September 11, 2020 eNews

Share Your Comments on the New Armatage Play Area Designs

Check out the plans for new play areas at Armatage Park— and share your comments!  The comment period is open through September 18, 2020.

Here’s how to weigh in:

  1. Review the plan: Concept for Armatage Park play areas
  2. Share your comments: Take an online survey or send an email

You Could Lose Your Neighborhood Association. We Need Your Help.

Funding for neighborhood organizations like the ANA expires this December. The City is considering a new funding plan that would add equity goals and increase funding for areas of the city that need it most. But it would also drastically reduce the annual base funding for Armatage and many other neighborhoods to such a degree that core services will be in jeopardy. It’s hard to do much-needed equity work on a fraction of the funding.

If you value the ANA and our continued work in the neighborhood, please take a few minutes to comment before the deadline of September 30, 2020 at 11:59pm. Mail in the postcard we included in your latest edition of the Armatage News, email a comment, or write your own.  All the info you need to quickly comment is at

Happy Rescheduled National Night Out

To all celebrating their neighbors and block this Tuesday, September 15 as part of our rescheduled National Night Out in Minneapolis, we hope you have a safe and wonderful gathering!

Due to National Night Out, the ANA will hold its Monthly Neighborhood Meeting on September 22 instead.

Armatage Native Plant Rebates

The ANA and Green Team have launched our first-ever Native Plant Rebate program to increase pollinator habitat throughout the neighborhood! Now through September 30, you can purchase native plants locally and apply for a 50% rebate from the ANA up to $20/household.

See lists of native plants available at our local garden centers and learn more about the new program here.

Armatage Adopt a Storm Drain Challenge

Sign up to adopt a new storm drain in the neighborhood, commit to keeping it clean and free of debris that could pollute our waterways, and enter to win a $25 gift card from the ANA! All the details you need to get started are at The challenge ends September 30.

Sign up for the Fall Neighborhood Clean-up

Join the Armatage Green Team for a safe and distanced clean-up of our neighborhood streets, sidewalks, and parks on Saturday, October 3 from 9:00-11:00am as part of the citywide Litter Be Gone events! This is a great, meaningful opportunity for kids, teens and adults to show our neighborhood pride and keep trash and recycling from ending up in our waterways. We provide the supplies and a $5 gift card per household as a thank you. Learn more and sign up here.

Let’s Get Uncomfortable Workshop

Racism is everybody’s problem, and it’s well past time to start talking about it. In this conversation series, Let’s Get Uncomfortable, we’re asking you to do just that. LGU is a facilitated space to get people (particularly white people) to talk about racism, its consequences, and how we all share the responsibility to do the work for change. Need a place to start? Here you go, get uncomfortable with us. This event is happening on Tuesday, October 6th, 6:30pm – 8:30pm, is sponsored by the Armatage Neighborhood Association and hosted by Danger Boat Productions.

Space is limited to 25 people. Please register here and consider making a donation:

Download the Armatage Art Journal

Thank you to our neighbors who submitted their artwork and creations to help document this unique moment of time in Armatage. We’ve been hard at work organizing submissions and the final journal is ready! Visit to download a PDF or EPUB e-book format of the Art Journal.

About the Art Journal: submissions were collected during May and June during quarantine from COVID-19 and the civil unrest in Minneapolis. We were blown away by the creativity and beauty that we received and hope you are, too. Huge thanks to our Coordinator, Lauren Anderson, for layout and design and to Board Members, Joel Federer and Donte Mearon, for their leadership and hard work on this project.

Join Hennepin County’s Stop Food Waste Challenge

Did you know that about 40% of food is wasted somewhere along the supply chain? That’s like stepping out of a grocery store with five bags of food and dropping two in the parking lot. You may not think you waste that much food at home, but the little bits here and there add up.

Most of us don’t want to waste food, but in the dash to make dinner, food waste might not be the first thing on our minds. For those of us who want to break the shop-cook-waste cycle, the good news is that with practice, wasting less food can become an effortless cooking habit. Get started by joining the Stop Food Waste Challenge at

Get Ready to Vote in the 2020 Election

Minneapolis had its higher primary voter turnout in 50 years! Of the 130,888 ballots, 65% of them were cast early through vote by mail or early voting. Here’s everything you need to know to stay safe and exercise your right to vote this fall:

  • Register to vote or update your voter registration at
  • Vote by mail: Everyone in Minnesota is eligible to vote by mail, no reason needed. It’s quick and easy to request your absentee ballot online but allow plenty of time to request and mail back your ballot:
  • Track your ballot after you mail it at
  • Vote early in person at the Minneapolis Early Vote Center at 980 East Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis MN 55414. Hours will be posted at and please wear your mask!

Comment on Parks for All

Visit (or click on the image above) to learn more and weigh in on the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board’s Comprehensive Plan.

Free Classes through Literacy Minnesota

If you need to learn English, get your GED or Adult Diploma, gain citizenship, prepare for college or brush up on math and reading, improve your computer skills (internet and email basics, Word, Excel, and more), or train for a new career*, then the Adult Literacy Hotline can help!  They provide referral services in English, Spanish, and have interpreter service to communicate class information in 200+ languages such as Somali, Karen, Vietnamese, French and more.

Call: 1-800-222-1990
Text: 612-424-1211
Search online: