Meeting Minutes
Date: October 15, 2019
Called to Order: 6:30pm
Presided by: Joel Federer (President)
Note taker: Donte Mearon
Board members in attendance: Lauren Anderson (Coordinator), Michael Kootsikas, Patty Grabski, Donte Mearon, Adriana Dobrzycka, Judy Vecere
Others in attendance: Nikki Fredricks (Park Director)
Guests: Clara Schmit- Gonzales and Mah Isaac (City of Minneapolis Department of Regulatory Services), Emma Pachutta (Minneapolis Park & Rec. Board on Parks for All Compressive Design),
Board members absent: Adam Miller, Ryan Antkowiak, Sara Fulton-Koebling, Brett Anderson, Rachel Ireland-Henry (Accountant)
6:30pm Welcome & Introductions
6:35pm Nikki Fredricks (Park Director)
- Winter programs. Basketball registration. Hockey and wrestling available at Lynnhurst
- $500 was not enough money to fill skate inventory. They are looking into alternatives live donated and second hand skates.
- Possible chili cook off fundraiser during Fire and Ice event
- Looking for volunteers for Trick or Treat Trail
- Halloween in the Park
- Motion for $900 to pay for horse and wagon, storyteller, entertainment at event
- Motion passed
6:45pm Clara Schmit-Gonzales (Traffic) Mah Isaac (Housing) with Minneapolis Regulatory Services
- New website to check 30 years worth of regulatory services violations –
- Mah is the Housing Inspector
7:00pm Emma Pachutta from Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board
- Park board comprehensive plan for years 2007-2020. Next plan will be a 20 year plan. Boards mission is safety, sustainability, visionary leadership, and work with shared values of the neighborhoods.
- Plan is for all of the park and not individual ones. Plan draft early 2020
- Painted comment boxes are in district parks for feedback. They are collecting over 3000 pieces of raw data to come up with metrics for success
7:20pm Coordinator update
- Plan Mod Outreach
- Flyers – Door knocking routes were selected
- Social media outreach – Board members needed to review comments and data
- Motion to approve $50 for treats for Tot Lot Pop up. Approved
- Motion to approve up to $100 for glow sticks and give away items for Halloween table. Approved
7:35pm Council Member Linea Palmisano Ward 13
- 2040 Plan to build affordable housing at 50th and France parking structure
- Vision zero survey –
- Speed limit consistency
- Minneapolis Police Department training facility
8:15pm Minutes from September meeting will get approved by email
8:15pm Treasurer’s report emailed
8:20pm Green Team
- 20 volunteers and about 20 bags of trash and leaves
- Adopt a drain
- Rain / Native gardens wrap up & 2020 plans
8:25 Mini grants
- Update on mural project:
- Working with Cave Vin and Red wagon to paint parking lot walls
- Will use social media and ANA events to get in put about mural subject
- Thermal camera project is up on website and in the fall newsletter and neighbors are signing up to borrow it.
8:30 Adjourned