Upcoming Soil Health & Regenerative Agriculture Series
Join Armatage Neighborhood’s Green Team in a series on soil health and how we all can have an impact by working with, rather than against nature to help fight climate change. The series includes a virtual community screening of Kiss the Ground next week and a panel on regenerative agriculture on March 24 at 7:00pm on Zoom. Learn more and register at https://armatage.org/soilhealth/
Soil might be the last thing on your mind right now. But in a moment when the future of our planet and humankind is at stake, nothing may be more important than regenerating the ground beneath us. We’re in need of a kind of hope we’ve never felt before. All are welcome to attend whether you live in Armatage or not.
Get Involved with an Armatage Neighborhood Committee
Hi Neighbors! Did you know that Armatage has three committees that plan fun and educational events to bring the neighborhood together? Last year these committees worked as teams to host free workshops, film screenings, neighborhood clean-ups, organized food truck nights and more.
We would love for you to join us on the Safety, Equity & Outreach, Green Team, and Community Engagement Committees. Check out the Get Involved page on the Armatage neighborhood website and then choose to volunteer for a single event or join a Committee e-list to help plan new events throughout the year. Come meet new friends and neighbors while making Armatage an even better place to live!
Learn more, register for a meeting or volunteer at armatage.org/get-involved/:
- Community Engagement meets TONIGHT (Thursday, March 3) on Zoom at 6:00pm
- Safety, Equity & Outreach will meet next Wednesday, March 9 at 6:00pm on Zoom (rescheduled)
- The Green Team meets next Thursday, March 10 at 7:00pm on Zoom
Spring Market and Craft Fair
Join local nonprofit TRUST Inc. this Saturday March 5th 9:00am-3:00pm for an indoor market and raffle with food, music, and crafts for kids!
Shop from over 15 local vendors while supporting TRUST and your neighbor’s small businesses at host site Diamond Lake Lutheran Church, which is located at 5760 Portland Ave.
Remove Racial Covenants Through the Just Deeds Project
Applications are open for the Minneapolis Just Deeds Project, which provides property owners with the opportunity to discharge racial covenants recorded against their properties and reclaim their homes as equitable spaces. Racial covenants were legal documents recorded against a property’s title that prohibited all future owners of the property from selling it, renting it or allowing it to be used by people of certain races or ethnicities. Thanks to the work of Mapping Prejudice, we know that more than 8,000 properties in Minneapolis contain racial covenants including many here in Armatage (see above).
The City’s Just Deeds Project and Hennepin County will help homeowners record a discharge form against their property title, free of charge. Participation is first come, first served and applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Learn more, check whether your home has a racial covenant, and apply for the project on the city’s website here. If you have questions, contact JustDeedsProject@minneapolismn.gov.
Personal Safety & Carjacking Prevention Tips
Our Safety Equity & Outreach Committee has pulled together tips from a wide range of sources from cities across the country, local media, law enforcement, and our own committee members. As the weather warms and the days get longer, our community will likely see an increased need for these tips. We hope they help you to stay aware and stay safe.
See the full list at armatage.org/safety-tips/ Follow the ANA on Facebook or Instagram for posts to share with family, friends and neighbors.
Join the ANA Board
The Armatage Neighborhood Association (ANA) has one additional open seat on the Board of Directors! We welcome any Armatage resident that is interested in making an impact, wanting to connect with neighbors and can provide a unique perspective! This is an opportunity open to renters and homeowners alike!
The time commitment and duties are posted at https://armatage.org/open-board-seats/ If you are interested in learning more, please email us at anacoordinator@armatage.org and plan to attend the March 15 Monthly Meeting at 6:30pm on Zoom. Photo credit: Jacob Tapia.
Upcoming Home Weatherization & Old Home Workshops
Rethos, a regional nonprofit that advocates for the reuse and repair of old buildings, will be offering six free home weatherization and energy efficiency workshops to residents of Hennepin County this year! Workshops will teach residents of old buildings how to maximize energy efficiency, saving money and prolonging the life of their homes.
The first workshop, Why Old is Green: Sustainability in Older Homes, happens on Wednesday, March 16 from 5:30-7:00pm on Zoom. Pricing is pay what you can. You can learn more about the upcoming workshops and register at https://www.rethos.org/education
Final Redistricting Process Details
After every census, Minneapolis updates the boundaries of its 13 wards and six park districts to reflect new population counts. The Redistricting Group, made up of 24 Minneapolis volunteers, built the new maps with input from their communities. The Minneapolis Charter Commission approved the proposed ward and park district maps at 4:00pm yesterday (Wednesday, Mar 2).
Final steps: The City Council will vote on proposed voting precincts and polling places based on the new maps at its regular meeting at 9:30am on Thursday, Mar 10. You can watch on the City’s website, the City’s YouTube channel, or on Comcast channels 14 or 799.
Office of Police Conduct Review to Review No-Knock Warrant Policy
In the wake of the Feb. 2 fatal police shooting of Amir Locke, the Office of Police Conduct Review (OPCR), a division of the City’s Civil Rights Department, will conduct a special review of Minneapolis Police Department’s no-knock warrant policy. The review will focus on identifying and recommending specific changes and improvements to department policy and procedures. Read more here.
Minneapolis Behavioral Crisis Response Teams Expand Hours
The City’s Behavioral Crisis Response teams are now operating 24 hours a day, Monday through Friday through a pilot project with Canopy Roots. Two mobile units operate throughout Minneapolis. People having a behavioral crisis, or reporting one, should continue to call 911 for help. 911 dispatchers will gather information and determine if the incident is eligible for a mobile behavioral health team response.
The teams will not respond to incidents involving firearms or violent behavior. The MPD will only be on the scene if dispatch determines the need to clear the scene first or the response teams request assistance to complete their work. Learn more about the Behavioral Crisis Response teams pilot project here.
Armatage Park is Hiring!
Armatage Park is hiring! Positions available range from childcare staff to programmers, customer service and building supervisors! The Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board offers flexible scheduling with hours ranging from afternoon-evening, weekdays and weekends available.
This is a great opportunity for teens, young adults, retired neighbors and anyone looking for flexible, fun work. Reach out to our Park Director Jordan at Armatage@mineapolisparks.org for more information or to apply.
COVID-19 Vaccines and Testing
Vaccines: if you haven’t been vaccinated or gotten a booster yet, get a free vaccine as soon as you can. Visit mn.gov/vaccine to use the Vaccine Locator Map (more options listed below). Learn more about boosters here.
Testing: you can now order four totally free COVID-19 rapid tests per residential household through https://www.covidtests.gov/ Ordering takes just a couple minutes. For more local testing options including home saliva PCR tests, visit https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/testsites/index.html
Mask Mandate: all patrons, employees and visitors over the age of 2 must wear a mask in Minneapolis businesses and areas of public accommodation. Learn more at https://www2.minneapolismn.gov/government/programs-initiatives/coronavirus/masking-guidance/

Enjoy the eNews? Support Our Work
The Armatage Neighborhood Association works to make Armatage a place where all are welcome, empowered, and connected through safety initiatives, community-building events, environmental work, advocacy and communications that keep you informed and engaged.
Big or small, EVERY donation matters! Give today at www.givemn.org/organization/Armatage-Neighborhood-Association As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, every donation to the ANA is tax-deductible and eligible for an employer match.