ANA Meeting Minutes

ANA board members in attendance: Tom Alagna, Denis Houle, Steve Johnson, Nikki Lindberg, Betsen Philip, Keith Swanson. ANA staff member: Jen Swanson.

Others in attendance: Jerry Peterson (Park Director), Matt Perry (with NCEC), Jeff Horst, Shevy Crowly, Gary Mather, Misty Misterek, Mark Noble

Safety Meeting – Amy Lavendar, Crime Prevention Specialist

Keith Swanson called meeting to order at 6:09pm.

Starting in January, Armatage saw an increase in break-ins. A man was arrested on an unrelated charge, but there has been a noted decrease in these break-ins since his arrest. The Level 3 sex offender is still in jail awaiting sentencing on June 28. You can ask door-to-door salespeople to see their peddler’s licence. If they can’t produce one, or you have concerns, call 911. If you have concerns at a rental property, you can call 311 to confirm they have proper licencing or to report problems/concerns. You can also call Amy with concerns at 612-673-5407. If you need to give more information on a 911 call, call back and they can update the report.

Keith Swanson hosted a crime prevention meeting with Amy in his neighborhood. Approximately 15 neighbors came. Amy helped lots of folks with concerns and suggestions for helping improve home safety. No one came to the local block leader training in June. National Night out deadline coming up (in July). You can call 311 to request a stop by a fire truck, or Amy, and/or a squad.

ANA Meeting

Vice President Denis Houle called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.

Garage Variance (2700 W. 60th) – Gary Mather

Property owner, Gary Mather, presented the garage plans and explained the reason for the variance.

Keith Swanson made motion to approve the variance request. Motion carried.

Safety Update – Keith Swanson

Because of Safety Meeting, Keith quickly summarized issues, and mentioned a recent theft which occurred while the home owners were doing yard work. Even if you are in your yard, it is important to keep doors locked and closed, to avoid these crimes of convenience.

Secretary Report – Nikki Lindberg

A motion was made to approve the May minutes. Motion carried.

Treasurer Report – Tom Alagna

Tom presented an update on the ANA finances. A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report. Motion carried.

Board Vote: Armatage 365 expenses and t-shirts

Board voted, via email, to pay the website fee for Armatage 365 (approx. $10) and ordered 10 additional t-shirts with the pre-approved t-shirt order (for board and 365 t-shirts).

Coordinator Updates – Jen Swanson

Armatage/Kenny garage sales went well. The number of participants was down in Armatage but up in Kenny. This program is run to break-even, and held true this year, too. Still looking to increase block leader involvement. No one attended the local training. We have 8 new residents, so will need help distributing the welcome kits. A question was asked about the 365 website traffic. Information will be presented at the next meeting.

Park Update – Jerry Peterson

We have about $7,000 remaining from Phase 1 of NRP. With the new limits on the NCEC monies, Jen and Jerry Peterson suggested cashing out this program account, and using these funds to support the Park program, Youthstart Work Program. This program is designed to provide an entry level job (which pays $3/hour) to employ at-risk youth in support of the park and its programs. This program has been very successful, and has been able to run for a long time on the initial budget given in 2006.

Finance Details:
2.1.A.1 Neighborhood Signs:                                                        $30.08
3.1.A.2 Armatage Park/School Improvements                        $1,497.11
5.1.A.2 Home Improvement Program                                      $6,173.50
Total Amount to move from these three strategies to
Phase II Community Life B.1.1.1 Youthstart Work Program: $7,700.69.

The movement of this money will completely close out the Phase I contract balances.

A motion was made to convert the Phase 1 balance and transfer the funds to support the Youthstart Work Program, with a requirement of a periodic report to show how the funds are being used. Motion carried.

Armatage park has been selected as one of the sites to provide free lunches and snacks to all children under the age of 18. Food is distributed 12-12:30 for lunch and 2:30-3:00 for snack, on Monday, Wednesday & Thursday. This program is funded through the Department of Agriculture and will run until the end of the summer. The program gave out 9 lunches the first day, but yesterday gave 29.

Summer Festival 7/19/11 – Jen Swanson

Steve will help pick up donation items. The Mediocratones will be the band. Tom will be arranging the car show, so let him know if you have any car connections you’d like him to follow-up on. Tina will loan her digital frame, and Noah will be able download 365 images to have displayed at the Festival. The Festival will be promoted on the website, in the Southwest Journal, Southwest Patch, Facebook, Park sign on Penn, park webpage, and will do an email reminder.

July 25 movie at Armatage (Shrek 2). Because it is a date change, we want to make sure there is a sign at the Fesitval about new night

New Business

No new business.

Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.


Armatage Neighborhood Association