ANA Meeting Minutes
Monthly Meeting Minutes 9/21/21 / 6:30 PM / Armatage Park
Samantha Bild, Adriana Dobrzycka, Eli Johnson, Joel Federer, Vikisha Goberdhan, Nikki Lindberg, Sharla McIntosh-Ziegler, Kevin Ross
NOT IN ATTENDANCE: Ethan Komoroski, Janhel Leandre, Judy Vecere
Lauren Anderson (Coordinator), Jordan Nelson (Armatage Park Director), Larry Matsumoto (Public Works Department), John Freude (Council Member Palmisano Senior Policy Aide), and three neighbors
August meeting minutes approved via email. Updated financials were sent via email.
6:33 Welcome and Introductions
6:35 Park Update (Jordan Nelson, Armatage Park Director)
- Park improvements are finally done. The opening event was great.
- Summer programming has wrapped up and fall sports, classes and after school programming is underway. Soccer and flag football have started, and volleyball starts up at the end of October with over 100 families involved in these park programs.
- The park building has been cleared to host indoor meetings and events. Masks are required and meetings must be held during programming hours. The board will discuss if future meetings will be indoors or via Zoom as the weather turns.
6:40 60th/Sunrise/58th Street repaving project
(Larry Matsumoto, Department of Public Works)
- 60th/Sunrise/58th from Xerxes to Cty Rd 22/Lyndale is part of the 2022 Resurfacing Program (mill and overlay). A public hearing will happen in the winter regarding the assessments that will be sent to affected residents. Larry will host a pre-public hearing meeting, date and time to be determined, but will be in the Armatage/Kenny area, and will help answer questions and concerns prior to the formal public hearing.
- It was asked if other improvements would be done as part of this project, in particular raised concerns regarding the speeds and increased traffic flow (especially looking ahead to the 494 construction project and more people avoiding 62). The current resurfacing project will not address these concerns, and if there are safety issues, they would be addressed through a fact-based evaluation done at the citywide level.
- Recommended to contact the city council office to share these concerns. Report issues using 311 to help start better tracking issues. It was asked to learn when a speed study was last done on 60th. Also, an idea to paint crosswalk stripes at the stop sign, as an affordable and potentially quick way to help address these concerns.
6:50 City Council Update (John Freude, Senior Policy Aide)
- It is budget season. The mayor has sent his version to the city council for review. The council will also be allocating $50 million in American Rescue Plan (ARP) dollars. A survey was sent out to gather public comments (comments due by Friday, Sept 24). ARP funds will be received over 3 years. The mayor’s budget hopes to use ARP to offset property tax increases due to pandemic impacts (reduction in taxes collected). There will be public hearings (likely virtual) about these budget allocations.
- The city is coming to the end of the tree levy dollars that were earmarked to address issues related to climate. It is a hope from the city that some of the ARP funds could be used to create a new climate resiliency program.
- The Minneapolis Airport Commission is being asked to contribute $2 million to help support climate programming.
- It was asked what the city is doing to reduce the use of road salt. John knows they have drastically reduced the amount that is used, are investing more into sand, but was not sure about any other alternatives that might be under consideration.
- Made sure that everyone was aware of the three ballot questions — 1) executive mayor 2) public safety 3) rent stabilization — and encouraged people to take time to educate themselves about the issues. There are several events that the southwest area neighborhoods are hosting, as well as online resources.
7:00 City Funding Applications and ANA Policies
- Neighborhood Network Fund Application
- The city requires board demographics, and the language was finalized and updated in the document to include the required data.
- Neighborhood Network Fund Application
- Motion to approve the Neighborhood Network Fund Application. Seconded.
Motion carries.
- Motion to approve the Equitable Engagement Fund Application. Seconded.
Motion carries.
- Policies:
- Motion to table the ADA Policy (Draft or Current) until October. Seconded. Motion carries.
- Motion to approve the new policies listed above. Seconded. Motion carries.
7:30 2022 Draft Budget
- Lauren presented a draft budget that brings the various funding streams into one document to better show how the various buckets support overlapping funding needs. Hoping this helps us better see where we are overall financially.
- Note some programs, such as the rain garden program, are not included in this draft budget, while others are still included, like the safety rebates and happy hours (informal gatherings). As we look at our reduced funding in the future, these are all up for consideration within the budget constraints.
- The draft reflects four printed newsletters, though we’ve discussed possibly trimming to three.
- Staff time reflects a reduction, but it is hard to cut significantly considering both the significant city requirements and committees activities.
- This budget shows a modest fundraising goal of $4,000. It is hoped that this will steadily increase over time as we work at growing our cash reserves.
- This draft was presented as a starting place, and will be revisited, with the plan to vote on a budget in November. Note, the city budget, and whether they increase our funding, will not be known until December.
7:35 Hybrid Meeting Options
- An overview of what it would take to host hybrid meetings was shared, including a list of equipment needs. However, this would need to be more deeply considered, if we opt to host hybrid meetings.
- Due to the costs and logistics, it is probably not feasible for the ANA to move to a hybrid option, and will continue to either host in-person or Zoom meetings and events.
- We could consider applying for the new city grant for neighborhood partnership programming where we could work both with other neighborhoods and community organizations to help address accessibility and hybrid event issues.
7:35 President’s Report
- Joel is resigning as board president at the end of December to focus on his career, but will stay engaged with the SEO committee. Anyone interested in learning more about this position can reach out to him with any questions.
7:45 Coordinator’s Report
- The bylaws & plan mod Comment Period is up and running through Oct 15. Please share with your neighbors to encourage feedback and participation.
- A city requirement was clarified, and a small language update was presented regarding the make up of the board members and years of service:
No more than 25% of the board shall have served for 6 years or more.
- A city requirement was clarified, and a small language update was presented regarding the make up of the board members and years of service:
- The bylaws & plan mod Comment Period is up and running through Oct 15. Please share with your neighbors to encourage feedback and participation.
- Motion to approve the required language update to the proposed bylaws. Seconded. Motion carries.
- In order to meet the city requirements for neighborhood engagement and voting numbers, we may have to door knock depending on how promotion at the event Saturday goes.
- Halloween Decoration Tour (Oct 22-31)
- We already have 2 sign-ups.
- Idea were generated around where to purchase or ask for gift cards.
- Motion to approve the $300 for gift cards for both the Halloween and Holiday tour prize winners. Seconded. Motion carries.
- Fundraising
- We have received $145 through GiveMN and $100 in checks
- We are encouraged to request support for neighborhoods as part of the American Rescue Act survey (by Friday)
- Southwest Voices (and online-only news outlet) will be operating soon, and will help fill the void left from the closure of the Southwest Journal. As part of their contract, they will be sharing a percentage of their profits with neighborhood organizations. More details to follow.
8:00 Committees (3 minute updates)
- Safety, Equity & Outreach
- Saturday, Sept 25 Community Helper Event / 2:00-5:00pm / Armatage Park
- Thursday, Oct 7 Jim Crow of the North Screening & Discussion / 6:30-8:00pm / Armatage Park w/ Just Deeds
- Sam will look into Slack or other tool to help foster information sharing.
- Community Engagement
- Have hosted several events this year (Tea & Blooms, Fall Food Trucks), and plan to out a plan for the calendar year.
- Green Team
- Have promoted several programs such as rain gardens and native plantings, and are focusing on issues around climate equity across the city. They are planning to select a new book for the reading circle (to begin this winter). They also encourage people to Adopt-A-Drain — did you know you can name your drain?
- Oct 2 Fall Clean-up / 9:00-11:00am / Armatage Park (sign-up online)
- A neighbor shared their solar panel installation story (in process now). They didn’t think they’d be a good candidate since they have so much tree cover, but they will generate enough to offset their own usage. Might be worth promoting this more to the neighborhood.
8:15 New Business
- In response to our discussions around equity (in communications, at meetings and events, etc.) a suggestion was made to look into a text messaging service. Sam mentioned a program that helps address equity and accessibility, and will look more into it and see what options a small non-profit might have with the tools she is considering.
Meeting adjourned at 8:24
- Sep 25 – Meet Your Community Helpers Event (2:00-5:00pm, Armatage Park)
- Sep 28 – MPRB District 6 Candidate Forum (7:00-8:30pm, Mount Olivet and Live Streaming)
- Oct 2 – Fall Clean-up (9:00-11:00am, Armatage Park)
- Oct 2 – Safety, Equity & Outreach Meeting (10:00-11:00am, Armatage Park)
- Oct 4 – Ward 13 Candidate Forum (7:00pm, St. John’s Episcopal Church and Live Streaming)
- Oct 7 – Community Engagement Committee (6:00-7:00pm, Armatage Park)
- Oct 7 – Jim Crow of the North Screening & Discussion (6:30-8:00pm, Armatage Park)
- Oct 14 – Green Team Meeting (7:00-8:15pm, Outdoors – email for address)
- Oct 15 – Public Comment Period for ANA Bylaws & Plan Modification Ends
- Oct 16 – Charter Amendment Forum (10:00-11:30am, Mayflower & Live Streaming)
- Oct 19 – ANA Monthly Meeting (6:30-8:30pm, Zoom or Armatage Park)
- Oct 22-31 – Halloween Decoration Tour (6:00-8:00pm)