ANA & Safety Meeting Minutes

ANA board members in attendance: Kelly Falsani, Jeff Forss, Denis Houle, Steve Johnson, Nikki Lindberg, Noah Schuchman, Jim Steely, Alisha Strowbridge, and Keith Swanson

Others in attendance: Jen Swanson, ANA staff member; Matt Perry, and David DeNamur.

Quarterly Safety Meeting

Called to order at 6:06 by Keith Swanson and Amy Lavender.

We have experienced extremely low crime in our area over the last 3 months. Amy reminded us about the importance of window pins for helping prevent break-ins during the summer. Copper thefts are down significantly in the city since there have been some arrests and convictions. The police are back on bikes in some areas of the city. Block leader training will be held on July 11 at 12:30pm at precinct. There have been some incidents of arson in Fulton. Malicious vandalism is being addressed with a community meeting this week for those near the targeted businesses at 36th/Bryant. It was noted that there was some minor vandalism at Kenny Elementary. A suggestion was made to include the type of car involved in various crimes to help with citizen reporting. It was also mentioned that we have seen a noticable reduction in panhandling at both Penn and Xerxes and highway 62. This is thanks to increased reporting and enforcement as well as posting of “no trespassing” signs. If you see scrapers, please call 9-1-1 to report. This is considered theft from the city, and can also serve as an excuse to case a neighborhood for future crime. Regarding door-to-door solicitors, we are typically reminded that they need to be licensed, which is still true, but the city is not issuing licenses at this time due to budget cuts. Report suspicious people to 9-1-1.

ANA Meeting

Noah Schuchman, ANA President, called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm

Safety Update

(See above)

Summer Festival Planning (Monday, August 13) – Jen Swanson

The volunteer assignment sheets were handed out. The new Festival yard sign was shared.

NEHBA Expansion into Armatage – Matt Perry

Reference materials were forwarded to board members prior to the meeting. NEHBA currently extends to 54th & Logan and would like to expand to include businesses within Armatage. The benefits and goals of NEHBA are in the said materials, as well as online ( ANA is just asked to be a supportive partner with NEHBA. There is no financial obligation, but the would ask for us to share web links and information through our outlets, as well as have NEHBA at our ANA events, etc. NEHBA updates their business flyer a few times a year to keep current with construction and membership. Their online business directory is also connected to the third-party review site, Yelp, so people can review local businesses. Currently there are no voting or board positions for neighborhood associations, mostly because past offers haven’t been met with interest, but can be re-addressed if there is future interest.

A motion was made and seconded to support NEHBA’s expansion into the Armatage neighborhood. Motion carried.

Armatage365 Photo Books

Nikki layed out a 106-page photo book for the 365 project. A motion was made and seconded to order 20 copies (at approximately $38 each) through, with the copies to be used for a gift to the participating photographers, support staff, Festival silent auction, as well as a couple copies to be available for sale. Motion carried. (The book will also be available to the general public for sale online at any time at

Coordinator Update

  • The Kenny/Armatage garage sales went well despite the rain. There were 65 sales on the map, which is up from last year.
  • Denis has offered to be the elector at the NCR election next week. However, there currently isn’t a candidate to vote for. So, if he decides to run for the position, we may need another elector.
  • The CPP (city) requested version of the annual report was forwarded to board members prior to the meeting. Beyond the new format of our annual report information, there were some city-specific questions that were answered. ANA board Approval required before 2012-13 budget disbursement. The EEO and ADA policies (from boilerplate sent by city) were also forwarded for review, and require board approval. A motion was made and seconded to accept the ANA Annual Report for CPP, EEO & ADA Policies. Motio carried.
  • A letter has been sent to all eligible businesses regarding participation in the Great Facades program. The next step is to visit eligible businesses. Keith and Alicia are willing to do these visits. They will be equipped with program details (design guide, application information, contact information, etc.).

Treasurer Report

Tom forwarded an update, which Jennifer distributed.

Secretary Report

A motion was made and seconded to approve the Treasurer report and May minutes. Motion carried.

New Business


Meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m.

Armatage Neighborhood Association