Graphic with holiday lights at night in the background and text that reads "Armatage Holiday Light Tour, Friday 12/10 through Sun 12/19 from 5-8pm. More info at"

Sign up for the Holiday Light Tour

Live in the neighborhood and love to decorate for the holidays?  Please sign up to be a part of the second annual Armatage Holiday Light Tour! Any winter holiday or theme is welcome so bring your love of Hannukah, Kwanzana, New Year, the Winter Solstice, and/or Christmas!  Sign up by Tuesday, December 7 at 11:59pm at

By signing up you agree to have your decorations up during the tour, which runs from December 10 through December 19 from 5:00-8:00pm, and to have your address published on the tour map. Visitors will be able to vote for their favorites and the three displays with the most votes will each win a $50 gift card to a local business!

Picture of seven volunteers and staff from Armatage under a canopy at a summer event. There is a Give to the Max Day graphic added in the corner.

Giving Thanks

We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to the many of you who donated to the Armatage Neighborhood Association this fall!  Every donation matters and directly supports the ANA’s work in the community. As you plan your year-end giving, there’s still time to make a donation to support the ANA at

The ANA strives to make Armatage a place where all are welcome, empowered, and connected through safety initiatives, community-building events, environmental work, advocacy and communications that keep you informed and engaged. If that resonates with you, please consider making a gift that’s meaningful to you. Plus, as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, every donation to the ANA is tax-deductible and eligible for employer matching grants.  Photo credit: Armatage neighbor, Jacob Tapia.

Graphic with full shelves of books in the background and text that says "Join the 2022 Armatage Reading Circle. Sign up at"

Sign up for the Next Armatage Reading Circle

Hello neighbors! Interested in joining a book club? Have past book clubs overwhelmed you with the pace of reading and content overload? Well, then consider joining our slothful book club. Each month, we will read a small chunk of a book and then get together to discuss questions focused solely on that chunk. That way, the pace is more manageable and the questions feel more relevant.

Last year, we read All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis and are currently looking for a new title for next year! The goal would be to start in Jan/Feb 2022 and it would last anywhere from 6 to 9 months based on the book we choose. If you’re interested in joining and/or have titles that might be worth sharing with your neighbors, please sign up at

Side by side before and after images of an Armatage curb. In the first before image, there are many leaves covering the curb and storm drain. In the second, volunteers have cleaned the curb and bagged up all the leaves.

Still Have Leaves in your Yard or Drains? We Have Options!

Yard waste collection has ended for the season but there still lots of leaves falling, including into our storm drains where they cause flooding and lead to all kinds of problems in our lakes and the Mississippi River. The pics above were from a volunteer clean-up earlier this month and WOW – what a difference! Thanks to Armatage Green Team members for sending this in!

For leaves on lawns, consider mulching them with your lawn mower to give your grass a nutrient boost, which is quick and easy.  If you find yourself with full yard waste bags and nowhere to take them, here are a few low cost options:

Safety Tips for Thanksgiving

Minnesota is unfortunately in the midst of high positivity and COVID-19 case rates. As you’re making your Thanksgiving plans, use these tips to stay safe and enjoy a healthy holiday. Thanks to the Minneapolis Department of Public Health for sharing these!

  • Get vaccinated. Adults and children 5 and up should get a COVID-19 vaccine. Find yours at
  • Wear a mask. Wear a cloth or surgical face mask over your mouth and nose when grocery shopping or in other public indoor settings, or when serving food.
  • Wash your hands before eating or serving food.
  • Outdoors is safer than indoors. Have your meal outside if weather permits, or enjoy other outdoor activities.
  • Communicate in advance with guests about your COVID-19 ground rules and the precautions you’re taking. Cancel plans if you’re sick.
  • Travel safely. If possible, delay travel if you’re feeling sick or not vaccinated. If traveling with unvaccinated family members, avoid crowds, wear a mask, and get tested.

Take the Minneapolis Salt Mini-Course

Did you know that Minnesota is over salting our roads and sidewalks? Learn more with the City of Minneapolis educational program, the Salt Mini-Course. Winter road and sidewalk de-icing salt can be hazardous to our safety and our environment. Safety is the priority when applying de-icers, and over application of salt is actually LESS effective. More salt does not mean more melting!

Take the pledge to salt smartly with the self-guided Minneapolis Salt Mini-Course! Residents and businesses can learn about the consequences of over salting, and what we can do to help protect our beloved Minnesota waters from the permanent pollutant of chloride salt. If you’re interested in learning more, visit or reach out to program coordinator, Léa, at

Picture that shows a storm drain with leaf debris and says "not clearing organic debris from storm drains can lead to..." next to a picture of a lake with lots of green algae and text that says "...algae in our local waterways."

Psst! It’s a Great Time to Adopt a Storm Drain

Did you know storm drains flow directly into our local lakes and the Mississippi River? Rain can carry leaves, trash and other debris and nutrients that can, in abundance, harm our waters. Just five bags’ worth of leaves can deliver one pound of phosphorus to a water body and result in up to 1,000 pounds of algae blooms.

Adopting a storm drain near you at is a simple, yet effective step in preventing this.

New Zero Waste Store, Zeroish Co!

Interested in reducing your household waste? One of the easiest and most effective ways to do this is to reduce or eliminate single-use plastic packaging. And that’s where new nearby store, Zeroish Co, at 50th & Penn and can help!

Zeroish is a shop where you can find hundreds of sustainable everyday items (think bathroom consumables or kitchen cleaning products, as examples) and eco-friendly gifts. They aim to give people the tips and tools to make positive changes within their means, without the pressure of achieving the “perfect” zero waste lifestyle. Not sure how or where to start? Bring a few empty mason jars and an open mind to the store and let them be your guide!

-Ethan, Armatage Green Team member

Image shows a group of neighbors in front of a two story home with solar panels holding signs that say "we went solar" next to a Solar United Neighborhoods informational table

Interested in Rooftop Solar?

If you’re interested in going solar, 2022 is a great time to do it with help from neighbors. Your participation will also help Minneapolis reach its goal to generate 10% of electricity needs with local solar. This is part of the City’s climate action plan to reduce greenhouse gases. We’re already at 6% today!

Twin Cities Region Solar Co-op

Twin Cities Region Solar Co-op helps make rooftop solar more accessible for Minneapolis homeowners. The solar co-op joins neighbors together to get the best price and service from a solar installer, tap into the expertise at Solar United Neighbors, and learn about solar incentives. The City of Minneapolis is partnering in this effort. Learn more from Solar United Neighbors.

Xcel Energy’s Solar*Rewards to Re-open in 2022

With Xcel Energy’s Solar*Rewards Incentive Program, if you produce more energy than you need, the extra energy is added to the grid, and excess energy will be credited to your bill.

Share Your Feedback on the City Budget

Three upcoming online public hearings are available for people to speak publicly to the City Council on the proposed 2022 City Budget. Comments can also be submitted online at the City’s website and will be entered into the public record and shared with the mayor and council members.

Two more public hearings are scheduled for 6:05pm on Dec 1 and 6:05pm on Dec 8.  Learn how to participate in online public hearings here. The City Council is scheduled to vote on adopting the 2022 budget on Dec 8.

The proposed 2022 $1.599 billion City budget includes a 5.45% levy increase. Visit the City’s website to learn more about the mayor’s recommended budget, key dates in the approval process, FAQs and more. You can also watch a series of videos on the City’s budget process.

Roll up your sleeves Minnesota graphic showing a person with a mask and a bandaid to indicate recent vaccination.

COVID-19 Vaccines and Boosters

COVID-19 vaccinations are now available for all children, ages five and up. Boosters will be available for all Minnesotans starting next week. Visit to use the Vaccine Locator Map.

Upcoming Minneapolis Vaccine Clinic – learn more here:

  • Saturday, Dec. 4 (9 a.m.-noon) Park Avenue United Methodist Church, 3400 Park Ave. Pfizer (12 and older, Pfizer boosters available, walk-ins welcome)

Other Ways to Get a Vaccine:

Vaccines work. If you haven’t been vaccinated yet, get a free vaccine as soon as you can. About nine out of 10 Americans live within 5 miles of a COVID-19 vaccination site.

Armatage Neighborhood Association