Meeting Minutes

Date: July 17, 2018
Called to Order: 6:35PM
Presided by: Joel Federer (President)
Note taker: Tyler Mulcahey, Secretary

In attendance: Joel Federer, Tyler Mulcahey, Stephanie Vigen, Judy Vecere, Michael Kootsikas, Adriana Dobrzycka,

Other attendees: Rachel Ireland-Henry, Eli Johnson

Absent: Nikki Lindberg (Excused) Ryan Antkowiak (Excused), Jim Hoch (Excused), Laurel Luxenberg (Excused), Kelly Falsani, Tara Brown

East Phillips – N/A, Rep wasn’t in attendance

President’s Report – Thank you for electing me. Welcome to board, Adriana & Tyler! Will continue the same style of running the board as the previous President. Would like the board to be welcoming so everyone feels they can bring up ideas and concerns to the board. As a member of the board, per Robert’s Rules, the President is allowed to vote and the president intends to exercise those rights. However, the president will try to avoid making and seconding motions, except perhaps, for motions that are important to him.

Want to use social media more to promote events, initiatives, garage sale, etc. to residents.  Tyler to help with Nextdoor posts. Joel is helping to promote events more on Facebook. Joel requests the help of other board members to spread the word through social sharing and making suggestions for future posts.

Michael brought up that it may be a good idea to boost posts or pay for ads to get more exposure on Facebook for our events. Joel not sure how expensive or beneficial it would be to do so – something to look into.

Bios on the ANA website for some board members may be outdated, so if anyone would like to update their bios, send updated bio to Adriana for edits/proof who will then send to Nikki/Joel to add to the website. Please write your bios in Third Person for consistency.

Secretary Report – Laurel Luxenberg motioned to approve June minutes via e-mail on 7/16. Seconded by Judy Vecere. Approved by the board.

Treasurer Report – Latest financials emailed to the board. Let Judy know if you have any questions

  • 990 – Sent out via e-mail for the board to review. No one had edits or changes as of today, but if you see any changes that need to be made, please let Judy know ASAP.
  • How can we start utilizing or bucketing the extra money we have for future use? How broad of a category can we have to allocate the money? Are we able to get the ideas that were generated from the community during May’s meeting? (Adriana will request these ideas from Nikki, as Nikki previously put these ideas into categories). Judy’s personal suggestion is to have one of the monthly meetings dedicated to talking about this, or set up a separate meeting, because we cannot resolve this in the normal allotted time for the Treasurer Report.
    • May need to form a subcommittee to go through ideas and bring them to the board

Park Update, Nikki Friederich –  

  • Movie Night (July 9th) Mighty Ducks Close to 300 people in attendance. People went all out and brought blow up beds. Was done by 11PM and didn’t go super late. Great movie.
  • Next movie is in Kenny Park on Thursday, August 16th – Movie: Coco (Disney movie)
  • Falls sports registration open
    • Expanded flag football program. Taking program into city-wide effort with traveling league – new this year.
  • Submitted food permit for the ANA Festival today. Once she gets confirmation, she will forward it on.

Committee Updates

Community Engagement

  • Washburn Park Update – No update
  • Happy Hour at Red Wagon – Last happy hour had a good turn out – one of the best in our history of hosting happy hours.
    • Motion to move next happy hour from Sept 4th to Sept 11th (7-9PM) due to Labor Day occurring on Sept 3rd this year. Approved by the board.
  • Welcome Bags – Got Book Club to give postcards to add to the bags.
    • Previously got $450 during previous meeting to purchase frisbees, post-it notes, and magnets. Motion for additional money – up to $100 (for total of $550) — to buy approximately 200 frisbees, 250 post-it notes, 250 magnets all with ANA logo on it, which should cover 2 years’ worth of items needed for the bags. With a larger quantity per order, the lower price per item. We can get more bang for our buck. Motion approved by the board.

 Green Team

  • Rain Garden installation delay (July 30-August 1) – There might be a few spots open due to some residents dropping out with the changes in the date. Green team / Laurel would have the list.

Summer Festival (August 12th)

  • ANA, tickets, & volunteer check-in – Still looking for some volunteers for tickets and volunteer check-ins, so if you know anyone that may be willing to help out, let Nikkie (ANA Coordinator) know.
    • Adriana to help with tickets
    • Eli Johnson willing to volunteer an hour or two of his time, as well
  • ArtStart coming to allow kids to make take and go wearable crafts. They will have people there to help with this.


  • Rebate programs – Information on the program will be going out to the neighborhood via the monthly newsletter in the next week or so. Tyler to post about the program on Nextdoor and Joel will post about the program on Facebook.
  • Micro-grant program – Nothing to discuss right now, but something to think about and bring up in the future.
    • Nikki sent out example micro-grant program from Whittier neighborhood via e-mail to look over.
    • Adriana is interested in discussing this further

New Business

  •  Joel received an e-mail today from NCR that they’ve extended the application period for the NCEC District 2 seat to August 31st. Please apply and/or help get the word out to residents about the position. Need help filling this position.
    • Judy & Adriana thought that Denis had expressed interest in filling the spot and had his board term exception granted. This position appears to be a second seat other than the one Denis filled.
    • The board would like clear understanding of what the seat responsibilities are
  • Discussion was had about whether or not the Board should have a stance on the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Many on the Board believe that we should be here for guidance or to direct residents to the appropriate parties, but should not have a stance on the issue. We should also assist with getting information out to residents so they are aware of how to provide their input and/or know how to find out more information.
    • Nextdoor would be a great way to provide residents with more information on the 2040 Plan. Joel will send Tyler info and a link to post to Nextdoor.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:31PM

Next Meeting: September 18 • 6:30pm


Armatage Neighborhood Association