage Park! The new estimate is that the play area should be completed and ready for use near the end of July. The ANA Board voted to spend $27,645.21 of its Park Improvement funds to cover the funding gap for the playground so it can be completed this summer. This donation from the neighborhood will go toward two more shade canopies and an accessible seesaw.
Sign up for project updates at bit.ly/armatagepark and we will plan to hold a community celebration in August!
Need to Report Theft or Property Damage?
The City of Minneapolis is changing the way residents report non-violent, non-emergency theft and property damage that isn’t not in progress. Starting June 14, non-police City employees at 311 will take these reports from Minneapolis residents instead of 911 dispatching Minneapolis Police officers. You can report theft or property damage in two ways:
- Submit an online report
- Call 311 Monday – Friday between 8:00am and 5:30pm to make a theft or property damage report. If you need to make a report outside these hours or on holidays, you can submit online or leave a voicemail for a callback within 3 business days
If the theft or property damage is occurring at the time of call, call 911. This is a service change aligned with the City’s work around seeking alternatives to police response. The goal is to reduce administrative capacity for police and improve service experiences. Results of the program will be assessed throughout the year. Learn more about alternatives to police response.
Reduce Waste by Switching to Reusable Items
From bags to toys and household goods, plastics have only been around for the past 50 years. Our grandparents lived fine without them. Their health and our environment wasn’t affected by the manufacturing, use and disposal of plastics. Commit to switching one single-use plastic item in your home to a reusable alternative. Examples include:
- Sandwich bags
- Cling-wrap
- Food storage containers
Your small action, plus the small actions of your friends, family and neighbors really adds up. Share a reusable alternative that you can’t live without. #LoveYourStuffMPLS. Visit the City’s website for more information on how to shop smart, love your stuff, and reduce waste
Cycle the Summer in Minneapolis Parks
Minneapolis Parks is hosting a series of smaller, bike-focused events throughout the summer for people of all ages, backgrounds and riding abilities to get on a bike! Learn more about the Cycle the Summer series and sign up for Cycling 101 youth events (August 25 will be at Armatage Park!) at https://www.minneapolisparks.org/activities__events/events/cycle_the_summer/
Armatage Safety Rebates
Did you know that the ANA offers $100 per household per calendar year to each Armatage household (both renters and homeowners) for security enhancements including items such as doorbell camera systems?
Learn more and apply for a rebate at armatage.org/security-rebate-program-for-residents/
Red Hot Art Events
Our friends at the Stevens Square Community Organization are holding 20 events across Stevens Square-Loring Heights from June to October that are free and open to all. That’s 20 chances to eat, dance, play, connect, and enjoy art all summer long! Visit https://www.stevenssquare.org/redhotart to learn more.