Last Chance to Sign up for the Let’s Get Uncomfortable Workshop!
Racism is everybody’s problem, and it’s well past time to start talking about it. In a Let’s Get Uncomfortable workshop, we’re asking you to do just that. LGU is a facilitated space to get people (particularly white people) to talk about racism, its consequences, and how we all share the responsibility to do the work for change. Need a place to start? Here you go, get uncomfortable with us. This event is happening on Tuesday, October 6th, 6:30pm – 8:30pm, is sponsored by the Armatage Neighborhood Association and hosted by Danger Boat Productions.
Space is limited to 25 people. Please register here and consider making a donation: https://dangerboat.net/lgu-oct-6-armatage

Free COVID-19 Testing in Minneapolis
The City of Minneapolis is offering free COVID-19 testing events during the month of October. You do not need insurance to participate and all are welcome. See the full list of upcoming testing events here.
Upcoming LWVMpls Voter Forums
The League of Women Voters Minneapolis is hosting two upcoming forums to help you get ready to vote in the 2020 Election:
- Civic Buzz on Tuesday, October 6 from 6:00-7:30pm on the LWVMpls’ Facebook event page. with Michael Wall, Voter Outreach Specialist from Secretary of State Steve Simon’s office; Katie Lauer, the Communication and Outreach Coordinator for Minneapolis Elections and Voter Services; and LWVMpls Voter Services Chair, Marilyn Cantisano.
- Minneapolis School Board Candidate Forum on Thursday, October 8 from 7:00-8:30pm on MCN Channel 6 and available for live streaming on the LWVMpls Facebook page. The Forum will also be recorded and a link posted for viewing at www.lwvmpls.org. Email your question(s) as soon as possible to vote@lwvmpls.org. LWVMpls will start sorting questions by subject matter as soon as they are received and make a selection to present to candidates during the Forum. You may also submit questions during the Forum via the LWVMpls Facebook page.
Low-cost Shredding Event
Join the Minnesota Hoarding Task force for fundraiser shredding event tomorrow, October 3 from 9:00-11:00am in Eden Prairie just off 169 and Valley View Road. The cost to participate is $10.00 for 2 grocery bags with no limit. This is a good time to take advantage of securely disposing of any sensitive documentation you may have piling up. You can purchase tickets on the MN Hoarding Task Force website, mnhtf.org, or at the event itself.

Fall Neighborhood Clean-up
The Armatage Green Team is hosting a safe and distanced clean-up of our neighborhood streets, sidewalks, and parks on Saturday, October 3 from 9:00-11:00am as part of the citywide Litter Be Gone events! If you see volunteers out tomorrow, be sure to tell them thank you!
Thanks to Litter Be Gone and the City of Minneapolis for providing supplies!
Fall Food Truck Night
Sunday, October 18 • 4:30-6:00 PM
Grab your mask and come to Armatage Park for one more safe and distanced neighborhood Food Truck Night! Gerhard’s Brats, Fair Faves and Thumbs Cookies will take orders at a distance while practicing extra safety precautions.
Thank you for following our safety guidelines to wear a mask during the entire event (unless you’re eating), keep *at least* 6 feet of distance from everyone outside of your household, use pre-marked spaces to wait in line, and eat away from others or bring your treats home!
Get Ready for the First-ever Armatage Halloween Tour
Sunday, October 25 – Saturday, October 31
Enjoy the sights and frights around Armatage for our first-ever Halloween Tour! The self-guided tour is geared for all ages and runs from dusk until 8:00pm on Sunday, October 25 through Saturday, October 31. The tour map will be available on armatage.org starting Friday, October 23 so you can plan your route. Please be courteous and respect your neighbors during your adventure.
After you’ve checked out every stop on the tour, visit our website to vote for your favorites in the following categories: Best Use of Pumpkins, Spookiest, and Neighborhood Favorite. The winning displays will each get a $50 gift card to an Armatage business.
Sign up to be a Tour Stop by October 22
Love to decorate for Halloween? Sign up for the Halloween Tour and be a bright spot in the neighborhood this season! Complete the sign-up form at armatage.org by October 22 and we’ll add your address to the tour map. By signing up, you agree to have your decorations up each day of the tour from ~6:00pm through 8:00pm.
Public Review of City Draft Built Form Regulations
The City of Minneapolis has launched the 45-day comment period for the public to review draft built form regulations that will regulate the scale of new buildings and additions to implement the Minneapolis 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Minneapolis 2040 includes 14 Built Form Districts that will guide regulations on building height, floor area ratio (FAR), lot sizes and setbacks from property lines, and more.
One last online open house is scheduled on the Wedneday, Oct 7 from 3:00-4:00pm (focused on downtown). Read more about how to comment on the draft regulations here.

Southwest Parks Plan Public Hearing: October 7
The MPRB will hold a public hearing on the Southwest Parks Plan on Wednesday, October 7 at 6:45pm during the regular Board of Commissioners meeting. The plan sets a vision for the improvement, operation and management of all neighborhood parks in Southwest Minneapolis over the next 20-30 years and was created after nearly two years of community-based engagement, planning and design with individuals, neighborhood groups and community organizations.
View the meeting from home and email comments to the Secretary to the Board at jringold@minneapolisparks.org before 3:30 pm on October 7. Comments should be limited to approximately 300 words, which is similar to three minutes when read out loud by the Secretary at the Board meeting. Check out the proposed Southwest Parks Plan at minneapolisparks.org/sw later today. After the hearing, the Planning Committee will consider approval of the Southwest Parks Plan. The full board could consider final approval at either its October 21 or November 4 meeting.

Free Meals Available at School Sites
Free meal boxes are now available at 29 school sites. All families are invited to participate in this free program and do not have to have a student in Minneapolis Public Schools. Families can pick up one box per child per week.
Most sites will be open from 11:00am – 3:00pm with some sites open 11:00am-5:00pm. Visit the Minneapolis Public Schools website for locations, menus and special diet information.
Early Voting & Absentee Ballots
Early voting has started at the Minneapolis Early Vote Center at 980 East Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis MN 55414. Hours are posted at vote.minneapolismn.gov/events and please wear your mask!
Vote by mail: Everyone in Minnesota is eligible to vote by mail, no reason needed. It’s quick and easy to request your absentee ballot online. Allow plenty of time to request and mail back your ballot: bit.ly/vbmmn101
Absentee ballots cannot be brought to your polling place but you can drop them off at the Early Vote Center (address above) or the Hennepin County Elections office (skyway level of Hennepin County Government Center at 300 South 6th Street).

Download the Armatage Art Journal
Thank you to our neighbors who submitted their artwork and creations to help document this unique moment of time in Armatage. We’ve been hard at work organizing submissions and the final journal is ready! Visit armatage.org/art to download a PDF or EPUB e-book format of the Art Journal.
About the Art Journal: submissions were collected during May and June during quarantine from COVID-19 and the civil unrest in Minneapolis. We were blown away by the creativity and beauty that we received and hope you are, too. Huge thanks to our Coordinator, Lauren Anderson, for layout and design and to Board Members, Joel Federer and Donte Mearon, for their leadership and hard work on this project.