September Neighborhood Happy Hour

Tuesday, September 10
Red Wagon Pizza

Meet neighbors and catch up on everything that’s happening around Armatage at our first Neighborhood Happy Hour of the fall!

Helpful details: no RSVP needed, pizza is free, cash bar, kids are welcome and help tipping our servers is appreciated.

Funding for Neighborhood Organizations Expires in 2020

We need your help! Funding for neighborhood organizations is set to expire in 2020 and Minneapolis City Council is planning to vote soon on whether or not to continue funding neighborhood organizations, who provide many services to their communities including summer festivals, rain garden grants, micro grants, security rebates and more.

If you find value in these or other services provided by your neighborhood organization and would like funding to continue, please let City Council know with the sample letter at

Armatage Green Team Meeting

Thursday, September 12
Armatage Recreation Center

Join the Armatage Green Team for its first meeting of the fall to plan our upcoming Litter Be Gone neighborhood clean-up on October 5 from 9:00-11:00am. Whether you’ve attended Green Team meetings in the past, thought about making one, or are brand new, you are welcome!  With fall and winter programs on the horizon, now is a perfect time to get involved.

Not able to make it but want to sign up for the October 5 clean-up? Send us an email!

2040 Comprehensive Plan Update

The City of Minneapolis’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan will go before the Metropolitan Council for review later this month. Following Met Council approval, the Minneapolis City Council will take final action to approve the plan on October 11. Learn more and check out the full timeline for approval at

Volunteer for Pedestrian & Bicycle Counts

Volunteers are needed to count the number of bicyclists and pedestrians at several locations around the city. The main days for counting will be September 10-12. All count shifts are from 4:00-6:00 p.m.

Bicyclist and pedestrian counts are conducted in order to understand the impact of non-motorized traffic on streets, sidewalks, and trails. Accurate counts enable the City to plan and build for bicyclists and pedestrians, while tracking what’s successful and what should be done differently.

If you’re interested in volunteering for any of these counts, register online or contact Chris Kartheiser at 612-673-2544.

Become a Certified Master Water Steward

Apply to become a trained and certified as a Master Water Steward and you will join a team of people who have dreamed up, created, and installed projects that make measurable impacts on water health, prevent pollution and educate community members to conserve and protect our waterways. Applications are now being accepted for the Fall 2019 cohort of Master Water Stewards.

Attend an upcoming info session on September 10 or 17 and learn about the application requirements at

Missing Middle Housing Program RFP

The City of Minneapolis currently has a Request for Proposals to fund the increase of affordable housing in the City through the Missing Middle Housing Pilot Program, which provides funding for the construction of 3 to 20-unit residential housing in Minneapolis on City-owned lots or privately-owned lots. RFP materials are available at: RFP submissions are due at 12:00 p.m. (noon) on Wednesday, September 11, 2019 to

Armatage Neighborhood Association