Gypsy Moth Treatment – THURSDAY 6AM

Thursday May 11 – AERIAL APPLICATION TARGETED TO BEGIN, depending on weather.

This Thursday is the targeted date to begin the aerial applications. They plan to be in the air around 6 AM. The application is expected to take no more than 2 hrs to complete.

Annual Meeting – May 16

6:30 pm • Armatage Park

  • Dinner provided by the ANA featuring pizza from Red Wagon and Pizzeria Lola
  • Annual board elections (learn about the candidates)
  • CIty Council update by Council Member Linea Palmisano
  • Guest speaker: Marion Greene, Hennepin County Commissioner


Keon Blasingame of LSE Architects, on behalf of Minneapolis Public Schools has filed the following land use applications for the property located at 2501 W 56th St:

  • Conditional Use Permit for an addition to an existing school
  • Site Plan Review for a 7,400 square foot addition to an existing school

The City Planning Commission will meet on Monday, May 22, 2017 at 4:30 p.m., in Room 317 City Hall, 350 S. 5thSt., Minneapolis, MN. Interested parties are invited to attend and be heard. Planning Department staff will issue a recommendation to the Planning Commission. After hearing from the public, the Planning Commission will make a determination based on required legal findings of fact. Please for the agenda with staff reports (web page will be updated by the end of the day Wednesday prior to the meeting date).

In accordance with the Zoning Code, all property owners within 350 feet of the subject property are notified of this public hearing. If you have questions about the project, please contact the City staff person listed below. If you would like to submit comments, you can make them verbally at the meeting or submit them in writing to:

Peter Crandall, City Planner – 250 South 4th Street Room 300, Minneapolis, MN 55415
Phone (612) 673-2247 Fax (612) 673-2526

5th Precinct Open House on May 17th from 5-7pm!

July happy hour – NEW date

Monday, July 17 • 7:00-9:00pm
Cafe Maude

Join us for terrific (and free) food, drink specials, and a chance to meet neighbors, ask questions and share ideas!

Armatage Neighborhood Association