Armatage Halloween Tour Ends Saturday

Sunday, October 25 – Saturday, October 31
6:00pm – 8:00pm

There are just a few more chances to enjoy the sights and frights around Armatage for our first-ever Halloween Tour! The tour is self-guided, geared for all ages, and the map is available at so you can plan your route. Please be respectful on your adventure and wear a mask and distance if you leave your vehicle.

After you’ve checked out every stop on the tour, head back to and vote for your favorites in the following categories: Best Use of Pumpkins, Spookiest, and Neighborhood Favorite. The winning displays in each category will get a $50 gift card to an Armatage business. Open to all, even if you don’t live in Armatage.

The 2020 Election Ends on Tuesday, November 3

Voting looks pretty different this year due to COVID-19 but Minneapolis Elections and Voter Services has got you covered with safe drive through ballot drop-offs all over Minneapolis and two new early voting locations!

Have you voted yet?  If not, make your plan to return your absentee ballot and track that it was counted, vote early in person by November 2 at one of the four early vote centers in Minneapolis, or vote in person at your polling place next Tuesday. Visit or check out our resource page at for all the info you need to vote safely.

Halloween Safety

Looking to celebrate Halloween in a safe, socially distant way? The City of Minneapolis has this handy graphic to help! We hope you check out the Armatage Halloween Tour as part of your safe holiday activities. If you do plan to trick or treat, follow these tips to keep you and your neighbors safe: 

  • Stay home and don’t hand out treats if you or anyone in your household feels sick.
  • Wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth, avoid crowds, and keep 6+ feet of distance from other trick-or-treaters and neighbors.
  • Instead of a grab bowl or answering your door, have treats spaced out on a table in your yard or create a candy chute to deliver treats from a distance.
  • Visit for more ideas from the Harvard Global Health Institute and stay safe!

Public Hearing Notice

The City Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing to Amend Title 20 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances related to the Zoning Code on Monday, November 16, 2020 at 4:30 p.m. Community members may view the public hearing using the following options: Watch on Comcast Channel 14 or 799, CenturyLink Channel 8001 or 8501, or live on You can submit comments or participate by phone in the meeting by using the following website:

If you have questions, please contact the City staff person listed below.  If you would like to submit comments, you may submit them via the link above or by emailing: Amber Turnquest, Principal Planner – 612-673-5166,

Street Sweeping is Happening Now

Watch the progress. Sign up for notifications. Check for weather-related schedule changes. And learn the answers to all your street sweeping questions here.

Apply for a Minneapolis Board or Commission by Nov 1

Six major boards and commissions are seeking applications for people to help shape important City decisions. Most of the boards and commissions below meet between one and four times a month.

Examples of past board and commission work includes reviewing a proposed charter amendment related to the creation of a Department of Community Safety & Violence Prevention (Charter Commission), comparing national best practices with current MPD policies for officer interactions with those experiencing mental health crises (Police Conduct Oversight Commission), and reviewing zoning changes to allow new affordable housing options (Planning Commission).  Read more here.

Next Steps and Timeline

Now that the public comment period has closed on the Neighborhoods 2020 draft program guidelines, the City is reviewing the 244 public comments received and creating a summary. The comments and summary will be available on the Neighborhoods 2020 webpage before the City Council discusses the program guidelines, votes on November 13, and then discusses the funds needed to implement the program as designed during the City budget process.

Timeline of next steps:

  • Nov. 5: Public Health and Safety Committee public hearing and presentation.
  • Nov. 12: Budget Committee presentation to discuss the program allocations and base funding amounts.
  • Nov. 13: Full City Council vote.

Find City Council meeting calendars, agendas and decisions on the City of Minneapolis’ Legislative Information Management System (LIMS).

Apply for a Safety Rebate

The Armatage Neighborhood Association offers rebates to residents for up to $100 per calendar year for eligible home safety updates. If you’ve been thinking about upgrading your exterior lighting, deadbolt locks, adding outdoor security cameras, check our list of eligible expenses and apply for a Safety Rebate before December 31 to take advantage of the 2020 program. If you’ve already gotten a rebate this year, you’ll have the opportunity to apply again in January.

The Resident Safety Rebate program is open to both renters and homeowners and the Business Safety Rebate program is open to any business operating in Armatage.

Borrow the Neighborhood Thermal Camera

As the weather gets colder, we all feel the drafts and air leaks at our homes, rentals and businesses a bit more. Thanks to a project in the neighborhood led by Armatage resident Milo Oien-Rochat, you can check out our neighborhood’s shared thermal camera to pinpoint temperature-related energy waste in your home, business, or apartment.

Visit to learn more and sign up to get a quick tutorial and check out the camera this fall. This project was funded by the Armatage Mini Grant program.

Transforming Community Safety Engagement Plan

The City Council approved a community engagement plan to get feedback on improving our public safety system, alternatives to policing and police responses, public health-oriented violence prevention, and law enforcement reforms and/or changes to protocols and practices. The plan has four phases and is led by the Office of Violence Prevention (read more here):

  1. Phase One (October-December 2020): A community survey and public forums. Initial findings and a draft vision will be presented to the City Council in early December.
  2. Phase Two (January-March 2021): Public forums to review the goals established in the first phase plus a deeper dive into ideas for a new public safety model.
  3. Phase Three (April-May 2021): Opportunities to offer feedback on draft recommendations at public forums and online.
  4. Phase Four (June-July 2021): Finalize recommendations, incorporate feedback gathered throughout the engagement process, and give a final report to the City Council on strategies for building a new model for community safety.

Shelter for People Experiencing Homelessness

Partners from the City of Minneapolis, Hennepin County and State of Minnesota are coming together to help people experiencing homelessness find shelter as winter weather arrives. Here are a few facts – learn more and find phone numbers to call for shelter here.

  • In 2002, 1,300 people experiencing homelessness and counting have found permanent housing.
  • City, county, state and philanthropy will invest $55 million to open at least seven sites to provide emergency shelter, low-barrier housing and protective housing for people experiencing homelessness, as well as enhance existing shelters and expand support services and street outreach.
  • An additional 670 units of very affordable housing designated for people experiencing homelessness will have opened or begun construction by the end of this year.
Armatage Neighborhood Association