November 16, 2021 Agenda
Community members are encouraged to join the ANA Monthly Meeting this Tuesday, November 16 from 6:30-8:30pm. This month’s meeting will be held on Zoom. Register at Please note that a portion of the meeting will be closed for staffing contracts.
- Welcome and Introductions (6:30pm)
- Park Update – Jordan Nelson, Armatage Park Director (6:35pm)
- Edits and Approval of Remaining Required Policies – view them here (6:40pm)
- Americans with Disabilities Act Policy
- Language Access Policies
- Financial Policies & Procedures
- Board Training PowerPoint
- Board Strategic Funding Plan
- Board Development Plan
- Coordinator Report (7:20pm)
- Give to the Max Day – Thursday!
- CPP Contract Clean-out Vote: Transfer $30 from Occupancy to Staffing.
- Proposed 2022 Three Newsletter Timeline:
- Volunteers for ANA Website Working Group
- Committee Work Plans
- December Meeting Date
- 2022 Staffing Contracts (7:40pm – Closed portion of the meeting)
- Committee 3 Min Updates (8:10pm)
- Community Engagement
- Safety, Equity & Outreach
- Green Team
- New Business (8:20pm)
Support the Armatage Neighborhood Association
The Safety Rebate Program. Spring and Fall Clean-ups. Holiday Tours. Welcome Bags. Free workshops and community conversations. Neighborhood events. Safety and green initiatives.
Over the past 30 years, your neighborhood association has worked hard to make Armatage a place where all feel welcome, empowered, and connected through safety initiatives, annual community-building events, environmental work, advocacy, and communications that keep you informed and engaged.
Give to the Max Day is on Thursday, November 18! Consider making a tax-deductible donation to support the ANA’s work in our community at As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, donations to the ANA are tax-deductible and eligible for employer matches.
Share Your Feedback on the City Budget
Three upcoming online public hearings are available for people to speak publicly to the City Council on the proposed 2022 City Budget. Comments can also be submitted online at the City’s website and will be entered into the public record and shared with the mayor and council members.
Public hearings are scheduled for 1:30pm on Nov 16; 6:05 pm on Dec 1; and 6:05pm on Dec 8. Learn how to participate in online public hearings here. The City Council is scheduled to vote on adopting the 2022 budget on Dec 8.
The proposed 2022 $1.599 billion City budget includes a 5.45% levy increase. Visit the City’s website to learn more about the mayor’s recommended budget, key dates in the approval process, FAQs and more. You can also watch a series of videos on the City’s budget process.
Yard Waste Collection Ends Next Week
The yard waste collection season is coming to an end! The final week of collection will be next week (the week of November 15. Learn more at
While yard waste collection may be ending, our leaves have not all fallen. If you find yourself with full yard waste bags and nowhere to take them after next week, here are a few low cost options:
- SKB Malcom (630 Malcolm Ave SE):
- Ceres Mulch (Brooklyn Park):
- The Mulch Store (Minnetrista, Burnsville and Shakopee):
Sign up for the Holiday Light Tour
If you live in Armatage and love to decorate for the holidays, sign up to be a part of the second annual Armatage Holiday Light Tour! Any winter holiday or theme is welcome!
By signing up you agree to have your decorations up during the tour and to have your address published on the tour map. Sign up by Tuesday, December 7 at 11:59pm at
Safety Tips for Thanksgiving
As you’re making your Thanksgiving plans, use these tips to stay safe and enjoy a healthy holiday. Thanks to the Minneapolis Public Health for sharing these!
- Get vaccinated. Adults and children 5 and up should get a COVID-19 vaccine. Find yours at
- Wear a mask. Wear a cloth or surgical face mask over your mouth and nose when grocery shopping or in other public indoor settings, or when serving food.
- Wash your hands before eating or serving food.
- Outdoors is safer than indoors. Have your meal outside if weather permits, or enjoy other outdoor activities.
- Communicate in advance with guests about your COVID-19 ground rules and the precautions you’re taking. Cancel plans if you’re sick.
- Travel safely. If possible, delay travel if you’re feeling sick or not vaccinated. If traveling with unvaccinated family members, avoid crowds, wear a mask, and get tested.
Managing the Holidays with Ease
East Side Neighborhood Services has two free sessions on managing the holidays. The first takes place TODAY over lunch but there’s still time to register at 612-787-4076 or
Hennepin County Election Survey
What was your experience voting in the November 2020 and 2021 elections? The Hennepin County Elections Department wants to hear from you on your method of voting, barriers you experienced, your planned method of voting in 2022 and more. Your responses will remain anonymous. In addition to English, this survey is also available in Spanish, Somali, Hmong, Oromo, and Russian.
The feedback you provide will help guide decisions about our 2022 election approach and how Hennepin County administers elections going forward. We’ll be accepting responses through November 28. Thank you for helping to make our elections safe, secure, and accessible to all!
Click here to take the survey by November 2
P.S. Looking for election results and voter turnout statistics? Check out
Participate in Minneapolis Redistricting
After every census, Minneapolis updates the boundaries of its 13 City Council wards and six Park Board districts to reflect new population counts. The Redistricting Group, made up of 24 Minneapolis volunteers, builds the new maps with input from their communities. The Redistricting Group needs your help with the redistricting project to make sure all voices are heard.
Participate in the Redistricting Project
- Explore the redistricting webpages.
- Draw and submit draft maps.
- Register for redistricting meetings presenting draft maps for public discussion.
- 4:00pm on Wednesday, Nov 17.
- 4:00pm on Wednesday, Dec 15.
- 4:00pm on Thursday, Feb 24, 2022.
- 4:00pm on Wednesday, Mar 9, 2022.
- Sign up to get notices for all redistricting meetings.
- Email comments or questions.
Park Board Lowers Parkway Speeds to 20 mph
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) of Commissioners voted Nov. 3 to lower the speed limit on parkways to 20 miles per hour (mph). The reduced speed limit on parkways will match the speed limit for local streets in Minneapolis. Slower traffic speeds support safer streets for everyone.
Over the coming months, the MPRB and the City’s Public Works Department, which manages signs along the parkway system, will change existing signage from 25 mph to 20 mph. Drivers should follow the posted speed limit on parkways while signs are updated.
Protect Your Children from Lead Poisoning
If you’re responsible for a child 5 or younger, your home may be eligible for help making it safer for your children. Lead exposure can put young children at risk for permanent damage and lead poisoning is 100% preventable. Most often windows are the worst location for lead paint hazards. This funding will help replace windows, windowsills, porch floors, staircases and other locations that have lead paint as well as do other home safety work such as getting rid of lead paint hazards, cockroaches, mice, and asthma triggers; adding handrails and radon mitigation systems; and weatherizing.
For a free assessment and help getting hazards out of your home, call 612-673-2301. Find more information on the City website.
Bylaws & Funding Plan Approved
Thank you to everyone who weighed in on the new Armatage Neighborhood Association Bylaws and Funding Plan! Community feedback gathered during the public comment period was overwhelmingly positive on both. The ANA Board met to discuss feedback and approved both documents on October 19. Learn more here.
COVID-19 Vaccines are HERE for Kids 5-11
Visit to use the Vaccine Locator Map to locate and contact providers about vaccines for kids ages 5-11.