Armatage Neighborhood Association Meeting
ANA board members in attendance: Tom Alagna, Kelly Falsani, Jeff Forss, Denis Houle, Nikki Lindberg, Betsen Philip, Noah Schuchman, and Alisha Strowbridge
Others in attendance: Jen Swanson, ANA staff member; Jerry Peterson, Armatage Park Director. Misty Borg Misterek and Justin Bullis, Armatage 365 photographers.
Called to order at 6:30 by Noah Schuchman
Summer Festival (Monday, August 13) – Jen Swanson
Volunteer assignments were distributed last meeting. Jen reminded us that each volunteer will get 4 free tickets. There will be a couple new booths this year: Home Plus (a healthy meals program); Southwest Patch; and Invisible Bee. The question was raised as to whether or not to charge for such tables. We have not typically, and there are so few, that the general consensus was to not implement a fee at this time. The festival will also have the usual participants: ACC/KPAC; skateboard competition; face painting; ice cream bought and served by the City Church; and magic show. Alicia has contacted a bluegrass band who are available for $250 to play 2 hours.
Motion made to increase band budget allocation to $250; seconded. Motion carries.
Jen needs help following up with silent auction donations. Betsen is willing to help. It was noted, that in bad weather, we would move inside. It will be the first night of football practice on south fields.
Southwest Patch – Anna Schier, Asst. Editor
Anna presented a quick overview about the Southwest Patch, which is an online hub for local community news. They are also now on Facebook. Some things of particular interest to the ANA are the easyt o use events calendar and announcement board. It also is host to a local business directory which does allow for user comments as well as other information that may be of interest to our neighborhood. Learn more at
Armatage 365 Photo Book Presentation to Photographers
The Board presented Misty Borg Misterek and Justin Bullis each with a copy of the photo book. They both spoke about their enjoyment of the project, and we were equally appreciative of their efforts.
Armatage Park Update – Jerry Peterson, Park Director
Jerry reminded us about Movie Night, Totally 80s, to be hosted at Armatage on Wed., July 25 at dusk (9:45ish) featuring the original Karate Kid. In case of rain, the movie will be shown in the gym. Shade structures are being installed at the Kenny playground and park this week. ACC/KPAC fall sport registration will be held at Armatage on July 24 & 31 & at Kenny on July 26 & August 2 from 6:30-8:00pm. Tom requested to have the parking lot cleaned off and blocked for the car show during the Festival. Showmobile details can be forwarded by Jerry to the bluegrass band. Park Board restructuring again, so stay tuned.
Draft of 2012-13 Community Participation Plan – Jen Swanson
A draft copy of the plan was handed out. It should be complete except for finalizing the budget numbers. Jen and Tom will update the budget numbers for final copy and forward electronically for final board approval.
Treasurer Report
Tom presented the ANA financials. Last year we netted about $4,100 from the Festival. He has filed an extension for our 990.
Secretary Report
A motion was made and seconded to approve the Treasurer report and June minutes. Motion carries.
New Business
Denis had is first meeting NCR meeting last night. The main point of interest he shared was that it clarified that the funds will be forwarded through the program (and not be a use it or lose it system).
Jen mentioned that she will verify that road repavement will not be scheduled for the roads immediately adjacent to the park during the Festival.
Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.