In a time when we all want to make a difference and be part of something bigger than ourselves, why not help solve ocean plastic and other pollution right at your curb? Plastics make their way into the storm drains and directly into our waterways. As they travel downstream, they break down into microplastics, and eventually accumulate in the foodweb or join massive floating islands.

The good news is we live right on the Mississippi River, a main artery to the ocean!  We can all make a real difference by stopping plastic and other pollution at the source.

Adopt a Storm Drain

Head to and enter your address to see the open storm drains near you. Sign up to adopt a drain and commit to keeping it clean and free of debris throughout the year. Our official neighborhood storm drain cleaning day is the last Saturday of each month.

The best part? You can name your adopted storm drain and have it join current Armatage storm drains like Dino the Drain and Professor Albus Dumbledrain.

Enter to Win a $25 Gift Card

Once you’ve adopted a storm drain or two, let us know by filling out a short form by September 30, 2020. We’ll draw three lucky recipients of $25 gift cards to an Armatage business.

Enter to win by filling out our short Google Form here!

Thank you to the Armatage Green Team for their leadership on this campaign! The Green Team meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:00pm on Zoom, and all are welcome to join. Meeting links are posted at Learn more about getting involved at

Armatage Neighborhood Association