Armatage Neighborhood Association Meetings

ANA board members in attendance: Jeff Forss, Steve Johnson, Nikki Lindberg, Betsen Philip, Noah Schuchman, Jim Steely and Keith Swanson

Others in attendance: Jen Swanson, ANA staff member; Amy Lavender, Crime Prevention Specialist; Matt Perry, NEHBA; and Betsy Hodges, City Council.

Safety Meeting

Called to order at 6:07 by Keith Swanson

Amy Lavender presented the quarterly Part One crime update. We had very little crime this summer (down from same time last summer). She was asked about the recent cases of arson. They have stopped, no arrests, but a suspect was spoken to, and seems to have helped curb the arsons. Burglaries primarily unforced. Thank you for all you do to help reduce crime in our neighborhood. The MPD focused on curfew and now truancy to help kids keep safe. There have been rumors of mobile drug deals at 56th and Logan. Keith relayed his experience regarding a Concerned Neighbor call. It was clarified, that door-to-door solicitors must have city issued photo id, and that it is believed that some suspicious break-ins have followed questionable solicitors in some neighborhoods. Please report solicitors that you have concerns about to 9-1-1.

Neighborhood Meeting

Called to order at 6:28 by Noah Schuchman

Summer Festival Summary – Jen Swanson

Our financial results are very close to last year’s numbers. It was agreed that the Snapz Photo Booth was a nice addition. It was suggested to look into a DJ instead of a band for next year. Thanks to Tom & Jeff for great car show, and everyone for their help. Plus a big thank you for all of Jen’s hard work.

City Council Update – Betsy Hodges

The resurfacing (between Xerxes-Penn and 54th-58th) is mostly complete. We can expect crack sealing next year. Election day coming up soon: absentee voting opens Friday, Sept. 21; pre-registration ends Tuesday, Oct. 16; and Election Day is Nov 6. The polls are open 7:00am-8:00pm. Call 3-1-1 for more election info. The city is accepting applications for a variety of commissions – more info online or by calling the city clerks office at 673-2216 for more info.

On Sept. 29, Animal Care & Control is hosting a fundraiser. Lots of activities for the whole family, and Betsy will be “kenneled” to help their efforts. A reminder that yard waste must be in compostable bags or labeled yard waste containers. There is a new City 3-1-1 app for smart phones. Regarding the 60th & Xerxes traffic situation, it is not expected that it will changed from a stop sign, but she will see if lane markings can be painted. There was brief discussion about the fire pit recommendation of being 25 feet from any combustible surface, and how that would prevent their use for most residents.

Board Vote on 2012-13 CPP Plan

The Community Participation Program Plan was distributed, and is the same as in July with the addition of budget numbers. Currently there is still some carry over dollars. A motion was made and seconded to accept the plan with Tom’s approval of the budget. Motion carried.

Secretary Report

July minutes accepted with no changes.

Treasurer Report


New Business

  • Matt Perry mentioned that Public Works is meeting with business nodes now who will be affected by the Penn Ave. construction to begin next summer. Matt also mentioned some other issues being discussed at the city level, including eliminating the required distance between second-hand (vintage) goods stores. They are in a third round of facade grant money. Lyndale Ave. and the bridge will be open Oct 15. On Oct. 20th local businesses will host a small celebration. The fall business association map and poster will be coming out the first of Oct., and farmers’ market info will be included instead of road construction details.
  • There was some discussion regarding the street lighting assessment in relation to the Penn Ave. construction. Matt explained that if 70% of affected residents opt out of ornamental lighting, the city wouldn’t do it. He believed the opt-out period was recently closed, and that the assessments have been sent to residents. It was also believed that the Penn Ave. bridge over the creek would mostly likely be a resurfacing (not a tear-out like Lyndale) as it was improved fairly recently.
  • The meeting was about to be adjourned, when two late-comers arrived. They expressed great concern about the assessments relating to the lighting and road construction on Penn. They were frustrated at the lack of responsiveness from the city, and in particular from Betsy Hodges and her office. Noah explained the process as we knew it to date, the ANA role, and his willingness to pass along their info and concerns to Betsy.

Meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m.

Armatage Neighborhood Association