Neighborhood Happy Hour

Tuesday, November 12
Red Wagon Pizza

Meet neighbors and catch up on everything that’s happening around Armatage at our last Neighborhood Happy Hour of the year!  Helpful details: no RSVP needed, pizza is free, cash bar, kids are welcome and help tipping our servers is appreciated.

If you haven’t had a chance yet, you can also weigh in on the Armatage draft funding plan to keep popular programs and services funded through 2023 at tonight’s Happy Hour (details and online survey also at

November 19 Meeting Agenda:

  • Welcome & Introductions
  • Park Staffing Change
  • ANA Funding Plan Modification
    • Overview of City funding for neighborhoods
    • Draft funding plan presented to the community in October
    • Community engagement process
    • Summary of community feedback received
    • Proposed plan
    • Comments from attendees – max 1 min each
    • Final edits to funding plan
  • Coordinator Update
    • Winter Project Planning Teams
  • President’s Report
  • Minutes – approved via email
  • Treasurer Report – financials emailed
  • Other Business
  • Committee Updates
    • Green Team:
      • 2020 Rain Garden program
    • Mini Grants:
      • 2020 Mini Grants

The Armatage Neighborhood Association has remaining, unspent funds and needs your input by this Friday, November 15! Check out the proposed plan to allocate this one-time resource to keep popular programs and community services operating for the next 4+ years at

Voice Your Feedback by November 15:

The final neighborhood and board vote takes place at the monthly neighborhood meeting on Tuesday, November 19 at 6:30pm at Armatage Rec Center Anyone 18 and older who lives in the Armatage Neighborhood or is a designated representative of a neighborhood business is eligible to vote.

Adopt A Storm Drain

Fall is an important time to keep leaves out of the gutter so they don’t get rush down the storm drain each time it rains. In the storm drain, leaves get carried to the Creek and eventually to Lake Hiawatha, adding the phosphorus that causes algae blooms.

If you haven’t already, consider the Adopt a Drain program and sign up to keep one or more storm drains on your street clear so that only water goes into it. You can adopt any drain that hasn’t already been adopted, even if it isn’t in front of your house! This interactive website helps you locate drains near you and adopt any that you choose: There are MANY drains that still need to be adopted in Armatage (shown in yellow below):

If you need assistance adopting a drain OR if you would like a friendly neighborhood volunteer to assist you the first time you set out to clean your storm drain, please contact the ANA at The ANA’s Green Team will also provide the next twenty people who sign up to Adopt-a-Drain with a free pair of gloves to wear when cleaning your drain. Email us to pick yours up!  Huge thanks to ANA Green Team member Linda Ridlehuber for this article!

Assessing Urban Air Quality

Last spring, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency installed new air quality monitoring sensors at 44 sites in neighborhoods around Minneapolis and Saint Paul, including one at 49th & Xerxes and another at 55th & Dupont. One of the MPCA’s goals is to improve air quality in urban population centers. You can see results of the monitoring so far here.

MPCA staff will share what the sensors are finding to date and discuss ways to improve the data viewing tool at an upcoming informational meeting about the project:

Thursday, November 14
Powderhorn Recreation Center (3400 15th Ave. S

Share your story for the #WeAreMpls campaign

The City of Minneapolis is showcasing compelling stories from the people of Minneapolis, including newcomers to our city as well as those who have been here for generations.

If you live in Minneapolis and are interested in being featured in this campaign, share your photos and stories on social media with the hashtag #WeAreMpls. You can also share what Minneapolis means to you (350 words max) at

Yard Waste Collection Ends Next Week

Got leaves, branches or pumpkins? 🍁 Next week is your last chance to set them out for yard waste collection. For details on how to bag and bundle your yard waste, visit

We also want to include one last friendly reminder to keep your leaves and other debris out of city streets even if street sweeping is scheduled soon. It’s harmful to our lakes and waterways and it’s against the law (Title 17, § 427.270 of the Minneapolis Code). Bag your leaves and set them out for yard waste collection (or use them to mulch perennials!) instead.

Armatage Neighborhood Association