September 24, 2020 eNews

Sign up for the Let’s Get Uncomfortable Workshop

Racism is everybody’s problem, and it’s well past time to start talking about it. In this conversation series, Let’s Get Uncomfortable, we’re asking you to do just that. LGU is a facilitated space to get people (particularly white people) to talk about racism, its consequences, and how we all share the responsibility to do the work for change. Need a place to start? Here you go, get uncomfortable with us. This event is happening on Tuesday, October 6th, 6:30pm – 8:30pm, is sponsored by the Armatage Neighborhood Association and hosted by Danger Boat Productions.

Space is limited to 25 people. Please register here and consider making a donation:

Armatage Native Plant Rebates

The ANA and Green Team have launched our first-ever Native Plant Rebate program to increase pollinator habitat throughout the neighborhood! Now through September 30, you can purchase native plants locally and apply for a 50% rebate from the ANA up to $20/household.

See lists of native plants available at our local garden centers and learn more about the program here.

Take the Census by September 30

Hundreds of households in Minneapolis remain uncounted. This undercount could leave communities without resources and fair political representation for the next 10 years.

What can you do to help?

  1. Complete the census for everyone in your household. If your household misses the opportunity to complete the census this year, the next opportunity to be included won’t occur until 2030
  2. Already completed the census? Encourage your friends, family and neighbors to do the same.
  3. Share census information on social media. Post the link: and tell your networks about the importance of getting counted.

The data obtained by the census allows the federal government to determine where to allocate resources for things like schools, parks, roads and much more. Our communities deserve the proper funding for resources we rely on including programs and services like SNAP, Medicaid, CHIP and Head Start. Visit or call 1-844-330-2020 and get counted before the Sept. 30 deadline.

Armatage Adopt a Storm Drain Challenge

Sign up to adopt a new storm drain in the neighborhood, commit to keeping it clean and free of debris that could pollute our waterways, and enter to win a $25 gift card from the ANA! All the details you need to get started are at The challenge ends September 30.

Sign up for the Fall Neighborhood Clean-up

Join the Armatage Green Team for a safe and distanced clean-up of our neighborhood streets, sidewalks, and parks on Saturday, October 3 from 9:00-11:00am as part of the citywide Litter Be Gone events! This is a great, meaningful opportunity for kids, teens and adults to show our neighborhood pride and keep trash and recycling from ending up in our waterways. We provide the supplies and a $5 gift card per household as a thank you. Learn more and sign up here.

City Begins Public Review of Draft Built Form Regulations

The City has launched the 45-day comment period for the public to review draft built form regulations that will regulate the scale of new buildings and additions to implement the Minneapolis 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Minneapolis 2040 includes 14 Built Form Districts that will guide regulations on  building height, floor area ratio (FAR), lot sizes and setbacks from property lines, and more.

Upcoming online open houses on proposed regulations:

Read more about how to comment on the draft regulations.

Free Meals Available at School Sites

Free meal boxes are now available at 29 school sites. All families are invited to participate in this free program and do not have to have a student in Minneapolis Public Schools. Families can pick up one box per child per week.

Most sites will be open from 11:00am – 3:00pm with some sites open 11:00am-5:00pm. Visit the Minneapolis Public Schools website for locations, menus and special diet information.

Early Voting & Absentee Ballots

Early voting has started at the Minneapolis Early Vote Center at 980 East Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis MN 55414. Hours are posted at and please wear your mask!

Vote by mail: Everyone in Minnesota is eligible to vote by mail, no reason needed. It’s quick and easy to request your absentee ballot online. Allow plenty of time to request and mail back your ballot:

Absentee ballots cannot be brought to your polling place but you can drop them off at the Early Vote Center (address above) or the Hennepin County Elections office (skyway level of Hennepin County Government Center at 300 South 6th Street).

Southwest Parks Plan Hearing: October 7

The MPRB will hold a public hearing on the Southwest Parks Plan on Wednesday, October 7 at 6:45pm during the regular Board of Commissioners meeting. The plan sets a vision for the improvement, operation and management of all neighborhood parks in Southwest Minneapolis over the next 20-30 years and was created after nearly two years of community-based engagement, planning and design with individuals, neighborhood groups and community organizations.

The public is encouraged to view the meeting from home and email comments on the plan to the Secretary to the Board at before 3:30 pm on October 7. Comments should be limited to approximately 300 words, which is similar to three minutes when read out loud by the Secretary at the Board meeting.

The proposed Southwest Parks Plan will be published to the project page ( on Friday, October 2. After the hearing, the Planning Committee will consider approval of the Southwest Parks Plan. The full board could consider final approval at either its October 21 or November 4 meeting.

How Energy Efficient is Your Neighborhood

In January, the City of Minneapolis launched a one-of-a-kind energy disclosure for homes being sold in the city. Energy efficiency has consistently been a part of the conversation for people buying and selling homes and this policy allows people to see how efficiently homes use energy.

The map is growing of homes that have received an energy score. You can view the scores in your neighborhood by visiting The City of Minneapolis provides resources for people to make cost-effective energy improvements on their homes:

  • Up to $1,000 in cash-back rebates
  • Up to $500 in energy tax credits
  • 0% interest loans for the upfront cost

To make this all possible, the City Minneapolis and CenterPoint Energy have partnered with local nonprofit, Center for Energy and Environment, to provide an Energy Advisor service to assist homeowners with energy upgrades.  We all can do our part to make our city a greener place to live while improving the comfort and value of our homes. For more information and to get connected with resources: call: 651-328-6225 or visit:

Download the Armatage Art Journal

Thank you to our neighbors who submitted their artwork and creations to help document this unique moment of time in Armatage. We’ve been hard at work organizing submissions and the final journal is ready! Visit to download a PDF or EPUB e-book format of the Art Journal.

About the Art Journal: submissions were collected during May and June during quarantine from COVID-19 and the civil unrest in Minneapolis. We were blown away by the creativity and beauty that we received and hope you are, too. Huge thanks to our Coordinator, Lauren Anderson, for layout and design and to Board Members, Joel Federer and Donte Mearon, for their leadership and hard work on this project.