Image shows a collage of cats, dogs, chickens, and even a beared dragon and a hamster and has a blue circle that says "Armatage Pet Fest"

Armatage Pet Fest Tomorrow!

Bring your furry, feathered or scaled friends to Armatage Park for our first-ever Pet Fest TOMORROW (Saturday, May 14) from 2:00-4:00pm! All are welcome, whether you have a pet to bring or not.

  • Meet adorable rescue puppies!
  • Promenade in the parade (line-up at 2:15pm)
  • Enter to win Best Dressed, Looks Most Like Owner or Goofiest Look for fabulous prizes donated by Zeroish, Woof Central and Sparrow Cafe (contest at 3:00pm!
  • Visit a pet chiropractor, get a caricature, get nail clips, see an obedience demo with True Loyalty, grab human treats from Sparrow Cafe and more!
  • Bring food, cat litter and gently used supplies to the event for People & Pets Together. Prescription food and open bags are accepted – see the full list here.

Learn more and preregister for the contest or parade at Hosted by the Armatage Community Engagement Committee.

Saturday Morning Garden Tool Swap

The citywide Garden Tool Swap happens tomorrow (Saturday, May 14) from 9:00am – 12:00pm at Armatage Park!  Bring unused yard tools, planting equipment and gardening items or pick up new supplies. You do not need to bring items to the event in order to take items home with you. Learn more at

Armatage Annual Meeting: Growing Together

The Armatage Annual Meeting is this Tuesday at 6:30pm and we hope you’ll attend! Find us next to the playground so kids can play while parents attend. In case of rain, we’ll meet indoors & masked at the Armatage Community Center.

Annual Meeting Agenda

  • Welcome and Introductions (6:30pm)
  • Updates from Elected Representatives (6:35pm)
    • State Representative Jamie Long
    • County Commissioner Marion Greene
    • Council Vice President Linea Palmisano
  • Growing Together: Stress Management & Relaxation Techniques with Julie Gramentz, Unwind Within (7:05pm)
  • Neighborhood Updates & Board Election Information (7:35pm)
  • Green Team
  • Community Engagement
  • Safety, Equity & Outreach
  • Board Election
  • Closing (7:55pm)

Get Ready for the Armatage Board Election!

Run for Board: step up as a leader in your community and run for the ANA Board! Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month and the time commitment is 5-6 hours/month. Members of under-represented communities are especially encouraged to run, including renters, people with disabilities, and residents who identify as LGBTQ+ or BIPOC. Register to run by Tuesday, May 17 at 9:00pm at


Online voting will be open from Wednesday, May 18 at 9:00am through Wednesday, May 25 at 9:00pm at We’ll publish a candidate guide when voting opens so you can learn about the folks running for the Board and vote online. Even in an uncontested election, it’s still important to weigh in. Thanks in advance for making your voice heard!

Home Help MN

If you’ve fallen behind on your mortgage, property taxes, insurance, association fees or lot rent because of COVID, get ready now to apply for the State’s Home Help MN program. Visit to learn more and access the “Get Ready” checklist.

Neighborhood Block Party

Calling all neighbors – there’s yet another fun activity happening on May 14! Logan Ave resident and local realtor, Christo Lane, is hosting a neighborhood-wide block party on the 5700 block of Logan Ave this Saturday, May 14 from 12:00–4:00pm! This event is open to all neighbors. Learn more at

(Have a free neighborhood opportunity you’d like us to share? Send us an email at

Community Connections Conference: Forward Together

Register now for an exciting day of learning, connecting and community conversation. The City’s free Community Connections Conference on May 21 from 9:00am – 3:00pm connects residents of Minneapolis, community groups, neighborhoods and local government. This year’s conference theme is “forward together,” welcoming all communities to reconnect with the City and get involved in moving Minneapolis forward. Register on the City website.The City is seeking volunteers for the conference. You can help welcome guests, guide people to community conversation sessions or keep lunch services running smoothly. Bilingual volunteers are especially helpful. Sign up to volunteer.Ride the bus or METRO light rail free to the Community Connections Conference May 21 courtesy of Metro Transit. Download your pass from Metro Transit.

Image shows a rain garden in a residential front yard with dappled sunshine coming through the trees and the light brick and tan siding of the home's exterior visible in the background.

Rain Garden Program Info Coming Soon!

The Green Team is happy to announce that this year’s Rain Garden Program received additional funding via the State of Minnesota’s competitive Lawns to Legumes Neighborhood Demonstration grant program! This matching grant allows us to help pollinators throughout our neighborhood while sharpening our focus on accessibility and equity with priority given to seniors, renters, and low-income neighbors.

All are welcome to apply and the subsidy and support level will vary. More information will be shared here and at later this month (apologies for the delay, neighbors!). You can also email us at to be added to our email notification list. Meanwhile, get inspired and check out our mini gallery of established Armatage rain gardens like this one on Logan Ave at

Support the 2022 Armatage Art Show

Please consider supporting Armatage Elementary School by making a donation to the Art Show’s silent auction on May 19. Your donation will be recognized onsite the night of the event. To donate, please print and complete the donation form here, which also includes options for submitting your donation. Thank you for supporting our hard-working neighborhood elementary students and the arts at your local public school!

Fulton & Kingfield Farmers Markets Open Soon

May in Minnesota means that farmers’ market season has finally arrived! Fulton Farmers Market launches for the season on Saturday, May 21 and Kingfield Farmers Market on Sunday, May 22.  Swing by to see many of your favorite vendors and meet some amazing new vendors! More information can be found at

City Recommends Wearing Masks Indoors

We’re unfortunately experiencing another uptick in COVID spread and hospitalizations and the Minneapolis Health Department strongly recommends everyone – vaccinated or not – wear masks in indoor public settings like stores, restaurants, theaters, family entertainment centers, schools, meetings, and local government offices serving the public.

Since mid-March, the seven-day new case rate in Minneapolis has increased by 340% from 51 COVID infections per 100,000 people to 227 per 100,000. That puts us in the high community transmission category. We’ve also seen a more than two-fold increase in our seven-day hospitalization rate since mid-March from 1.9 hospitalizations per 100,000 people to 4.8 hospitalizations, which is above the caution threshold. Learn more about the city’s COVID-19 response at

COVID-19 Vaccines and Testing

Vaccines: if you haven’t been vaccinated or gotten a booster yet, get a free vaccine as soon as you can. Visit to use the Vaccine Locator Map (more options listed below). Learn more about  boosters here.

Free Rapid Tests: order four totally free COVID-19 rapid tests per residential household at  Ordering takes just a couple minutes.

Graphic with a blue background and coral flowers that says "Donate Today. The Armatage Neighborhood Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit."

Enjoy the eNews? Support Our Work

The Armatage Neighborhood Association works to make Armatage a place where all are welcome, empowered, and connected through safety initiatives, community-building events, environmental work, advocacy and communications that keep you informed and engaged.

Big or small, EVERY donation matters!  Give today at  As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, every donation to the ANA is tax-deductible and eligible for an employer match.

Armatage Neighborhood Association