Category Archives: Neighborhood Survey

May 7, 2020 eNews

Armatage Park Play Area Improvements Survey

Dreaming of when we’ll be able to safely play in parks again? Us too! In the meantime,  please help weigh in on upcoming improvements for the Armatage Park Play Area by taking the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board’s survey and signing up for project updates at

This survey is open through May 22 and is expected to be first in a series on prioritizing and designing improvements. Thanks in advance for sharing your ideas and opinions for our beloved park! Click here to take the Armatage Park survey.

Gardening Happy Hour on May 12

Tuesday, May 12

Social distancing got you craving connection? Our Happy Hour topic of the month is gardening, so come discuss your adventures with vegetable gardens, perennials, annuals, hard-scaping and dealing with the urban critters who disrupt our plans (🐿+🐇). Open to all, even if you don’t live in the neighborhood.

Thanks to the Armatage Green Team for hosting this month’s Neighborhood Happy Hour!

Monday, May 18

Thinking of making a change that will have a huge impact on your family’s environmental footprint? Now is the perfect time to start organics recycling and check out our free Organics Recycling How-to Workshop on May 18! We’ll cover what can and can’t go into the green cart, tips and tricks, and lots of ideas to affordably set up your home. Open to all, even if you live outside Armatage. Learn more at

Win a $50 Gift Card and Help Our Community Count in the Census

There’s still time to help ensure Minnesota gets its full share of funding for schools, health care, roads and public services by getting more of your friends, family and neighbors to take the 2020 Census.

Help out and enter to win one of four $50 gift cards to local businesses:

  1. Take the 2020 Census:
  2. Take Action. Choose from the following list…
    • Snap a selfie and share with hashtags #WeCountMN #Census2020 #ArmatageTakesTheCensus
    • Share a social media post with and hashtags #WeCountMN #Census2020 #ArmatageTakesTheCensus
    • Reach out to a neighbor (or two!) about completing the Census using #socialdistancing. (This is a perfect chance to check in remotely).
  3. Visit and enter your info for a chance to win one of four $50 gift cards to local businesses. All Minneapolis residents are eligible to enter.

Help is Available

Safety at Home: Stay at Home should never mean you stay somewhere unsafe. There are places of sanctuary open for anyone facing abuse or violence. Please call Minnesota’s statewide crisis hotline – available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – at 1.866.223.1111 or text 612.399.9995.

Unemployment Support: Minnesota is one of the first states to implement both the $600 per week additional compensation and the 13 week extension of benefits. Find these and answers to other unemployment questions here.

Mental Health: If you’re worried about a loved one, or if you want someone to talk to, know you can reach out. We have a website with mental health resources. You’re not alone in this challenge.

Find info on assistance programs, free food and meals, chore help, local businesses, volunteer opportunities, kids activities and more at  Please keep sharing this link!

Sign up for the Rain & Native Garden Program

We’ve teamed up with local nonprofit, Metro Blooms, again this year to help Armatage residents install a low cost rain or native garden. Slots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis and there are just a couple left!  Apply today at

Participants pay an average of $300-$450 and are responsible for planting and maintaining their garden. Additional need-based grants are available through the ANA for residents who meet income guidelines: click here for guidelines and to apply for additional assistance. We’ve been busy retooling the program with your safety in mind so site visits and installations will take place through social distancing – learn more at

Adopt-A-Tree with Brewing a Better Forest

In honor of Arbor Day and the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, consider adopting a tree.  There’s no housebreaking or litterbox training. No obedience classes. All an adopted street tree asks of you is water – once a week through the current growing season.

Brewing a Better Forest has thousands of public trees available for adoption, including many in Armatage: Select yours today.

Free Virtual Home Energy Visits

The Home Energy Squad is now offering free virtual home energy visits to help you find your biggest energy savings. The cost-free visit is conducted online to help you discover low cost energy-saving opportunities. They’ll also help identify possible future projects to save you even more, so you’ll be ready for action when the time comes. Learn more and sign up at

You can also sign up to borrow the Armatage Thermal Camera to pinpoint energy waste through a no contact pick-up and drop-off at

Doors Open Minneapolis Facts & Photo Contest

Learn about your community as you enjoy Doors Open Minneapolis’ new project, Strolls Through the Streets. Check out facts and addresses of notable landmarks around the city here.

You can also enter this year’s photo contest on Instagram and share the exterior of your favorite venue to win $250 for you + $250 for a COVID relief charity of your choice. Learn more at

Transportation Action Plan Open House

Check out the draft Transportation Action Plan website to read the draft plan and provide feedback. The interactive website includes opportunities to provide your input on specific strategies and actions during the public comment period, which is extended until May 22.

One more Open House is scheduled for you to hear about the plan, give input, and interact in real time:

NRPA Social Distancing Graphic

Minneapolis Park Closures

The Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board made the difficult decision to close playgrounds, skate parks, athletic fields, and courts last week. Check out the closure details at

Parks and trails are still open during this time. Please do your part to keep them safe for everyone, which means…

  • Bringing a water bottle, hand sanitizer, etc. while buildings are closed
  • Not visiting parks or trails if you feel sick with a fever, body aches, coughing, nasal congestion, runny nose and/or sore throat.
  • Staying at least six feet away from anyone who doesn’t live with you.
  • Washing your hands immediately before and after visiting a park.
  • Walking or rolling to your local parks. The MPRB has asked that folks don’t drive across the city or metro to visit popular park attractions.
  • Not holding any group activities with people who don’t live with you.

Extended Stay at Home Details

ICYMI, our #StayHomeMN order is extended through May 18 but many retail and other businesses can start offering online sales and curbside pick-up. Learn more at


Armatage Park Play Area

Playground Reopening Celebration

The Armatage Playground Reopening Celebration is rescheduled for Thursday, September 9 from 4:30-6:30pm.  We’re excited to share FREE popsicles and cold treats (donated by the ANA and Jonny Pops!) and celebrate the new play equipment with you!

Playground Construction

The Armatage Park Play Area construction started on June 1. The new play area should be completed and ready for use at the end of July. While the playground is under construction, we encourage neighbors to enjoy the Washburn Tot Lot playground at 5825 Washburn Ave S, Kenny Park at 58th & Fremont or, outside of school hours, to use the Armatage school playground. Sign up for project updates at

The ANA set aside funds to contribute to park projects several years ago. On June 15, 2021 the board voted to allocate $27,645.21 from this park improvement budget to cover the funding gap for the playground so it can be completed on time this summer. This donation from the neighborhood made two of the three shade canopies (pictured above) and an accessible seesaw possible.

Armatage Play Area Plan Approved

The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) approved the concept plan for a new playground at Armatage Park, which includes replacing the equipment and surfacing of the park’s existing play areas. The new play areas are designed for universal accessibility so they can be accessed, understood, enjoyed, and used to the greatest extent possible by all children regardless of size, ability, or disability.

In addition to an ADA-accessible swing, belt swing and two infant swings, the approved plan includes a tire swing, based on requests from the community and an MPRB commissioner.

Next Steps

It is anticipated that construction will occur this summer and the new play areas will be complete during the summer or early fall. Actual dates will be announced once a construction contract is approved.  Sign up for updates at

Thanks for sharing your comments and ideas for our beloved park!

Play Area Surveys

The MPRB conducted two community surveys in 2020 on the Armatage Park Play Area improvements. Neighbors were invited to share their ideas, opinions and comment on proposed designs in May and again in September.  The final designs were shared at a public hearing on January 20, 2021 and approved by the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board in February 2021. See designs and follow the playground construction process at

November 21, 2019 eNews

November 19 Meeting Recap

Welcome to new Armatage & Kenny Park Director, Jordan Nelson.  Jordan comes from Van Cleve Park near the University of Minnesota. We’d also like to extend a huge thank you to outgoing director Nikki Friederich who has been an wonderful leader for Armatage & Kenny and is moving to Creekview Park.

The ANA presented an overview of the draft funding plan, its community engagement efforts this fall, a summary of the feedback received, and the final proposed plan. Over the past 5 weeks, 160 community members weighed in on the funding plan with an overall approval rate of 89.4%.  Based on the comments received, the plan stayed consistent and the remaining $15,000 was allocated to the following priorities:

  • An extra $7,000 to Traffic Calming & Pedestrian Safety, bringing the plan total to $17,000,
  • $4,000 to Park Improvements (joining the $24,000 approved for parks in previous years by the ANA),
  • $4,000 to Environmental & Greening Programming.

The final plan was discussed and approved unanimously. It will now head to the City for legal review and final approval this winter. Please contact the ANA at 612.466.0296 or with any questions.

E Line Community Open House Tonight

Metro Transit will host an E Line Open House tonight, Thursday, November 21, from 4:00-6:00pm at Pershing Rec Center (3523 W 48th St).

Check out the interactive route map for the new Bus Rapid Transit E Line at and comment at the Open House or via email at

Minnehaha Creek Community Open House Tonight

The Minnehaha Parkway Regional Trail Master Plan reconvenes tonight to review and discuss findings from a recently completed parkway traffic study. The master plan project paused in July to allow time for a study to be performed.

Thursday, November 21
6:00-8:00 pm
Windom South Recreation Center (5843 Wentworth Ave)

This meeting will provide space for the general public to converse with MPRB staff and the consultant team about the traffic study and the parkway west of Portland Avenue. The open house format does not include a formal presentation, so anyone can attend for any amount of time between 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm.

Tree Lighting & Supply Drive for Crisis Nursery

While the ANA isn’t hosting a Tree lighting event this year, the annual neighborhood-sponsored holiday lights are up in Armatage Park along the east side of the building.

You can still drop off new, unopened formula, diapers, pull-ups, children’s toiletries, new with tags clothing and more to benefit the Greater Twin Cities Crisis Nursery now through December 20. Check out the Crisis Nursery’s full donation wish list here and look for a donation bin in the lobby of the Armatage Rec Center.

Theodore Wirth House Tours

Sunday, November 24
3954 Bryant Ave S,  in Lyndale Farmstead Park

The Theodore Wirth Home and his park planning offices in Lyndale Farmstead Park will be open to the public for FREE guided tours on Sunday, November 24 from 12:00-4:00pm. Volunteers with Minneapolis Parks Legacy Society, working in cooperation with the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, would like to invite all of our neighbors to visit this historic site.

If you can’t make it this month, the house will be open again on December 8. Contact Joan at 612-275-8884 or with questions or for separate individual, group, and student tours, which may be scheduled by reservation only. Volunteers are appreciated.


Give Feedback on the Proposed City Budget

There are two more public hearings for people to share thoughts on Mayor Jacob Frey’s recommended 2020 City budget of $1.6 billion. The City’s revenues come from a variety of sources with property taxes accounting for about 23% of the budget.  Comments can also be submitted online to be shared with the Mayor and Council Members. The City Council is scheduled to vote on adopting the budget Wednesday, December 11.

Budget public hearings at City Hall:

  • December 4 at 6:00pm: Truth in Taxation hearing to get community input on the total levy amount.
  • December 11 at 6:00pm: Opportunity to respond to the City Council’s amendments, for Council to make any further changes based on that, and then a vote to adopt the 2020 budget.

Visit the City’s budget website to learn more about the budget and key dates and watch a video about how to participate in the budget process. You can also watch budget hearings on Minneapolis City Council TV. Tune to SD channel 14 or HD channel 799 on Comcast or SD channel 8001 or HD channel 8501 on CenturyLink. You can also watch archived meetings on the City of Minneapolis YouTube channel.

Adopt A Storm Drain

Fall is an important time to keep leaves out of the gutter so they don’t get rush down the storm drain each time it rains. In the storm drain, leaves get carried to the Creek and eventually to Lake Hiawatha, adding the phosphorus that causes algae blooms.

If you haven’t already, consider the Adopt a Drain program and sign up to keep one or more storm drains on your street clear so that only water goes into it. You can adopt any drain that hasn’t already been adopted, even if it isn’t in front of your house! This interactive website helps you locate drains near you and adopt any that you choose: There are MANY drains that still need to be adopted in Armatage (shown in yellow below):

If you need assistance adopting a drain OR if you would like a friendly neighborhood volunteer to assist you the first time you set out to clean your storm drain, please contact the ANA at The ANA’s Green Team will also provide the next twenty people who sign up to Adopt-a-Drain with a free pair of gloves to wear when cleaning your drain. Email us to pick yours up!  Huge thanks to ANA Green Team member Linda Ridlehuber for this article!

Census 2020 is Hiring

The 2020 Census is just around the corner and the Census Bureau is hiring to fill office and field representative positions. See the census job openings in Minnesota and apply here.

Check out what’s happening locally with the 2020 Census and sign up for updates at

November 12, 2019 eNews

Neighborhood Happy Hour

Tuesday, November 12
Red Wagon Pizza

Meet neighbors and catch up on everything that’s happening around Armatage at our last Neighborhood Happy Hour of the year!  Helpful details: no RSVP needed, pizza is free, cash bar, kids are welcome and help tipping our servers is appreciated.

If you haven’t had a chance yet, you can also weigh in on the Armatage draft funding plan to keep popular programs and services funded through 2023 at tonight’s Happy Hour (details and online survey also at

November 19 Meeting Agenda:

  • Welcome & Introductions
  • Park Staffing Change
  • ANA Funding Plan Modification
    • Overview of City funding for neighborhoods
    • Draft funding plan presented to the community in October
    • Community engagement process
    • Summary of community feedback received
    • Proposed plan
    • Comments from attendees – max 1 min each
    • Final edits to funding plan
  • Coordinator Update
    • Winter Project Planning Teams
  • President’s Report
  • Minutes – approved via email
  • Treasurer Report – financials emailed
  • Other Business
  • Committee Updates
    • Green Team:
      • 2020 Rain Garden program
    • Mini Grants:
      • 2020 Mini Grants

The Armatage Neighborhood Association has remaining, unspent funds and needs your input by this Friday, November 15! Check out the proposed plan to allocate this one-time resource to keep popular programs and community services operating for the next 4+ years at

Voice Your Feedback by November 15:

The final neighborhood and board vote takes place at the monthly neighborhood meeting on Tuesday, November 19 at 6:30pm at Armatage Rec Center Anyone 18 and older who lives in the Armatage Neighborhood or is a designated representative of a neighborhood business is eligible to vote.

Adopt A Storm Drain

Fall is an important time to keep leaves out of the gutter so they don’t get rush down the storm drain each time it rains. In the storm drain, leaves get carried to the Creek and eventually to Lake Hiawatha, adding the phosphorus that causes algae blooms.

If you haven’t already, consider the Adopt a Drain program and sign up to keep one or more storm drains on your street clear so that only water goes into it. You can adopt any drain that hasn’t already been adopted, even if it isn’t in front of your house! This interactive website helps you locate drains near you and adopt any that you choose: There are MANY drains that still need to be adopted in Armatage (shown in yellow below):

If you need assistance adopting a drain OR if you would like a friendly neighborhood volunteer to assist you the first time you set out to clean your storm drain, please contact the ANA at The ANA’s Green Team will also provide the next twenty people who sign up to Adopt-a-Drain with a free pair of gloves to wear when cleaning your drain. Email us to pick yours up!  Huge thanks to ANA Green Team member Linda Ridlehuber for this article!

Assessing Urban Air Quality

Last spring, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency installed new air quality monitoring sensors at 44 sites in neighborhoods around Minneapolis and Saint Paul, including one at 49th & Xerxes and another at 55th & Dupont. One of the MPCA’s goals is to improve air quality in urban population centers. You can see results of the monitoring so far here.

MPCA staff will share what the sensors are finding to date and discuss ways to improve the data viewing tool at an upcoming informational meeting about the project:

Thursday, November 14
Powderhorn Recreation Center (3400 15th Ave. S

Share your story for the #WeAreMpls campaign

The City of Minneapolis is showcasing compelling stories from the people of Minneapolis, including newcomers to our city as well as those who have been here for generations.

If you live in Minneapolis and are interested in being featured in this campaign, share your photos and stories on social media with the hashtag #WeAreMpls. You can also share what Minneapolis means to you (350 words max) at

Yard Waste Collection Ends Next Week

Got leaves, branches or pumpkins? 🍁 Next week is your last chance to set them out for yard waste collection. For details on how to bag and bundle your yard waste, visit

We also want to include one last friendly reminder to keep your leaves and other debris out of city streets even if street sweeping is scheduled soon. It’s harmful to our lakes and waterways and it’s against the law (Title 17, § 427.270 of the Minneapolis Code). Bag your leaves and set them out for yard waste collection (or use them to mulch perennials!) instead.

November 1, 2019 eNews

Celebrate the last time there will be daylight at 5:00pm at a pop-up park date with your neighbors this Saturday, November 2! Stop by with kids and pets for coffee, hot cider and treats for all (including 🐕!) and weigh in on our neighborhood funding plan (

The Armatage Neighborhood Association has remaining, unspent funds and needs your input! Check out the proposed plan to allocate this one-time resource to keep popular programs and community services operating for the next 4+ years at

Voice Your Feedback by November 15:

  • Fill out our online survey
  • Text us at 612.466.0296
  • Email us at
  • Tell us at upcoming events:
    • Washburn Tot Lot Pop-up Play Date • Saturday 11/2 • 3:00-5:00pm
    • Neighborhood Happy Hour • Tuesday 11/12 • 7:00-9:00pm at Red Wagon Pizza
    • November Neighborhood Meeting • Tuesday 11/19 • 6:30pm at Armatage Rec Center – final neighborhood and board vote.  Anyone 18 and older who lives in the Armatage Neighborhood or is a designated representative of a neighborhood business is eligible to vote.

Neighborhood Happy Hour

Tuesday, November 12
Red Wagon Pizza

Meet neighbors and catch up on everything that’s happening around Armatage at our last Neighborhood Happy Hour of the year!

Helpful details: no RSVP needed, pizza is free, cash bar, kids are welcome and help tipping our servers is appreciated.

Fall Leaves & Street Sweeping

🍁🍂 Leaves are falling! Here are just a few handy reminders as we head into the last month of autumn:

Now is the Time to Adopt-a-Drain

Fall is an important time to keep leaves out of the gutter so they don’t get into the storm drain when it rains. In the storm drain, leaves get carried to the Creek and eventually to Lake Hiawatha, adding the phosphorus that causes algae blooms. Don’t wait for the city to sweep the street, as leaves will be rushing down the drain with each rainfall!

If you haven’t already, consider the county’s Adopt-a-Drain program, signing up to keep one or more storm drains on your street clear so that only water goes into it. You can adopt any drain that hasn’t already been adopted, even if it isn’t in front of your house! This interactive website helps you locate drains near you and adopt any that you choose:

If you need assistance adopting a drain OR if you would like a friendly neighborhood volunteer to assist you the first time you set out to clean your storm drain, please contact the ANA at The ANA’s Green Team will also provide the next twenty people who sign up to Adopt-a-Drain with a free pair of gloves to wear when cleaning your drain. Email us to pick yours up!  Huge thanks to ANA Green Team member Linda Ridlehuber for this article!

Plate & Parcel Holiday Market at Wagners

Formerly the Linden Hills Holiday Market, Plate & Parcel is a bustling hub of local farmers, foodies, artists and craftspeople. This year’s holiday market is located within the greenhouses at Wagner Garden Center (6024 Penn Ave S), which will be filled with festive winter home and garden decor. Visitors will be able to shop for unique holiday gifts, decadent gourmet treats and home goods from a rotating selection of over 60 different vendors every weekend. The market is FREE to attend, family-friendly, and all are welcome. More info is available on Plate & Parcel’s Facebook event page.

2019 Schedule:
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM every Saturday and Sunday, November 2 through December 22

Funding for Neighborhood Organizations Expires in 2020

We need your help! Funding for neighborhood organizations is set to expire in 2020 and Minneapolis City Council is planning to vote soon on whether or not to continue funding neighborhood organizations, who provide many services to their communities including summer festivals, rain garden grants, micro grants, security rebates and more.

If you find value in these or other services provided by your neighborhood organization and would like funding to continue, please let City Council know with the sample letter at

October 25, 2019 eNews

October 15, 2019 Meeting Recap

  • The ANA discussed upcoming park events and voted to approve funding to support Armatage Park’s Halloween event.
  • Minneapolis Regulatory Services staff members Clara Schmit-Gonzales and Mah Isaac spoke on their department, which includes Animal Care & Control, Fire Inspections Services, Housing Inspections, Traffic Control, and Operations and Engagement. Residents can reach Regulatory Services via 311.
  • Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board staff member Emma Paschutta spoke on the Parks for All 2020 Comprehensive Plan. 3,000 comments have been received and community members can continue to submit their dreams and visions for the Minneapolis parks system through comment boxes at all recreation centers and through an online survey.
  • City Council Member Linea Palmisano spoke on Vision Zero and the City’s efforts to lower the speed limit in Minneapolis, updates on Neighborhoods 2020, implementation of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, and other upcoming city projects.
  • The ANA discussed its draft funding plan and outreach efforts for the 35 day comment period. The board approved funds for supplies and food at upcoming engagement events. Community feedback on the proposed plan will be accepted through November 15 – more info is listed below and at

The Armatage Neighborhood Association has remaining, unspent funds and needs your input! Check out the proposed plan to allocate this one-time resource to keep popular programs and community services operating for the next 4+ years at

Voice Your Feedback by November 15:

  • Fill out our online survey
  • Text us at 612.466.0296
  • Email us at
  • Tell us at upcoming events:
    • Armatage Park Halloween • Friday 10/25 • 6:00-8:30pm
    • Washburn Tot Lot Pop-up Play Date • Saturday 11/2 • 3:00-5:00pm
    • Neighborhood Happy Hour • Tuesday 11/12 • 7:00-9:00pm at Red Wagon Pizza
    • November Neighborhood Meeting • Tuesday 11/19 • 6:30pm at Armatage Rec Center – final neighborhood and board vote.  Anyone 18 and older who lives in the Armatage Neighborhood or is a designated representative of a neighborhood business is eligible to vote.

Washburn Tot Lot Pop-up Play Date

Saturday, November 2

Join the ANA Board for warm drinks, treats, and a fun afternoon play date at the Washburn Tot Lot! Stop by to weigh in on our neighborhood funding plan for the next few years (more info at and stay to play! What better way to spend the last day before Daylight Saving Time ends and the sun starts setting at 5:00pm than with your neighbors?

Now is the Time to Adopt-a-Drain

Fall is an important time to keep leaves out of the gutter so they don’t get into the storm drain when it rains. In the storm drain, leaves get carried to the Creek and eventually to Lake Hiawatha, adding the phosphorus that causes algae blooms. Don’t wait for the city to sweep the street, as leaves will be rushing down the drain with each rainfall!

If you haven’t already, consider the county’s Adopt-a-Drain program, signing up to keep one or more storm drains on your street clear so that only water goes into it. You can adopt any drain that hasn’t already been adopted, even if it isn’t in front of your house! This interactive website helps you locate drains near you and adopt any that you choose:

If you need assistance adopting a drain OR if you would like a friendly neighborhood volunteer to assist you the first time you set out to clean your storm drain, please contact the ANA at The ANA’s Green Team will also provide the next twenty people who sign up to Adopt-a-Drain with a free pair of gloves to wear when cleaning your drain. Email us to pick yours up!  Huge thanks to ANA Green Team member Linda Ridlehuber for this article!

Street Sweeping Has Begun

Watch the progress, look up your sweeping date, and answer all your street sweeping questions here.

Funding for Neighborhood Organizations Expires in 2020

We need your help! Funding for neighborhood organizations is set to expire in 2020 and Minneapolis City Council is planning to vote soon on whether or not to continue funding neighborhood organizations, who provide many services to their communities including summer festivals, rain garden grants, micro grants, security rebates and more.

If you find value in these or other services provided by your neighborhood organization and would like funding to continue, please let City Council know with the sample letter at

2020 Census is Hiring

See the census job openings in Minnesota here.

Field representative job applicants should reach out to the Regional Office in order to receive an application package: Chicago Regional Office Recruiting at 1-800-865-6384, Ext. 15. Applications for other positions, such as IT manager and regional technician can be submitted online at

Check out what’s happening locally with the 2020 Census and sign up for updates at

Change Matters – Sleep Matters

You have just a few more days to support local nonprofit My Very Own Bed at the Wedge and Linden Hills Co-ops through the co-ops’ October Change Matters campaign. Change Matters is a register round-up program that promotes the work of local non-profits and invites shoppers to provide critical funding by rounding up their purchases.

My Very Own Bed provides new beds and linens to children in our community who would otherwise be sleeping on the floor or sharing a bed with a parent or sibling. We focus on beds for kids because of the amazing power of sleep to help kids thrive. Healthy sleep helps children fight off illness, enhances growth, improves self-regulation and stress control, and aids learning. We also believe that all children deserve at least a small, comfortable place to call their own.

In October, shoppers at the Wedge Co-op, Wedge Table, and Linden Hills Co-op can round up their purchases to support My Very Own Bed. Each $200 raised will provide front-door delivery of a new bed and dream kit (new, twin-sized sheets, blanket, mattress pad, pillow, and stuffed animal) to another child. The stores will also collect these dream kit items.

Questions? Reach out to

November 13, 2015 eNews

November Meeting Agenda

November 17, 2015
6:30pm in the Armatage Community Center

  • Welcome
  • City Council Update
  • Park Update
  • Guest: Fulton Small Grant Program (tentative)
  • Committee Updates
    • Safety
    • Community Engagement
  • Coordinator Update
  • Treasurer Report
  • Secretary Report
  • New Business

Please submit agenda items and requests for childcare at least 3 days in advance.

Get Help with Your Heat & Energy Bills!

No family should go without heat in the winter. Community Action Partnership of Suburban Hennepin (CAPSH) can help. CAPSH’s Energy Assistance Program (EAP) provides financial assistance to Hennepin County residents, including the city of Minneapolis, to help with home energy costs.

To apply, or for more information, call (952) 930‐3541

Or visit us online at

Neighborhood Survey Results

Store To Door

Store To Door is a nonprofit grocery shopping and delivery service to seniors  age 60+, delivering groceries throughout the seven County metro area.  We are committed to giving seniors personal, reliable access to their choice of food and household essentials so they can continue to live in their homes.

If you are interested in attending an order taker training or would like to learn more about volunteer shopping and other volunteer experiences at Store to Door please contact Carolyn Swenson Volunteer Program Coordinator at 651-642-1892 or

Do you have a home that could be on the tour?

The tour will be April 30-May 1, but the deadline  for consideration is January 15.

The tour started 29 years ago and maintains mission encouraging people to stay in the city. Real homeowners open their doors offering examples of how to renovate and expand existing housing stock. It’s a great way to meet contractors and architects, encouraging more quality projects. In recent years, we’ve strengthened a preservation/history focus.

If interested, contact:
Margo Ashmore, Coordinator
Minneapolis & Saint Paul Home Tour
612-788-9003 (office)

Southwest Minneapolis Neighborhood Survey: Armatage Responds

by Madelyn Sundberg

This summer a survey was circulated through the Southwest Minneapolis community asking about the qualities and places that defined each of the nine neighborhoods included in the study. Over four-hundred residents participated, including sixteen members of the Armatage community, who I would like to take this opportunity to thank for donating their time to my study. The results of the survey will be used in my thesis, on the role of community involvement in the field of heritage preservation, as well as shared with the neighborhood associations.

Of the sixteen Armatage participants, fourteen percent were racial or ethnic minorities. The residents ranged in age from twenty-nine to esixty-three and on average had lived in the neighborhood for fifteen years. The general consensus was that the way the neighborhood feels is more important than the way it looks, which was a viewpoint shared by residents throughout Southwest Minneapolis. Additionally, participants indicated that people, parks, homes, and restaurants are the most important elements in the creation of neighborhood character. Residents were asked to describe the character of Armatage neighborhood in three words, leading to a list of thirty-one different words (shown in the word cloud graphic) with the four most frequently utilized words being friendly, active, quiet, and family. When asked what they would change about Armatage neighborhood if they could change one thing, respondents came up with a list of ten different changes they would make. The most frequent answers were restricting residential new development to better maintain the historic appearance of the neighborhood (19%) and decreasing the amount of airplane noise (19%).

Participants were given the opportunity to choose three places in the neighborhood that they would preserve for future generations of Armatage residents, which led to the identification of fifteen places important to maintaining the character of the neighborhood (shown in the map graphic). Fifty-one percent of the places people felt were important to the neighborhood were built structures. Armatage Park was mentioned by fifty percent of participants making it the most frequently discussed location, Armatage school was listed by thirty-eight percent, and Minnehaha Creek by twenty-five percent. Twenty-five percent of participants indicated that small commercial hubs were important architectural sites within the neighborhood, specifically nodes along Penn and Xerxes Avenues. Twenty-five words were used by Armatage residents to describe the term heritage, with the most common being history, culture, and tradition.

Thank you again to everyone who took the time to participate. If you have any questions about the study please contact me at

armatage survey map places
Map of places residents would save for future generations of Armatage neighbors
(the gradient from blue to red indicates the number of people who selected a site)

armatage word cloud
Words used to describe Armatage neighborhood

August 11, 2015 eNews

What a lovely evening for a festival!

Thanks to our donors and volunteers who help make this event possible. And thank you to the over 2,000 residents that joined us at the park for an evening of music, games, food and fun!

Check out some event photos on Facebook (and please add yours)! Already looking forward to August 8, 2016!

Event Feedback

We did a lot of new things this year and we want to hear what you think. Please take a few moments to respond to our event survey or feel free to email our coordinator with your thoughts.


The Fix It Fund – Armatage Home Improvement Loan Program

Low-interest home improvement loans are available to area residents. Learn details about both programs and get application materials online through our loan administrator GHMC.


Organics in Armatage

Many area residents who opted in to the program will be getting (or already have) their organics collections bins! To learn more about organics and how you can get started in organics recycling, visit the City organics website.


Do It Green! Guidebooks

Available at the park or you can pick one up at any ANA meeting. Learn more online!


Notice of Public Hearing

Monday, August 17 at 4:30pm in Room 317, City Hall (350 S. 5th St)
City Planning Commission will hear the recommendation by the Planning Department regarding restaurants servng alcohol  (Title 20 of the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 536)


Notification of an Application for a Zoning Variance

5324 Oliver Ave. S.
Owner: Magnate Investments, LLC

The Board of Adjustment generally meets every other Thursday at 4:30 p.m. at City Hall, Room 317.

The property owner at 5324 Oliver Ave. S, is proposing to demolish the existing structure and build a new Single Family Residence. The existing structure was built in 1923 and is approximately 750 sf with a basement and single story living space. The house is situated at the rear alley property line and a new single family home is proposed to be built on the lot. The proposed new house will be approximately 2900 sf, a full two stories with unfinished basement.

The applicant is seeking a variance to reduce the 44’-0” front yard by 10’-0”. This variance would allow for a detached garage with entry from the lane thus allowing for a landscaped backyard. The variance setback would locate the front of the house 34’-0” from the front property line. All other aspects of the house design are within the Zoning guidelines of the R1 district.


Xerxes Construction

There will be construction on Xerxes in Edina through the Sidewalk Participation Program between 56th and 60th. This is an initiative coming out of Edina, but we wanted to let you know as it will be across the street.

Volunteer Coaches Needed

The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board’s (MPRB) Fall Youth Sports programs begin in August and we are seeking volunteer football, soccer, and volleyball coaches at recreation centers in Minneapolis.

  • Athletes range from 6 to 18 years old
  • MPRB’s fall sports programs end in November/December
  • Teams practice 1-2 times per week
  • Games are scheduled 1-2 nights a week and/or Saturdays
  • All new coaches will be provided with orientation by the MPRB

Can’t coach this Fall? We’ll need coaches for Basketball, Hockey, Wrestling, and Gymnastics this Winter, too.

Contact Nicole at 612-499-9258 or email for more information about coaching and other volunteer opportunities.


Register now for Pain.Pill.Problem

What: Join stakeholders across our state to define the problem with prescription painkillers and determine how to adress it.
Registration: The event is free. Space is limited and registration is required. Lunch is provided to those who register. To register, visit
Where: University of MN, TCF Stadium, DQ Club Room (420 Southeast 23rd Ave., Minneapolis, MN)
When: Tuesday, Aug. 25, 8:30am-5pm
Who: We encourage anyone interested in this topic to attend including the faith community, health care professionals, law enforcement, community leaders, educators, and parents.
More: Credit will be available for pharmacists, physicians, dentists, nurses and LADC’s. POST credits have been applied for, details to follow on the registration site.
Featured speakers: Governor Mark Dayton, Senator Amy Klobuchar, Congressman Tom Emmer, and Hennepin County Sheriff Rich Stanek are among the speakers.

What makes your neighborhood special?

Please take this opportunity to be part of a research study about the character of your neighborhood. This study is being conducted by Madelyn Sundberg from the University of Minnesota for her Master of Science in Architecture: Heritage Conservation and Preservation thesis.

This anonymous online survey will take you approximately 15 minutes to complete. As an incentive, you will be given the option to enter your email address at the end of the survey for a chance to win an iPad Air. To participate, click the link below or copy the url into your browser.