Huge thanks to the 160 community members who weighed in on the funding plan. The overall approval rate of 89.4%. Based on the comments received, the plan stayed consistent and the remaining $15,000 was allocated to the following priorities:
- An extra $7,000 to Traffic Calming & Pedestrian Safety, bringing the plan total to $17,000,
- $4,000 to Park Improvements (joining the $24,000 approved for parks in previous years by the ANA),
- $4,000 to Environmental & Greening Programming.
The final plan was discussed and approved unanimously by the ANA board on Tuesday, November 19, 2019 and then received final approval by the City of Minneapolis’s Department of Neighborhood & Community Relations.
City funding for neighborhood organizations like the ANA expires in 2020. There isn’t yet a new plan in place for 2021 and beyond but funding is expected to decrease significantly (or possibly end entirely – see for more info).
Here’s the Draft Funding Plan we presented to the neighborhood to allocate Armatage’s $220,500 in remaining, unspent funds to keep popular programs and community services operating for the next 4+ years:
- $40,000 for Rain Gardens: Subsidies for renters and homeowners to install a low cost rain or native gardens to minimize runoff, filter and clean groundwater, and increase pollinator habitat
- $15,000 for Safety Rebates: Rebates of up to $100 for residents annually for qualifying home safety upgrades. Up to $1,000/yr for businesses (lifetime max of $2,000)
- $6,000 for Informal Gatherings: Pop-up events and Neighborhood Happy Hours
- $14,000 for Mini Grants: Grants up to $1,0000 awarded to complete a project focused on the Armatage Neighborhood.
- $78,500 for Staffing:
- $70,000 for Program Implementation: Coordination for ANA’s programs, events, communications, volunteer coordination and outreach.
- $8,500 for Accounting: Accounting and financials for ANA’s work.
- $10,000 for Traffic Calming and Pedestrian Safety: Support improvements to neighborhood signage, pedestrian and/or bicycle infrastructure, lighting, etc.
- $44,000 for Community Engagement:
- $15,000 for Events and Programs: Support Summer Festival, Green Team events, Welcome Bags, park events, and other community programs
- $5,000 for Supplies and Materials: Office supplies and materials to support community engagement.
- $24,000 for Neighborhood Communications: Armatage News print newsletters, mailing and printing expenses, digital communications and website.
- $15,000 – OPEN. Community members were asked to give their ideas.
Community Engagement:

From October 14 through November 19, the ANA sought community input on the overall plan and ideas for the $15,000 in open funds through…
- October Armatage News delivered to every address in the neighborhood
- Online survey
- Text
- Door knocking
- Weekly messages on Nextdoor, Facebook, Twitter and the Armatage eNews
- Events:
- Armatage Park Halloween • Friday 10/25 • 6:00-8:30pm
- Washburn Tot Lot Play Date • Saturday 11/2 • 3:00-5:00pm
- Neighborhood Happy Hour • Tuesday 11/12 • 7:00-9:00pm at Red Wagon Pizza
- Monthly Neighborhood Meeting & Final Vote • Tuesday 11/19 • 6:30pm at Armatage Rec Center. Anyone 18 and older who lives in the Armatage Neighborhood or is a designated representative of a neighborhood business was eligible to vote.