August 11, 2015 eNews

What a lovely evening for a festival!

Thanks to our donors and volunteers who help make this event possible. And thank you to the over 2,000 residents that joined us at the park for an evening of music, games, food and fun!

Check out some event photos on Facebook (and please add yours)! Already looking forward to August 8, 2016!

Event Feedback

We did a lot of new things this year and we want to hear what you think. Please take a few moments to respond to our event survey or feel free to email our coordinator with your thoughts.


The Fix It Fund – Armatage Home Improvement Loan Program

Low-interest home improvement loans are available to area residents. Learn details about both programs and get application materials online through our loan administrator GHMC.


Organics in Armatage

Many area residents who opted in to the program will be getting (or already have) their organics collections bins! To learn more about organics and how you can get started in organics recycling, visit the City organics website.


Do It Green! Guidebooks

Available at the park or you can pick one up at any ANA meeting. Learn more online!


Notice of Public Hearing

Monday, August 17 at 4:30pm in Room 317, City Hall (350 S. 5th St)
City Planning Commission will hear the recommendation by the Planning Department regarding restaurants servng alcohol  (Title 20 of the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 536)


Notification of an Application for a Zoning Variance

5324 Oliver Ave. S.
Owner: Magnate Investments, LLC

The Board of Adjustment generally meets every other Thursday at 4:30 p.m. at City Hall, Room 317.

The property owner at 5324 Oliver Ave. S, is proposing to demolish the existing structure and build a new Single Family Residence. The existing structure was built in 1923 and is approximately 750 sf with a basement and single story living space. The house is situated at the rear alley property line and a new single family home is proposed to be built on the lot. The proposed new house will be approximately 2900 sf, a full two stories with unfinished basement.

The applicant is seeking a variance to reduce the 44’-0” front yard by 10’-0”. This variance would allow for a detached garage with entry from the lane thus allowing for a landscaped backyard. The variance setback would locate the front of the house 34’-0” from the front property line. All other aspects of the house design are within the Zoning guidelines of the R1 district.


Xerxes Construction

There will be construction on Xerxes in Edina through the Sidewalk Participation Program between 56th and 60th. This is an initiative coming out of Edina, but we wanted to let you know as it will be across the street.

Volunteer Coaches Needed

The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board’s (MPRB) Fall Youth Sports programs begin in August and we are seeking volunteer football, soccer, and volleyball coaches at recreation centers in Minneapolis.

  • Athletes range from 6 to 18 years old
  • MPRB’s fall sports programs end in November/December
  • Teams practice 1-2 times per week
  • Games are scheduled 1-2 nights a week and/or Saturdays
  • All new coaches will be provided with orientation by the MPRB

Can’t coach this Fall? We’ll need coaches for Basketball, Hockey, Wrestling, and Gymnastics this Winter, too.

Contact Nicole at 612-499-9258 or email for more information about coaching and other volunteer opportunities.


Register now for Pain.Pill.Problem

What: Join stakeholders across our state to define the problem with prescription painkillers and determine how to adress it.
Registration: The event is free. Space is limited and registration is required. Lunch is provided to those who register. To register, visit
Where: University of MN, TCF Stadium, DQ Club Room (420 Southeast 23rd Ave., Minneapolis, MN)
When: Tuesday, Aug. 25, 8:30am-5pm
Who: We encourage anyone interested in this topic to attend including the faith community, health care professionals, law enforcement, community leaders, educators, and parents.
More: Credit will be available for pharmacists, physicians, dentists, nurses and LADC’s. POST credits have been applied for, details to follow on the registration site.
Featured speakers: Governor Mark Dayton, Senator Amy Klobuchar, Congressman Tom Emmer, and Hennepin County Sheriff Rich Stanek are among the speakers.

What makes your neighborhood special?

Please take this opportunity to be part of a research study about the character of your neighborhood. This study is being conducted by Madelyn Sundberg from the University of Minnesota for her Master of Science in Architecture: Heritage Conservation and Preservation thesis.

This anonymous online survey will take you approximately 15 minutes to complete. As an incentive, you will be given the option to enter your email address at the end of the survey for a chance to win an iPad Air. To participate, click the link below or copy the url into your browser.