ANA & Safety Committee Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting – Amy Lavender
Armatage Summer Crime Synopsis (6/1-8/31) report presented (available online).
Although none happened in Armatage, there were several burglaries this summer where entrance was gained to the house via an attached garage. An opener was taken in a car parked in a driveway or on the street, and were able to enter through the unlocked door connecting the garage and home.
Please report car break-ins so a record can be kept (and any increases in activity can be recorded).
A new neighborhood policing plan is being implemented. The city will shift from setting percentage crime reductions as goals, and move to neighborhood engagement plans (i.e.: block clubs, crime logs, walking groups). This new policing plan is designed to be fluid and adaptable. There are 20 neighborhoods and only two crime prevention specialists, so neighborhoods have been grouped. Armatage will be grouped with Lyndale and Windom. Meeting tentatively scheduled for Nov 9 at 5th precinct (information/details to come).
Fulton neighborhood crime update available by email. Sign-up at
ANA Meeting
ANA board members in attendance: Tina Erazmus, Alicia Stowbridge, Steve Johnson, Nikki Lindberg, Peggy Rasmussen, Jen Swanson, Keith Swanson, and Dan Sweeney
Others in attendance: Shevvy Crowley
President Dan Sweeney called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m.
Community & Park Committee Update- Tina Erazmus
KPAC & ACC combined and started this fall’s soccer season. Still hoping to do community garden. Reusable bags with ANA logo are being developed. Would like to have at local shops and for welcome packet, etc. Finalizing bag and welcome packet materials. Like to add more business info to packet (might need to do some foot work). We would like the bags for the March annual meeting and Treasure presentation. Could consider having a Blossom awards (for Feb/March).
Community Energy Services RFP – Jen Swanson
Kenny has 85 people signup for workshop. Their staff person spent about 8 hours on the program. Need a staff person and/or one board member available to attend program meeting. Motion was passed unanimously to become involved with the CES RFP, and Jen will attend the meeting.
Neighborhood & Community Engagement Commission (NCEC) Program Guidelines – Dan Sweeney
Looks like new program requires greater accountability, but overall does not present any major changes from old funding program. Everyone was pleased to see that the team truly listened to discussion and concerns in creating this new NCEC program. No specific feedback to submit, but overall very satisfied
with the proposal.
We want to solicit ideas and support for projects the neighborhood would like the ANA to address. Could request for community feedback online, as well as have something available at meetings. Could get a request in school newsletters. Some topics raised included: environmental awareness-composting, EAB, lawn bags.
New Business
Armatage Montessori School will be holding their Fun Walk on Oct 9. All are welcome to come to the breakfast and walk.
Recommended that the ANA gets more information out to the neighborhood to help increase awareness of what the ANA is, and how to get involved.
The design for the Treasure award was presented. Motion was passed (unanimously) to release funds for the purchase of picture frames for the awards..
Meeting adjourned at 7:11 p.m.