ANA Meeting Minutes

Board Attendees​: Joel Federer, Ethan Komoroski, Vikisha Goberdhan, Sharla Mcintosh, Adriana Dobrzycka, Kevin Ross, Adam Miller, Donte Mearon, Sam Bild, Nikki Lindberg

Board members absent​:  Judy Vecere

Support team​: Lauren Anderson, Rachel Ireland-Henry

Additional attendees​: Sarah Komoroski, Eli Johnson, Ozlem Ersin

Special Election for Open Seat

  • One open seat, two candidates (Nikki Lindberg and Eli Johnson)
  • 42 votes were cast in total.
  • Nikki Lindberg was elected – term will expire in May 2022

New Business

  • None

Approval of December Minutes

  • Approved by board

Reimagining Mini Grants

  • Currently reassessing the grant level amounts, term of grants, number/frequency of awarded grants
  • Any and all ideas welcome. Please contact with any thoughts relating to mini grant program

Committee Updates

  • Green Team
    • The free virtual screening of “The Story of Plastic will air Jan. 17 – 21
      • 40 people have signed up so far
    • A conversation about the movie will be held on Jan 21 at 8pm
    • Workshop on zero waste alternatives will be held on Jan 28 at 7:30pm
    • Register and get more info at
    • Reading circle for the book “All We Can Save” will be held Feb. 1

Coordinator Update

  • Holiday Light Tour Final Numbers
    • 20 houses were enrolled in the tour
    • 181 votes were cast
    • 56,821 views of the tour google map
    • Lots of positive feedback
    • Some suggestions to consider changes to the route and adding different voting categories
  • Armatage Play Area Public Hearing
    • Hearing to be held Jan. 20 at 6:30pm
    • To comment, register here by 12:00pm on Jan. 20
  • NCR Survey on Neighborhood Election Day
    • The City of Minneapolis in the future will coordinate a singular Neighborhood Day which promotes neighborhood work while providing a time to vote on neighborhood board membership.
    • Neighborhood Day will allow for citywide communication to promote the importance of neighborhoods and encourage participation in voting and running in neighborhood organization board elections. Currently, an estimated less than 1% of those eligible to vote in neighborhood board elections actually do. The goal of a coordinated citywide effort is to increase participation and involvement in funded neighborhood organizations.
    • Lauren took the survey. Joel, Nikki and Adriana volunteered to take it as well.
  • Block Leader Outreach

ANA Visioning and Board/Committee Expectations Part 3

  • Conversation was continued
  • Expectations were passed per below:
    • Required Board Expectations:
      • Join and actively participate in at least one ANA committee:
        • Some committees will not meet monthly so in that case, board members are encouraged to join a second committee.
        • Proposed requirement: board members attend a minimum number of committee meetings per year.
      • Volunteer at 3-4 events during the year (one must be the Summer Festival if we can safely hold it).
      • Attend monthly meetings and notify fellow board members if you’ll be absent. Per our bylaws, if a board member misses three consecutive meetings without prior notification, they will be deemed to have vacated their board seat.
      • Strongly Encouraged/Expected:
        • For remote meetings, plan to have your camera on.
        • Participation in email discussion and interact with ANA social media posts.
        • Minimum 6 month commitment; can change committees yearly–each January at monthly board meeting.
    • Committee Expectations:
      • All meetings must be available to the public
      • Committee members to create and propose social media content for events/initiatives pertaining to the committee
      • Committees to assign note-taker (board member?) and report back to full board during monthly meetings
      • Committees to determine annual plan, propose to full board at December meeting
      • Coordinator to attend as appropriate
      • Committee Chair Responsibilities:
        • Lead committee meetings
        • Year end work planning and reporting
        • Welcome new members
        • Set agenda and make sure notes are taken
        • Others as needed
Armatage Neighborhood Association