Image shows purple crocuses next to a purple background with lighter purple text that says "Armatage monthly Meeting, Tues Mar 15 6:30-8:30pm, Register to attend on Zoom at"

March 15, 2022 Agenda

Come one, come all to the Armatage Monthly Meeting next Tuesday, March 15 from 6:30-8:30pm on Zoom! You’re encouraged to attend and bring your questions, ideas, and concerns. Register to attend at

  • Welcome and Introductions (6:30pm)
  • Park Update – Jordan Nelson, Armatage Park Director (6:35pm)
  • Approval of February Minutes & Financials (6:40pm)
  • 2020-2021 CPP Annual Report (6:45pm)
  • Safety, Equity & Outreach Update (7:00pm)
  • Annual Meeting & Board Election (7:15pm)
  • Transitioning to In-person Meetings (7:35pm)
  • Coordinator Report (7:45pm)
  • ANA Committee Updates (7:55pm)
  • New Business (8:10pm)

Soil Health & Regenerative Agriculture Series

Join Armatage Neighborhood’s Green Team in a series on soil health and how we all can have an impact by working with, rather than against, nature to help fight climate change. The series kicks off TODAY with a free virtual screening of Kiss the Ground and wraps up with Regenerative Agriculture Panel on March 24 at 7:00pm on Zoom. Learn more and register at

Kiss the Ground Community Screening (now through March 24): this film unveils a game-changer to our climate crisis: the Earth’s own soil. The solution is called “Regenerative Agriculture,” which can revive farmer prosperity, reduce flooding & drought, replenish fresh water sources, reduce fire hazards, reverse global warming, recreate regional access to nutrient-dense food, reduce toxic pesticides & fertilizers, reduce dead zones & water pollution, reverse extinction, and reconnect humanity & nature.

Regenerative Agriculture Panel (March 24): experts from around Minnesota will share what’s happening right here in MN around regenerative agriculture and local food systems. Panelists will share how they’re protecting soil health, answer our questions, and help us understand what we can do locally or with our own yards.

Image shows a group of seven Armatage Neighborhood Association board, staff and volunteers standing under a tent at an outdoor summer event. Everyone is wearing navy shirts that say "Armatage".

Join the ANA Board

The Armatage Neighborhood Association (ANA) has one additional open seat on the Board of Directors! We welcome any Armatage resident that is interested in making an impact, wanting to connect with neighbors and can provide a unique perspective! This is an opportunity open to renters and homeowners alike!

The time commitment and duties are posted at If you are interested in learning more, please email us at and plan to attend the March 15 Monthly Meeting at 6:30pm on Zoom. Photo credit: Jacob Tapia.

Graphic with blue background and white text that reads "Palmisano Presents: A Conversation on Public Safety. Monday, March 21 6:30-8:00pm, in person at Mt. Olivet or livestream"

Ward 13 Public Safety Conversation

Join Council Vice President Linea Palmisano for a conversation about public safety in the City of Minneapolis on Monday, March 21 at 6:30pm. This hybrid event will be held at Mt. Olivet Lutheran Church (5025 Knox Ave S) or can be watched via livestream. Regardless of how you plan to attend, please register at

Speakers include MPD 5th Precinct Inspector Katie Blackwell, Hennepin County Director of Community Corrections and Rehabilitation Catherine Johnson, and hopefully Canopy Roots and the Behavioral Crisis Response Team. Please submit your questions ahead of time by 5:00pm on Wednesday, March 16 to

Graphic with yellow, organge, green and cream that says "Tech Help for Seniors Sat, April 23 1-3pm. Please wear a mask."

Save the Date: Tech Help for Seniors

Sat, April 23 | 1-3pm
Armatage Community Center

Come to the Armatage Community Center for free tech help on Sat, April 23 from 1:00-3:00pm!
We’re partnering with Cyber Seniors, a nonprofit that trains Minneapolis teens and connects generations!

Bring your phone, tablet, computer, or other device AND your questions on troubleshooting issues, apps, content, and more to get help from friendly, trained Minneapolis teens who will walk you through step by step.  Masks are required at all times per the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board policy. Learn more at

Image shows a collage of four images from a summer food truck night. In the top left, two men are masked and behind a table with a hydrodipping art station. In the upper right hand, many neighbors are waiting in line for food trucks. In the lower left hand, two tables are set up under tents with the Armatage logo and lots of volunteers talking to neighbors. In the bottom right, two women are monitoring organics and recycling.

Get Involved with an Armatage Neighborhood Committee

Hi Neighbors! Did you know that Armatage has three committees that plan fun and educational events to bring the neighborhood together? Last year these committees worked as teams to host free workshops, film screenings, neighborhood clean-ups, organized food truck nights and more.

We would love for you to join us on the Safety, Equity & Outreach, Green Team, and Community Engagement Committees. Check out the Get Involved page on the Armatage neighborhood website and then choose to volunteer for a single event or join a Committee e-list to help plan new events throughout the year. Come meet new friends and neighbors while making Armatage an even better place to live!

Learn more, register for a meeting or volunteer at

  • The Green Team meets TONIGHT (Thursday, March 10) at 7:00pm on Zoom
  • Safety, Equity & Outreach meets next on Tuesday, April 5 at 6:00pm on Zoom
  • Community Engagement meets next on Thursday, April 7 at 6:00pm on Zoom

Graphic shows keys for car and a house separate with the text "Safety Tip: Keep car and house keys separate."

Personal Safety & Carjacking Prevention Tips

Our Safety Equity & Outreach Committee put together these helpful safety tips and graphics with a few simple actions you can take to stay mindful AND safe.  See the full list at  Follow the ANA on Facebook or Instagram for posts to share with family, friends and neighbors.

Image shows the Mpls skyline in the background on a sunny spring day with a parking lot and LOTS of low cost trees potted and ready for pick-up by city residents.

Low Cost Tree Sales Are Coming Soon!

Start dreaming about where you have room in your yard for trees, neighbors! Minneapolis property owners will soon be able to order 5- to 8-foot trees in 30 varieties (including shade, fruit and flowering trees!) for $30 each to plant on their private property. Minneapolis property owners in Green Zones, rental property owners and property owners who haven’t ever gotten a tree in the City Trees program will get a chance to order a tree earlier:

New this year: two trees can be ordered per property! The sale closes  April 15 or when the trees run out, whichever is first. Low-cost trees are available first-come, first-served. People will pick up their trees May 21, 22 or 23 (subject to change). Location is to be determined and will be emailed to people who bought a tree. Volunteers onsite will help load each new tree and a complimentary bag of mulch into vehicles on request. Find more information and get ready to order your trees through Tree Trust here!

Image is a screenshot of the cover of the After Action Review Report

After Action Review from Civil Unrest Released

Hillard Heintze, a security risk management firm, presented key findings and recommendations of an after action review (AAR) of the City’s response to civil unrest following the murder of George Floyd to the City Council’s Committee of the Whole on March 8. Learn more about the after action review and read the full analysis here.

The analysis focuses on the City’s actions immediately following Floyd’s murder from May 25, 2020 to June 3, 2020 and recommendations to rebuild trust in the community. Watch the March 8 Committee of the Whole presentation here (start around minute 21).

Screenshot of map showing properties in the Kenny Neighborhood that had racial housing covenants in the Armatage, Kenny and Windom neighborhoods..

Remove Racial Covenants Through the Just Deeds Project

Applications are open for the Minneapolis Just Deeds Project, which provides property owners with the opportunity to discharge racial covenants recorded against their properties and reclaim their homes as equitable spaces. Racial covenants were legal documents recorded against a property’s title that prohibited all future owners of the property from selling it, renting it or allowing it to be used by people of certain races or ethnicities. Thanks to the work of Mapping Prejudice, we know that more than 8,000 properties in Minneapolis contain racial covenants including many here in Armatage (see above).

The City’s Just Deeds Project and Hennepin County will help homeowners record a discharge form against their property title, free of charge. Participation is first come, first served and applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Learn more, check whether your home has a racial covenant, and apply for the project on the city’s website here. If you have questions, contact

Two multicolor maps of Minneapolis are shown side by side. On the left, the new City Council ward boundaries are marked and in the right Park Districts are marked.

Redistricting is Complete!

The Minneapolis Charter Commission has approved new boundaries for 13 City Council wards and the six Park & Recreation districts. These ward and park district maps are available on the City website. Every registered voter in Minneapolis will receive a notice of their ward, precinct and polling place via a postal verification mailing before the primary election.

After every census, Minneapolis updates the boundaries of its 13 wards and six park districts to reflect new population counts. The Redistricting Group, made up of 24 Minneapolis volunteers, built the new maps with input from their communities. The Minneapolis Charter Commission approved the maps on March 2. The City Council will now consider and approve updated election precincts and polling place locations, all of which go into effect this year.

A flyer with a blue-green and orange background that shares free home weatherization and old home renovation classes at

Upcoming Home Weatherization & Old Home Workshops

Rethos, a regional nonprofit that advocates for the reuse and repair of old buildings, will be offering six free home weatherization and energy efficiency workshops to residents of Hennepin County this year! Workshops will teach residents of old buildings how to maximize energy efficiency, saving money and prolonging the life of their homes.

The first workshop, Why Old is Green: Sustainability in Older Homes, happens on Wednesday, March 16 from 5:30-7:00pm on Zoom. Pricing is pay what you can. You can learn more about the upcoming workshops and register at

Roll up your sleeves Minnesota graphic showing a person with a mask and a bandaid to indicate recent vaccination.

COVID-19 Vaccines and Testing

Vaccines: if you haven’t been vaccinated or gotten a booster yet, get a free vaccine as soon as you can. Visit to use the Vaccine Locator Map (more options listed below). Learn more about  boosters here.

Testing: you can now order four totally free COVID-19 rapid tests per residential household through  Ordering takes just a couple minutes. For more local testing options including home saliva PCR tests, visit

Graphic with a blue background and coral flowers that says "Donate Today. The Armatage Neighborhood Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit."

Enjoy the eNews? Support Our Work

The Armatage Neighborhood Association works to make Armatage a place where all are welcome, empowered, and connected through safety initiatives, community-building events, environmental work, advocacy and communications that keep you informed and engaged.

Big or small, EVERY donation matters!  Give today at  As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, every donation to the ANA is tax-deductible and eligible for an employer match.

Armatage Neighborhood Association