Armatage Neighborhood Association 

6:00 Safety Meeting – 16 in attendance Crime Prevention Specialist Amy Lavender, ANA Safety Chair Keith Swanson

Amy presented crime report. A total of eleven residential burglaries and 14 thefts between 6/1 and 9/20. She reminded everyone to record serial numbers and take photos all valuable items. You can’t claim a stolen bike without the serial number.

Amy talked about shooting at 60th and Penn. They were from outside the neighborhood. Shots were fired after an argument outside of the residence. No one was injured and there was not property damage. The case is still being investigated.

6:30 Neighborhood Meeting 18 in attendance Welcome Safety Update – None since everyone in the room was present for some or all of safety meeting. Keith handed out Action alerts for people to look at.

City Council Update

Good news about pension plan reform. Last big hurdle crossed. Police and fire funds have agreed to merger conditions. It is a compromise, but it will provide some relief to property taxes.

The Ways and Means committee passed the mayor’s recommendation for 0% levy. Cuts are coming. Homes with a value of $414,000 and up will still see an increase in property taxes. Up to 5%.

A resident expressed concern about property taxes subsidizing low income housing. Betsy also addressed the cuts to the fire department and that they are operating at safe levels.

Garden Group Proposal

Julie Scherber is a parent at Armatage Montessori School and presented her idea for an Armatage garden club. She has worked on the school entry way and courtyard gardens. She is interested in bringing the school and community together for garden work and maintenance. The last time the ANA had a garden club was 1999 and only included planting and maintaining the few park garden beds.

Julie is looking at grant writing for rain gardens and potentially community gardens. She would like to form a partnership with the neighborhood. Julie will let us know when there are opportunities at the school for community member to participate for the ANA to share with residents.


Summer Festival Results Food & Ice Cream $1,154.00
Games, face, jumpers $1,155.00
Silent Auction $1,576.00
T-shirts $10.00
Raffle baskets (new) $16.00
Total Ticket & SA Cash $3,911.00
2011 Festival Net $4,101.07

Some ideas for next year:

  • Change date to second Monday in August to again coincide with first night of football. With Jerry’s agreement to the new date, a motion was made and passed to hold the Armatage Summer Festival on Monday, August 13 2012.
  • Advertise auction closing time and that you don’t need to be there at closing time to “win”.
  • Add ice cream line and maybe get more ice cream.

Great Streets Façade Improvement RFP

RFP was presented and discussed. The ANA had a matching business grant program in Ph I and Ph II, but the funding is now gone. If awarded funding, the 2:1 matching business grants would be available to the businesses at 54th and 60th and Penn. Noah made motion for the ANA to direct neighborhood staff to respond to RFP which passed unanimously. The RFP is due October 27. Noah stated the importance of offering incentives to the few Armatage neighborhood businesses to help them maintain their properties and make improvements.

Coordinator Updates: CPP 2011 Budget Adjustment, welcome packets

The ANA coordinator handed out the current CPP budget and the board discussed which categories to add the additional $2075.88 for 2011. The city will allow neighborhoods to carry over any remaining funds into next year’s budget. Betsen made the suggestion of sending out an “ANA Annual or Year End Report” newsletter to inform resident of the year’s events, activities and accomplishments. The Board voted unanimously to add entire $2075.88 increase to Communications and Outreach line. Discussion about other 2011 CPP budget changes (moving funding from one line to another to suit needs) will be discussed at October meeting.

Since May, the ANA has distributed 68 welcome packets to new Armatage residents. One resident of Xerxes Manor suggested leaving some welcome packets with the rental office at Xerxes manor.

Secretary Report

June meeting minutes approved.

Treasurer Report

Tom’s report was distributed. No discussion. Reimbursement report will be filed tomorrow with NRP and CPP for expenses from 12/1/10-8/31/2011.

New Business

David expressed concern about recent meeting minutes not on the website. Staff will upload minutes from March-June.

Betsen expressed concern about cars speeding through the intersection at 55th and Cumberland with new stop sign locations. It was recommended that homeowners call 311 to report and request traffic study.

Matt Perry spoke about CPP three year plan guidelines. The final guidelines will not be available to neighborhoods until January. Allocation amounts are expected to stay the same but the funding source has changed. Matt requested more feedback from SW neighborhoods regarding guidelines during neighborhood review period.

Armatage Neighborhood Association