Armatage Reparations & Equity Action (AREA)
Not long ago, racial covenants barred anyone who wasn’t white from owning hundreds of Armatage homes. Armatage Reparations & Equity Action (AREA) is a new group of local neighbors raising awareness of the covenants and their legacy. Although unenforceable today, the covenants still shape Southwest Minneapolis in 2021.
AREA publicly launched in January and has inspired at least 17 Armatage households to renounce their covenants. They invite you to join them. In the weeks and months ahead, they will launch a variety of initiatives intended to counter the covenants’ long-term effects. Learn more at AREA1946.com.
Thanks to AREA for this article and photo! Learn more about their work at the link above or the March 16 ANA Meeting.
March Special Election
We’re holding a special election for one open board seat on March 16! Learn more about the duties and register to run by March 12 at https://armatage.org/march-2021-special-election/
Election and voting info for neighbors will be live at https://armatage.org from 9:00am-6:40pm on Tuesday, March 16.
Get Involved on an Armatage Committee
The ANA is launching two NEW Armatage Committees this week! Neighbors are encouraged to join and get involved. Currently, all meetings are held on Zoom. Click on each group’s link below to learn more. Register to attend a meeting at https://bit.ly/ANAmtgs
Community Engagement meets TONIGHT, Thursday, March 4 from 5:30-6:30pm.
Safety, Equity & Outreach will meet on Saturday, March 6 from 10:00-11:00am.
The Green Team will meet on Thursday, March 11 from 7:00-8:15pm.
Hennepin County Food Waste Survey
We love food, which is why most of us hate seeing it go to waste. By taking steps to reducing food waste, you can ensure that the money you spend on your food and the energy, land and water it takes to grow it and get it to you doesn’t go to waste. Reducing food waste is also one of the most important actions we can take to address climate change.
Help Hennepin County understand more about food waste so we can work together to reduce it! Take the 5 minute survey to provide insights into how you interact with food – from shopping, storage, cooking, and finally disposal – and how the county can support you in preventing food waste: https://hennepinco.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9NXd82xg4vSun8p
Second Reading Circle
Join the Armatage Green Team for a monthly reading circle on All We Can Save – Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis. The next circle is TONIGHT (Thursday, March 4) at 7:00pm on Zoom to discuss Chapter 2: Advocate. Register at armatage.org/reading-circle/
If buying a book is a financial hardship, we can help: email anacoordinator@armatage.org for a copy.
Upcoming Trial Information
Our colleagues at the Minneapolis Downtown Council put together a helpful guide with dates, links, and FAQs on the upcoming trial. Check it out at https://www.mplsdowntown.com/trial/

Accessory Dwelling Unit Survey
Researchers in Iowa State University’s Community and Regional Planning program are conducting a study on Accessory Dwelling Units and would like to hear from you! Accessory Dwelling Units (sometimes just referred to as ADUs or “granny cottages”) are smaller dwelling units located on the same lot with single family homes and can come in a few different forms, such as a converted garage, a detached unit in the backyard, or even a converted basement space.
Click the link to take the survey: https://tinyurl.com/adusurvey Both renters and homeowners are welcome to take the survey, and survey responses are anonymous. The survey includes an option to be entered into a drawing to win a $100 VISA gift card. Contact information for the drawing will be separated from the rest of your responses. Questions? Please contact Andrea Wagner (aewagner@iastate.edu) or Dr. Kathryn Terzano (kterzano@iastate.edu).