Armatage Neighborhood Assocation Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 6:30 by Board President, Denis Houle.

Board Members in attendance: Bri Keeney, Jeff Forss, Nikki Lindberg, Denis Houle, Steve Johnson, Kelly Falsani, Betsen Philip, Lance Custer, Keith Swanson, Sarah Broich

Others in attendance: Tina Erazmus, ANA staff member; Nikki Friederich, Park Director; City Councilmember Linea Palmisano, Dan Walsh, Dave Denamur

Park Update by Nikki Friederich, Park Director

  • The park staff is getting ready for Halloween: they are having haunted house again, hayride, bonfire, s’mores, hot cocoa, and popcorn. The event will be held from 6-8 pm on Halloween.
  • Winter sports registration is open; Basketball registration starts Nov. 11th.
  • New event: Friday night movie night- once/month- $10 includes dinner and movie at the park.
  • 10:30-12 on Fridays: “Romp and Play”- open playtime indoors at park for younger childen. (Windom park offers this 2 other weekdays).
  • Health Food policy pamphlets are available if people are interested in learning about the healthy food options at the park. Park is looking for vendor to supply “healthy vending machines.” They are taking application for this.
  • The new trash cans in the park will be out all winter.
  • A resident mentioned that the toddler play set in the playground not in good condition- wood is rotten. Park coordinator said she will look into this.
  • Park director thanked board for the Halloween support.

Update from Denis Houle, as representative from NCEC (he serves on this committee)

Denis talked about the One Minneapolis Fund: background- the goal of this fund is to get people more involved in the city and/or to address a need not being addressed. This fund is 2 years old, and city is now writing guidelines for 3rd year.   The neighborhoods had been worried about money being taken away, but it hasn’t been an issue because it came from 2 different funding sources.

Possible concern: the current budget proposal from the mayor does take money away from neighborhoods. There was an article in the Star Tribune on Oct. 12. Denis will send board more info so we can contact mayor and councilmember about this. NCEC is planning to send mayor letter saying money coming from TIF funding is not supported. The budget vote will be sometime in December.

Housing Loan Program Update

Housing loan program: there is a meeting scheduled with representatives from Armatage, Fulton, Kenny, and Lynnhurst on Wednesday 10/29 at 7:00 to discuss the housing loan program with GMHC Housing Loan administrator. Armatage reps will leave meeting with a list of decisions to make and bring back to board.

Councilmember Update

  • There has been tremendous success with compost program in other areas. Pamphlets are available on organics program.
    • One sort recycling- wrapping up first year. Increased from 17 to 25 percent recycling participation.
    • Number of pounds per dwelling unit highest in SW, except Armatage is recycling the least. Could neighborhood do something to increase participation? Is more education needed on what can go in bins?
  • Airplane noise update: councilmember’s most recent newsletter was dedicated to the issue of airplane noise- has lots of great information and updates. To summarize the latest: congress told FAA that they can implement RNAV if impact per flight is the same or less. Cities are pushing back saying it is still a significant impact.
  • Crime in the neighborhood: there have been lots of calls about increased crime in the neighborhood. Despite the increased calls to city council, there have been decreased calls both resident initiated and officer initiated, so those numbers show crime being down. Social media like the Nextdoor site has increased communication/awareness of crime, which has possibly led to a misconception that there is an actual increase in crime. Councilmember reminded us that Nextdoor is not regularly monitored by council office- they need a call regarding major issues.
  • Councilmember has spent a lot of time in budget meetings, and in committee meetings.
    • The audit committee is “starting out the right way.”
  • Police dept. works closely with bordering cities (Edina and Richfield). Councilmember would like police dept. to better communicate the closure of cases.
  • Residents asked about construction updates:
    • 54th between Penn and Lyndale is getting redone in 2016.
    • Councilmember is working to better coordinate county, city, and met council projects.
    • One resident has noticed improved speed of traffic, “less drag racing.” Another resident has concern about unsafe bump outs.
    • It was mentioned that school buses can’t take right turn onto 56th: unsafe for kids at school patrol, or pedestrians crossing street.
    • Response from councilmember: a traffic study is being conducted and concerns are being relayed to designers. A response from them is expected in a couple weeks.
    • Another resident expressed being fine with road and experiencing no issues.
    • Crosswalk button issue on 56th. Can the light be reprogrammed? Leading pedestrian light is effective- can it be changed to that? Councilmember is looking into this.
  • Resident wanted update from councilmember on roundabout on Upton.  Update: results of traffic study are not in yet. Councilmember’s office has received calls that it has been well received but is waiting on concrete data. Results will be out in the next few weeks.

Coordinator Update

  • There are 23 new residents in the neighborhood from July-Sept.- they will receive welcome packets.
  • We will be adding park tab and safety tab to ANA website. There is a link on the website regarding parking restrictions- city is cracking down on these.
  • CPP budget- would like to form a committee to go over 3 year budget. Tina will send an email to the board asking for people to sit on this committee (probably one 45 minute meeting).
  • Composting has been open 2 weeks- new people are using the program. Need another volunteer to help. Once signed up and trained, people will have access to code to unlock bin.

Treasurer Update

Only change was coordinator salary- requesting advance from CPP to cover this in upcoming months.

Safety Update

  • Crime in the neighborhood has been pretty quiet- some bike thefts.
  • There was a rape reported in the neighborhood; the victim knew the attacker.
  • A resident reported he recently called 911 regarding a crying woman on his doorstep.
  • Update on stabbing from the summer: one is a juvenile (no information released), the adult is being held downtown, trial is not yet scheduled, the sentencing will take impact statements into account. There is another call for resident impact statements- due mid-November.

    There was a motion for Tina to draft a neighborhood impact statement from the board and email out for board approval. Motion seconded and carried.

  • Two paper newsletters to go out to all residents regarding safety topics and neighborhood updates. January meeting could be safety seminar event. Nikki will help design these newsletters.
  • Questions from resident to be addressed possibly at safety seminar: What to do when you notice someone’s garage door open on accident? How to notify that neighbor (if you don’t know them well)?
  • Update from resident regarding an experience with new construction: resident called 311 when work was happening on a Sunday; cops came and they stopped the work and moved the machinery. Call 311- it works.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:04 pm.

Following the meeting, a board vote occurred via email due to a deadline that fell between board meetings.

ANA coordinator sent this information regarding the neighborhood façade grants:

Background: In 2012, Jennifer secured the Great Streets Facade Grant for Armatage businesses to help with facade improvements.  This is a matching grant program.  Since 2012 we have awarded 2 grants of $5000 to Penn Mobil – now Minnico and Bellweather.

  • The original grant amount was  $25,000.00.
  • 15% of the grant is for administration ( $3,750.00 )
  • with the two grants of $5,000.00
  • we have $11,250 available for contract.

Here are our two options:

  1. Close out the current loan.  We would have until March to get the rest of the funds out and then whatever is left over will be returned to the city and we would not be able to reapply for this loan again until 2016.
  1. Work to get the balance of the loan out to business so we can reapply for the Facade Grant.  75% of the original loan must be in an approved contract beforeFeb. 28. I do have some leads on a few businesses that might be interested.

A motion was made to pursue option 1, was seconded, and carried with 7 ayes, 1 nay, and 2 abstentions.

Armatage Neighborhood Association